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1,329 responses to “To Send a Question

  1. Dear Doctor;
    I have always heard that when someone has unprotected sex with an HIV/Aids infected person he/she gets infected.Does this mean that when i have protected sex with an HIV/Aids infected person i will not get infected??Please advise,am very worried even for my colligues.

    • You will get aids. Aids are small enough to go through the condom and infect the other person.

    • No you will not get aids what there is a risk that the condom might break

    • Ahmed G Ahmed

      I had unprocted sex with positive woman that was not lasted of to 2 minutes can that make me positive too?

    • Im not a doctor. but im a hypochondria lol and ive done plently of research. first. unprotected sex with an hiv positive person doesnt guarentee transmission. it has more to do with his or her viral load. but why play with your life? And even in an undetectable viral load the risk is still present. secondly. yes you can still catch hiv if you use protection. However if protection is properly used as in no malfuntions are not expired or breakage you can be pretty sure that you have protected yourself successfully. always use protection. your life isnt a game of russian roulette.

      • I had unprotected vaginal sex with a prostitute and after 3week i had seen tiny dots like blisters came on my pensis foreskin and started experiencing pimples like fluid blister on my chest.. Shoulders and hands is it due to hiv… Since 11months but tested negative using tridot at 11MONTH point is it accurate enough

    • I tested positive with the good blood count and worried because I have been given arv. Medical lab each time when they have to release the results they show confusion. Last they came pending. Must continue taking them. When I tested had 20 cd count and millions of viral load the next test the viral load 36 and cd 200

  2. I stay with my aunt who has a child and neighbours say this child has AIDS.My aunt tells me to bath her and also uses my cups and plates to feed him.

    Does it mean i have got AIDS from this child?

    Should i run away?

  3. Dear Aunt;
    We have been told that when one has protected sex,they can avoid infection.But through my Biological understanding,whereas a man ejaculates through the Penis which is covered by the condom partly, the female ejaculates through the clotoris which is above the Mans pubic area.My question is ,how do the two avoid mixing their fluids? This is because the woman will ejaculate on the man’s pubic area and how will the man protect himself because the fluids will surely meet.
    Please Ant help me because i think this is what has contributed to the increasing HIV/Aids infection.

  4. HEALTH & LIVING | November 15, 2007

    Can we achieve an HIV free generation?Globally, about half of those newly infected with HIV each year are under the age of 25. As international youth leaders gather to discuss HIV among other issues at the Commonwealth Youth Forum in Entebbe, Kakaire A. Kirunda spots shortcomings in Uganda’s attempts to achieve an HIV-free generation Against a soothing instrumental background, female friends in a popular radio spot on several local radio stations discuss the hazards of sugar-daddies. Mary: Let me tell you about this friend of mine. A few months ago she told me mbu [that] she met this nice guy with a lot of money. Yes he was married but he treated her like a queen, took her to all the nice clubs, and bought her a really cool phone. Even the expensive clothes, he bought. Now yesterday she came to me crying, her world is falling a part. She has just found out that she is pregnant. Kate: And the nice man?Mary: He is not interested. He is tired of her. But that is not the worst part; she is also infected with HIV.Kate: Girls! The gifts, the nights out, the cash, can never be worth your life and future. Older men are taking advantage of you and putting you at risk of HIV infection in exchange for these bu [small] things. This practice is called cross generational sex. Respect yourselves, do what I do. Say no to sugar daddies. Cross generational sex stops with you.” TARGET: Many young people are increasingly falling prey to HIV/Aids after years of successful battles against the disease. Photo by Bruno Birakwate
    Uganda wants an HIV-free generation and to help to achieve this, the government has begun an onslaught against so-called cross-generational sex. The practice is defined as young people, especially girls, entering into sexual relationships with people who are more than ten years older. Catchy as it is, I believe this media campaign is in danger of overlooking an inconvenient truth – young people are not contracting HIV simply because they have sexual relations with older people, they are also at risk of transmitting HIV to one another. It’s all very well telling young people to ‘say no to sugar daddies’ but any campaign that ignores the fact that many young people will continue to have sexual relationships is likely to fail. The fact is that young people will continue to contract HIV unless they talk honestly to their sexual partners about their HIV status (whatever their age). What’s more, there are many thousands of young people across Uganda and across the globe who are HIV positive as a result of contracting the virus at birth and they want to exercise their right to loving relationships. Research indicates that gone are the days when most infants infected with HIV died within the first two years of life. The advent of antiretroviral therapy has seen many people who would have died, living to adulthood as long as they access the life saving medicines. Many of the adolescents who now know their status are seeking to become sexually active and even to have children. In 2006, the oldest surviving of these young people born with HIV in Uganda turned 23 years old, thanks to antiretroviral therapy. The latest statistics showed there were significant numbers of adolescents registered at support organizations in Uganda. At the end of 2006, The Aids Support Organisation (Taso) had registered 4,696 ten to nineteen-year-olds living with HIV since infancy. The Mildmay Centre had over 600 young people, while the Pediatric Infectious Disease Clinic at the national referral Hospital in Mulago had over 500 young people. During a media dialogue organised by the Mildmay Centre and the Uganda Aids Commission this year, Dr Ivy Kasirye, a paediatrician at the Mildmay Centre said dealing with the adolescents was complicated. “By the nature of the fact that they are adolescents and we all know what adolescents are, and the fact that they also have a package of HIV with them is a hard situation,” she said. “As it is natural, they become experimental, they have natural desires. So one of the biggest challenges we have is handling sexuality in our adolescents.” The Population Council and its partners, using funds from the United States Agency for International Development has just done the first ever study addressing the reproductive health needs of adolescents born with HIV in Uganda. This research focused on the lives of these adolescents and is subsequently developing the first generation of tools to assist those providing them with care and support. But the research produced worrying results. It was a sample of 732 people in the 10-19 age group. And it shows that many are dating and others desire to love and be loved, which are genuine rights. But problem comes in when results indicate that 39 percent of these young people are in a casual relationship yet 51 of the entire study sample are afraid of disclosing their HIV status. Further to this, 61 percent of the sexually active surveyed said they did not use any protective method during first time sex. And it also emerged that 62 per cent of those in a relationship have never discussed their HIV status with their current partner, while 67 percent do not know the status of their current partner. A 17-year-old teenager living with HIV who gets treatment from one of the TASO centres in eastern Uganda said: “I am in a sexual relationship but I have not yet told my status to my partner whose sero status I am not aware of. I am afraid to tell her. What if she rejects me?” Unless he uses protection, not only can he transmit the virus to a partner but he is also in danger of becoming re-infected with another strain of HIV if his partner is HIV positive. Many teenagers, including those living with HIV are hesitant to discuss their sexual behaviour with their service providers. The research found that counseling by service providers in Uganda is often inadequate. The young people surveyed felt that they were being lectured and not given a chance to discuss their own views. The Population Council (PC) research further found that the counsellors also often warn against sex, relationships or dating, with sometimes, providers talking to parents or guardians rather than the child. Strong emphasis is being put on abstinence until marriage for all young people regardless of their HIV status. To this, more interventions are needed to realise the dream of an HIV free generation in the country. An analysis of PC’s research indicates that there is obvious need to avail information to positive teenagers and handy support to enable them negotiate vital aspects of their lives, avoid infection of others and self-re-infection. This information would also enable them understand their sexuality as they grow and make informed choices and be able to balance responsibility with sexual and reproductive desires. Panos Features

  5. I am girl, I have a friend who plays sex with boys and she told me also to play sex with them. What can I do? I have heard about AIDS and don’t want to get it.

      Am short of words, i am so happy
      because DR OJUKWU has healed me from HIV ailment
      which i have been suffering from the past 7years
      now, i have spend a lot when getting drugs from the
      hospital to keep me healthy, i have tried all means in
      life to be free from this HIV virus, but
      there was no answer until i found DR OJUKWU the
      the man of African who provide me some healing spell
      that he uses to help me, now i am glad tellingMY HIV HEALING TESTIMONY
      Am short of words, i am so happy
      because DR OJUKWU has healed me from HIV ailment
      which i have been suffering from the past 7years
      now, i have spend a lot when getting drugs from the
      hospital to keep me healthy, i have tried all means in
      life to be free from this HIV virus, but
      there was no answer until i found DR OJUKWU the
      the man of African who provide me some healing spell
      that he uses to help me, now i am glad telling
      everyone that i am now HIV Negative, i am very
      happy, thank you DR OJUKWU for helping my life comes
      back newly without any form of crisis, may the good
      lord that i serve bless you DR OJUKWU and equip you to
      the higher grade for healing my life. i am so amazed.
      so i will announced to everyone in the world, that are HIV positive to visit DR OJUKWU for permanent cure, even other type of sickness like, cancer of the blood, any type of virus he is perfect, email him on DR.OJUKWUTELLERSPELL@GMAIL.COM or contact him on he is the best, thank you DR OJUKWU.

    • My name is Melissa Pints from USA My boyfriend and I were happy as far as I could tell and I never thought that we would break up. When his cousin died in a tragic car accident he went back to Philippine for a week to be with his family. I could not go because I was in the middle of entertaining out of town clients for work. He did not seem to be upset that I could not go so I let him be. The next thing that I know, he reconnected with an old friend from high school that he had a crush on years ago and they started to have an affair! I had no clue what was going on until a month after he came back from Philippine.He proceeded to see both her and I until I caught him testing her one night. I confronted him and he told me the truth about what happened. We broke up and went our separate ways. Neither of us fought for our relationship. I was angry and decided not to be upset about it and just keep it moving. Then after about a month of not speaking to him I became sad. I wanted him to tell me that he wanted to be with me and not her. I contacted Dr. ATOSI for a love spell and he totally helped me! he was able to get him to miss me to where he wanted to get back together again. He had a lot of regrets and felt bad for not fighting to keep me and for cheating in general. He values our relationship so much more now and we are together now! You can also get your lover back with the help of Dr. ATOSI contact him through his email:

  6. Namudiba - Mayuge

    My friend is below 18 years old and pregnant and has AIDS. What problem will she face when giving birth and how can I help her?

  7. Yakubu from Musita

    When i have sex with a girl i feel pain in my penis after. What causes this? How can i stop this pain?

  8. TIBALWA FAITH P.6, 12years Bufulubi Primary School

    When a mother and father have HIV / AIDS, can they produce children without HIV/ AIDS?

  9. Hisha, 12 years old

    I am a young girl, played sex with a young boy will I get AIDS?

  10. Sharif, Primary Six

    Why do other people get rashes in their private parts? Is one of the causes having many women?

    • I did sex wid 4 mans and they all was unprotected can i hav chances to get aids…plz help me i m so much wrrying abt it….plz help me

  11. My mother is infected with HIV/AIDS. My father is infected with HIV/AIDS. Who of them had AIDS first?

  12. Namusoke - Musita

    My parents want me to go and marry. For me I want to study. What can I do?

  13. Student, Musita Primary School

    After my parents died, they left me with my grand parents. But they force me to get marriage with a girl who is older than me .What can I do?

    • Well if your over 18 you do have a choice.its your choice if you want to marry but I have heard sometimes in religions you are forced but if not then say no it’s YOUR choice


    Why people get Hiv/Aids but not animals yet their also play sex?

  15. So, if sex is bad because of HIV/AIDS is masturbation good because since I am playing only with myself there is no one to infect me?

  16. What is the longest time that I can live with HIV without getting sickness but staying healthy even when I do not have medicine?

  17. By Babirye Christine

    How can I identify an HIV positive person?

  18. What sex does HIV/AIDS kill fast, given that they get it at the same time .Is it female or male?

  19. Tusubira Brenda Sarah,S.3 Hillside secondary school

    Why is it that some people suffering from HIV/AIDS have rushes and others do not?

  20. Salima Atieno primary seven, Musita primary school

    Why does a person suffering from HIV/AIDS grow slim?

  21. Namutamba Jenipher, Musita primary school

    What really causes AIDS? I don’t understand. Please help

  22. is it possible, if a monkey that has bitten an aids infected person, for the monkey to get aids

  23. Hello I have a ? .I would like to know that a friend had ask me y her clotoris swollens n hurts only when her period is coming n it goes away when it stops. She also would like to know she has been to an annual exam but the doctors had told her everything is just fine but she said she has that problem almost 1yr n 1/2. She is very imbaress to go to another doctor. What should i tell her to do? She had also told me that when her clotiris was swollen some white kind of pimpos come out. All that happens when her period is coming n goes away when she finishes her period. thnk u for ur attencion. A very consern best friend.

    • I mean it could be Genital Herpes!! White pimples?? When they pop they could like turn into sores &d it might be really painful..

  24. We would be glad if you would consider adding the PatientsLikeMe community for HIV [] to your BlogRoll. At PatientsLikeMe members share information about their treatment, symptoms, and disease in the cause of generating new knowledge that will improve outcomes and quality of life. You can read more about PatientsLikeMe at our blog []. Thank you for your attention.

  25. Does having unprotected, having vaginal sex with someone who is HIV positive mean that you are absolutely going to become infected?
    If no is the answer, how much is the chances/percentage/probability to get infected? and what are the things that increases the chances to get infected by having unprotected sex?

  26. Can animals, such as dogs, cats ect. get HIV/AIDS?

  27. why is it that when a mosquito bites two people, when one has HIV and another without, they cannot get infected and yet HIV is spread through blood contact? Remember they are in the same room.

  28. hi i have sex with a girl without condom i am very much afraid …. it was only for 30 seconds and there was no complete sex …. i am very afraid that HIV spreads in such a little time or not …. plz do reply

    • Hes HIV/AIDS Naw we didnt use condom for two 2 times and he cum outside of my viginer in four(4) days i went to the clinic for pep to privent HIV am i going to be infected or what..what are th chances..

  29. Ima really very worried about Hiv.
    One night i made 2 minutes sex without condom.
    Though iam not so sure if the woman was positive iam really very worried and got stress about that .
    Please make sure taht iam not sure taht i put my pen in the vagina.
    I need your advise and how is the risk of that action.

  30. i performed oral sex on a woman one night…..and i am very very worried that i may have hiv aids, doctor what do you think are my chances are of getting aids?

  31. while giving a tb shot, i accidently got sprayed a little around the eye w/ tuberculin because the needle was not deep enough in the skin. then I found out the person had hiv. after the needle puncture the skin, can hiv be transmitted throught the eye? From what i remembered, there was no blood around my eye?

  32. I had an uprotected sex with a teenager who is HIV positive. We had it within 30minutes in just a day. Within this 30minutes i had it for only 3 rounds and on each round it took us a maximum of 2 minutes. Does it mean that i automatically have have HIV in me.

  33. I am on medication (combivir and efaverenz) I do drink beer but not excessively is ther a problem with this.

  34. Hi Doctors,
    I am a 24 male.
    I have once had unprotected sex with a girl. The sex was not completed. If she is a HIV positive, what is the chance of me being inflected.
    Please answer my question asap, I worry a lot.

  35. Dear Doctor,

    I recently had unprotected oral sex with HIV+ female for just about four to five seconds, I observed that she had some black spots in her mouth, her oral hygiene was bad, May be she had mouth ulcers or some other thing which i d’t know, If she had ulcer and suppose if there is any blood in her mouth, What are my chances that i get HIV from this unprotected oral sex for just five seconds?

    Please answer


  36. why is it when u touch on electricity when on slippers it doesn’t shock u immediately

    u can help me there

  37. If i have done masterbed frequently and then have sex with out any protection with a person who is not infected with hiv then am i suffering from hiv.

  38. just wanna know if i masturbed oftenly using my own saliva will i get any hiv or aids or std please reply cause i do need your help in this simple question

  39. Dear doctors,

    I am dead worry. I have done the most foolish thing.

    I am gay and i met a guy online, he came over and we french kissed for a while. Then when i undressed him i found that his penis is bleeding. (I have not have any contact with his blood at all) I immediately asked him to leave and clean everything he touches.

    I asked him and he said he just realised it, and claimed he must got a cut from his zipper. But i know that might just be nonsense.

    I am very very worried i have contracted any form of diseases, especially HIV by french kissing him. Yes, i have bleeding gum problem but it wasnt bleeding at that point.

    I am sorry, but i am breaking down and crying now. I don’t know why am I so silly.

    Please help me by telling me what to do next. How long should i wait before i go for a HIV test? Is there anything i can do, i rinsed my mouth immediately with all sorts of alcohol but i know that’s just stupid actions.

    Please help me.

  40. Hi,

    My aunty is suffering from AIDS, She has tremendous weight loss during this year. For past one week she has stoped eating food and taking liquid also. She only has one cup of coffee and nearly half a glass of juice a day, which is making her more weak, she is not able to speak complete sentense, just try to speak with words, not able to seat more than 10 minutes. She has this problem for past 7 yrs but inspite of this problem she was taking care of whole home. Though she started loosing her weight but she sounded very strong everytime. But for past 8 days she has become more weak, she has acute headache (head pain) problem, temperature and complete body paining problem. Her age is 51. We are taking her to the doctor from where she is taking treatment for 7 yrs, Doctor is telling that she will have this headace problem and temperature.
    Please tell me how can we help her to reduce her problem(Headace, temperature and could not take food)? Because she is having very tough time?
    Please advice what care needs to be taken for her??
    And as she is at home and we are taking care of her what precautions we should take??

    Poonam from Mumbai

  41. Acheing Juliet 16 years old

    What is HIV prevalence?

  42. Belinda Masese Girls School

    What is STARHS?

    • malime micheal

      What is STARHS? The standard HIV antibody test tells whether or not a person is infected with HIV, not when they were infected. The CDC has developed the Serologic Testing Algorithm for Recent HIV Seroconversion (STARHS) to determine whether people with HIV may have been infected recently (within the past year). STARHS uses two enzyme immunoassays (EIAs): a standard HIV EIA that is sensitive to low levels of HIV antibodies and a modified, less sensitive (LS) HIV EIA that is less sensitive to low levels of HIV antibodies. Specimens that react to the more sensitive (standard) EIA, but not on the less sensitive EIA, indicate a lower level of HIV antibodies and therefore likely to represent a newer infection.

      STARHS was developed to look at HIV infection in groups

  43. Naluwemba Gorretee 22 years old

    How safe is the blood supply?

  44. Mukisa Frank Bugodi Village

    What can be done to prevent HIV?

  45. Batambuze Geofry Bulanga T/C

    Where can I get more information about transmission and prevention of HIV?

  46. Hi, Im wondering if a person with hiv worked in a circus, is it possible for the animals to get it through blood eg, cuts, bites ect.


    • Malime Micheal

      No animal blood such as that of cuts and other animals can not surport survial of the HIV /AIDS .
      This is simply becouse HIV stands for Humans Immuno Virus.


  47. Can you get hiv if two people are having unprotected sex and they both have hsv?

  48. i have a friend who is a doctor and the spinal fluid of a hiv patient entered her it possible for her to contact hiv like this?

  49. Is it true that some people are resistant to AIDS?

  50. musa ben hillside sss

    Sex is natural. How can you stop us from it?

  51. Is there a way that a human can get HIV from an animal?


    please help me,i have rash on my private part,i get it almost every month,i also dont get my periods on a monthly basis,sometimes after 3 or 4 months,i am not pregnant,i consulted GP’s and gyaenogologist,but with no help.

  53. Hi, im a married lady with 2 sons n my husband was having a affair with another married lady for 3 yrs, n that lady already had an affair with someone else. my husband was un safe while having intercourse with her.i believe even she is hiv negative. so what are the chances of my husband getting hiv positive

  54. Hi, I have unprotected sex with a female about 3 days ago. I now have a red rash in the tip of my penis, an it itches. any ideas what it mite be?

  55. hallo
    i dont had any sexual contacts.but i just kept my mouth on a girls nipple.i dont know wheather she is HIV infected or not will i get aids.

  56. I need to start an aids awarenes project for primary school learners. how do I go about it? starting from the first step to the budgeting.

  57. Last month i found out that i am HIV positive. I am gay and had unprotected sex. They other person dosnt know that im positive, and im afraid to let him know. I want him to know about it but im scared. He isnt a boyfriend or anything. But what do i do about letting him know?

  58. my girlfriend she is married if i have sex with her is there any chance of HIV

  59. what is a mans chance of contractin hiv by 30 seconds of penile

  60. hi ,
    this is is nisarg and i m in 1 st year i want some in fo for AIDS program bcoz our college has give chance us to aware to other about this so plz send how we can present like written project

  61. what is he population effeced with hiv approximately in india and around the globe?


  63. Mwesigwa Joel

    Dear Doctor,

    One and a half years ago, i was having sex and the condom broke. I ralised after about 30 seconds that it had broken and i pulled out and washed the penis. The girl was dry and this led to the breaking of the condom. I don’t trust the girl and iam not sure of her hiv status. If she was positive, what are my risks of contracting the disease? Was this duration of non protected sex enough for me to get hiv? Is the duration of one and half years enough for the symptoms to appear and if so, what symptoms should have occured? What advice can you provide in my situation? Thank you.

  64. Can some get AIDS from juice made by an affected person?

  65. after just had unprotected sex what one should do as protection or remedial against contracting STD

  66. will one contracts aids by kissing

  67. I touch his pussy and then i touch my pennis. Is there any possibility of Aids.

  68. hey , i had an un protected sex with a girl it was for a short while i didnt come inside she looks clean , i know her for almost 4 month i doughs that she might have sex we went to test but she came up negative , is that a final negative coz i heard and read it has to be more than 6 month to know for sure ?!!!!! can i please get an answer for that ?!!!

  69. hi i had sex with prostitute in that time the condom was broken but i dont know its is broken….after finishing i saw that the condom was broken. after that i went to bathroom and my penis clean with soap and dettol if any chances 2 cum hiv….plz give me reply……

  70. am inferior wen someone told me that hiv is global.why this virus most found in africa?and killing only black people.does it occur in Europe.i have never seen white person affected of the virus.

  71. I was having an unprotected sex with one girl now its one week but i have discover that she is using ARV’s medicine and i have asked her she told me its for 13 years now and we have sex for just like two hours am i infected directed and ist possible for me to be negative and if possible how many percentage

  72. hi, last week i met with a prostitute, she made me masturbate,that time her finger touch my penis hole, as she is professional & she could did that with many people at that time & her hand was not wash out , can i get hiv?

  73. I just read all of these questions and am quite saddened. The majority of people asking questions, are asking them after the fact, after it may be too late. I have the absolute 100 percent full proof way of preventing HIV and STD;s. It’s called Abstinence! Now some of you may say that is not the reality of the world we live in today. Here is the reality of the world we live in today…… we live in a world with an epedemic of HIV positive people as well as those with STD’s. No matter how many researches come up with ways to prevent or reduce the risk of HIV and STD’s it will never be full proof. What is so alarming is that there are people out there who have HIV and don’t tell anyone and continue to spread it, there are people who are out there who have HIV and think they are being safe but the condom breaks, there are people out there who don’t ask before they have sex or don’t get tested before they have sex and they will end up on this type of forum asking these type of questions and will enevitably do it again and take the risk of contracting or giving HIV to the next person. Eventually we will end up in a society who will either be affected by or infected by HIV. The reason is, is because of the kind of people on this forum who act first then ask questions later. We as a society inevitably suffer as a whole because of the rising cost of health care to treat people with this disease. Gay and Lesbian groups are so quick to call Christians and other people who disagree with their cause “ignorant”, “hateful” and “bullies”, yet they are the ones who have the highest rate of HIV infections! There are those who are out there that say “live and let live” as long as it doesn’t affect you leave them alone”. Wake up people, it does affect you! Clearly it is not just homosexuals who use bad judgement it includes bi-sexuals and straight people as well. How many times do people have to be told? Why is it that people don’t see that by pushing homosexual education in our schools is equiping them with how to have “safe sex” it is not only condoning it, it is teaching them that while there is risk as long as you do “A” “B” and “C”, you should be fine! It is an outrage! What happened to teaching our young people about having morals and values? About waiting? Teens today, don’t even take the time to get to know each other anymore, as soon as they post “in a relationship” on their facebook account they are moving on to the next level and that is sex! No wonder our youth today hae so many problems. They are suffering from depression, suicidal thoughts or attempts, unwanted pregnancy, drug abuse, alcohol abuse and STD’ and HIV Where will it stop? When will parents step up and start paying attention to what their kids are doing, what they are watching or listening to, who they are hangng out with? When will parents whose kids have “come out” stop feeling pressured by society to “accept” this as the norm? Why not try to find out why your child feels this way? What has happened in their life? Is it social conditioning, molestation, a trend? When our Father in Heaven was taken out of the schools that is where we see a decline, when our Father in Heaven is removed from the home, that is where we see the decline. It is so simple but people want to make it difficult. We are raising a society of heathens and on judgement day we as parents will be held accountable as to why we did not teach them under the admonishment of God!

  74. am doing a research on teenagers who are born hiv aids positive what are likely to be the problems they face

  75. My girl tested negetive to hiv does that mean that am free.

  76. dear dr,
    1 week back i do sex with unknown lady using condoms.i will check the condoms after completing the sex whether it is torn t or not.they were not torn.i have one doubt.iwhen i touch the condom some fluids of her were touch to my hand.i forgot to wash hands and take the it virus transmitted through the mouth when i m taking dinner.i m somuch worried about it.plz give me suggestion.i want to go for hiv dna pcr test.what is the window period for it?kindly clear my doubts

  77. What are some of the socio-economic challenges facing young people with HIV/Aids, teenage pregnancy,drug abuse,violence against childrend and women

  78. Reply to BUKYABUBI ABBEY;

    The HIV Virus is human only thats why animals can not contact it or transmite it.

  79. Dear Sir,
    Last July, 2010 I had sex without condom. 2 days after i found samll red spots on my penis. I went a doctor and he took herpes test but result found negative. one month after I took STD test and Elisa. Doctor told me all of negatives results. after one month I took a surgery of my nose for breathing problem. this happening I think 5-6 years. But now I have little itching end skin of my penis and urine time I have hot and spicy problems and some time I have little head heach. tell me doctor, I have any problem

  80. Dear Doctor,
    3 months ago, i was having sex and the condom broke. I ralised after about 45 seconds that it had broken and i pulled out and washed the penis. The girl was dry and this led to the breaking of the condom. I don’t trust the girl and iam not sure of her hiv status. If she was positive, what are my risks of contracting the disease? Was this duration of non protected sex enough for me to get hiv? Is the duration of one and half years enough for the symptoms to appear and if so, what symptoms should have occured? What advice can you provide in my situation?
    Thank you.

  81. Hello Doctor, Im a 23 year old female. Im trying to have a baby and my mother told me the story of my birth. She didnt know she was pregnant with me and she was using drugs real bad when she was pregnant. The day i was born i had to have at least 10 -12 shots every few hours. Later she told me that when she was giving birth to me that she had an STD. I told her that i was trying to concieve. Shes happy and cant wait for a grandbaby then she drops the bomb on me saying that i might not be able to have children because of the STD i was born with. Is it true? I cant have kids because of HER STD? WHAT SHOULD I DO? I WANT TO HAVE CHILDREN. PLEASE HELP.

  82. If i had sex with a married person who is not HIV positive then is there any chance of getting affected to me?

  83. if he dont have hiv how will you get hiv ?!!!!!

  84. what is the risk level of having protected sex for the first time with a prostitute .

  85. i think there will always be a chance as the condom might break or there might be any small cuts that you dont notice that might lead to infection so there is no 100% sure opinion

  86. if a person is doing sex only by nipples not by vagina then that person will be suffer from aids or not.

  87. If a drop of water enters the eye where an hiv person was bathed is it infectious?

  88. can a person get infected by hiv if the partner is using arv’s? I had that the risks are low but not true is that?

  89. Taiwo mohammed

    Hiv is not a disease it is a spiritual harm bt my problem is that it affect the innocent ones.

  90. Dear doctor, i have oral sex with a man, after that i found that my mouth have a spot but no blood, if he had hiv, will i get it too? For a few weeks, i found that my throat have white thing on it, i don’t know what is it, is it a symptom of hiv? Pls answer me as soon as possible because now i’m very worry about that.

  91. hi doctor this is nikhil here i have a question tht i had sex with ma frnd and after tht i came to knw tht im the third person to have sex with her and i didnt took any protection while havin sex with her so may i get hiv from tht o will she havin hiv… but those two guys are not hiv affectd.. plz answer ma questions soon coz im fearing a lot of gettin infected

  92. i had sex with three partners who al are hiv negative,,, my doubt is having multiple sex partners(all hiv negative) will lead to aids

  93. i had sex with three partners who al are hiv negative,,, my doubt is having multiple sex partners(all hiv negative) will lead to aids.. heys guys plz help me out .. should i take hiv test …am afraid

  94. Q.well i had sex with a callgirl last week without condom but during half way i wear condom do i have chance of hiv.after sex i saw some blood spot over my condom what was that. Aakash GKP

  95. A friend of mine want to get married to an hiv positv girl and was told to be using condom and if she is in ovulation he can sex her without condom and will not be affected. I.e if he wanted a child. Can this be possible?

  96. A friend of mine want to get married to an hiv positv girl and was told to be using condom and if she is in ovulation he can sex her without condom and will not be affected. I.e if he wanted a child.

  97. Can u get HIV if u are having unprotected sex with a non infected person?

  98. can a docter tells from where a person got hiv aids,

  99. Dr !
    I just had sex nd i used a condom ! But the girl bled a bit nd a bit of the blood stayed on the begining of my penis while taking off the condom. I quickly washed my penis off with dettol. How are the chances of me getting HIV

  100. sir . i have done sex to a married women fo 6 times. but still she will her sex with her husband. but my doubt is that is any chance of gettin any sexual diseases with out usind condom

  101. My HIV positive partner rubbed his penis on my clitoris and put it in for about 3 seconds and took it out. we were both wet at the time. Is there a possibility I got infected in these 3seconds. He did not come inside me.

  102. Hi i want to know when you have sex with a prostitude. In middle of sex you finger prositude vagina and like saliva from her vagina. Will i be infected from hiv . Please let me know??

  103. hi im caress a friend of mine and her boyfried just found out he had hiv they have been using condoms but one time they had sex unprotected for like 3 mins but he did not ejucate in her and then the same thing happen again another time does that mean my friend how have hiv

  104. Hello sir i have a small dout that is there any chance that hiv is present in saliva n there is any chance that when we have kept our penics in to the mouth of infected person or their penics is kept in our mouth with out passing any fluid expect saliva is touching to the tips of our penics please give me reply as soon as possible

  105. Hello sir, there is a chance that hiv present in saliva? and any hiv like virus can pass through saliva when our penis kept into the mouth of infected person or when they kept their penis into our mouth with out passing any fluids into the mouth expect saliva is touching to the opening ends of penis. please send me reply as soon as possible.

  106. i am medical student 24yrs old and i have been dating with my collage-mate for like month now, we have been having protected sex until 2 weeks ago we had unprotected sex, 4 days latter i experienced urethral discharge associated with dysuria. i went to see a doctor and i was dx with std so we both got treated and we were cured. since this episode we decided to test our self for hiv we used SD- bioline, and my results were negative but for my partner it was reactive. so from then we have been having bad time, and we don’t know what to do , we are not sure if is false positive or a true positive. and if she hiv positive what are my risk of being infected.

  107. hi im kinda serial dater…i slept with 11 guys this year alone since my last test and i was negative…but i used condoms on 3 only …..the rest are still in contact with me and reassure me they don’t have it,but they have not been tested…but all circumcised and we still remain friends and they don’t seem to have less then 10 partners each since they have had sex ,so i know their not trying to pull a hit and run….i have an episotomy wound which ripped opened after i gave birth but had sex six months after surgery …does that up my chances of contracting..if it was not fully healed ?am i going crazy?i haven’t been able to sleep ..i want to get tested but the last time i has sex was in end of august is it too early?please help me

  108. If 2 boys slep on each other necked and they release seman on each other & they take in mouth of each oter peni without taking seman insidbody do itis posible that thy sufer from aids if they both are non hiv patien. If yes what symptom wil apear to them

  109. They donot use condom to do gay sex and it has been frequently dond nine to ten time only sleeping on each other, but took in mouth for twice only for second . Self afraid ……….. Help please sir

  110. beginning of the sex ,for nearly about 40 seconds i forgot to put condom while having sex with a prostitute, then i realised and continued the sex.

    is there any risk of getting aids…

  111. while having sex with a prostitute i forgot to put condom and started doing sex , after 40 seconds i realised and i have put the condomand continued the sex.
    this is my first time having sex with a prostitute .the very next 2 hours later, there is a slight burning sensation in my pennis.Is this a sysmtom to aids?
    for this 40 seconds ,is there any risk of getting aids…?

    plz Help me, i am very afraid…
    shall i go for hiv test immediately …..

  112. question..honestly i am whole and soul in love with aunt who is married and having two kids and she love her husband too and having sex with him often and now she loves me a lot, we are both in true love not able to leave each other, fortunately or unfortunately we had a sex thrice but never took any precautions like wearing codoms and we three are not infected with any diseases like HIV/AIDS..but as it was a long gap, and to satisfy her husband too, she had a sex with him too..after that i didnt had as she is out of any chances of AIDS in this drama? and not only this, i feel like doing sex with her again and i just want to live this life with her..i dont have a problem, when she will have sex with her husband…all i need is can she share sex with both of us? as she wish that becoz she neither not able to say No to her husband nor me, how can i contnue with her regarding sexual interactions..story might be tragic but its true, i need some pretty advice..mentally i am fit.i can live and love her without even having sex but consequences would be different sometimes,i just want to have sex one more time with her with or without condom, is it ok if it is without condom as i feel like i am not doing sex with any prostitute and i am in love with her madly as we understand our lives each other in many aspects, personally, professionally hope u all understand

  113. If one had unprotected sex with an HIV positive lady once. What are the person’s chances of getting infected with HIV

  114. can i get HIV if i sleep with only negative girls?

  115. If iam sex with animal will cause for hiv?

  116. Is it possible that i could be positive when i have sex with a positive person bt we were using condom nd it burst while we were having sex?

  117. Hi ,
    i am a male
    Six years before once a i inserted my penis inside a womens female part , at that time i did not let any sperm inside
    and hope fully she also did not have any kind of fulid

    later 15 days ago i heard that women has HIV and which is in starting stage . Is there very high chance for Getting HIV for me also ?
    Expecting for your reply soon
    Thanks and regards

  118. Girl had sex with 2 boys will she get aids

  119. Hi Everyone

    I am really worried about the biggest mistake I had done in my life. I will give detail information about this. Please help me as am worried a lot and not feeling like eating/drinking/sleeping.

    I am male and 29 yrs old. Almost 24 hrs back i.e 13-Nov-2011 20:30 (now time is 14-Nov-2011 19:45), I met a stranger who is around 45 years inside a bus stand. I went inside the Toilets for urine and he saw me there. He started chatting with me and started touching my penis. Later he asked me to come inside the bathroom. I had followed him. I am educated guy but I had gone out of my mind yesterday with the pleasure I was getting. We went inside the bathroom and he sucked my penis for around 20 sec. Later he asked me to turn back and kept his Penis inside my anal and did sex for around 1 min. After that he asked me to insert my penis inside his anal. I did that and had sex for around 2 min. The entire time we had spent inside the bathroom would be less than 10 min. But I left my semen inside his anal. I am not sure whether he also left his semen inside my anal. We had this intercourse without condoms.

    I then realized what a mistake I had done. Within 5 min, I washed my penis and anal part with water. I am so much afraid because the guy started telling me after our sex that he regularly exploits men and have homo sex. This is the first time ever I had unprotected sexual intercourse and with a male too this is the first time ever I had sex. The most unfortunate thing and pity is I am married and I have a kid who was born 3 months back. I never had any sexual relations either with guys or girls except my wife till yesterday. I left the guy later and got into my bus. It took me 12 hrs to reach my destination and I immediately went inside the bathroom and washed my penis and anal area with diluted anti bacterial liquid water. I then rushed inside the Hospital and told everything to the doctor. I gave my blood for all the tests he suggested. I will get the results in 3 days. I am so worried and I wish I wont be affected because I would never want to get myself into this situation again.

    Please tell me the answers for following questions and anything which I am missing here and I should know.

    1) What are the chances of me getting the virus on my very first unprotected intercourse with a stranger assuming he has HIV+.
    2) When can I rest assure that I am not infected. Because Doctor says all these tests are preliminary and I should go for the tests again after 3 months and 6 months.
    3) He suggested me some test to go after 4 days and asked me to give my blood samples. I don’t remember the name of that test. He tells me that If I go for that test and if it is Negative, there is 99.9% chance that I wont be effected.
    4) He used his mouth on my penis. So his saliva touched my penis. He had sex with me and I too had sex with him in anal. Will HIV transmits even with 1 min or 2 min sex?

  120. Hey I recently had sex with a stripper and the condom broke. I didnt notice that it broke up until about 30 or 40 seconds after and I immediately pulled out. She of course said she was clean and had nothing. When i got home i took a HIV test about 15 days later which was negative but I dont trust that result because I know it was too early. About two weeks after this I got flu like symptoms no fever or cough though. The glands in my neck under my jaw were hurting bad though so I went to my doctor. He said they werent swollen and gave me a strep test which was positive. A few weeks later now I have been having these weird chest pains and tightness in my chest. Sometimes it feels as if its hard to breath but never any shortness of breath. I am scared to death that I may have contracted HIV. What do you think, it doesnt look or sound good to me. I cant image what else would be wrong. I work out almost everyday and as a matter of fact oftenafter a workout my glands in my jaw hurt really bad. I would appreciate your feedback.

  121. Hey I recently had sex with a stripper and the condom broke. I didnt notice that it broke up until about 30 or 40 seconds after and I immediately pulled out. She of course said she was clean and had nothing. When i got home i took a HIV test about 15 days later which was negative but I dont trust that result because I know it was too early. About two weeks after this I got flu like symptoms no fever or cough though. The glands in my neck under my jaw were hurting bad though so I went to my doctor. He said they werent swollen and gave me a strep test which was positive. A few weeks later now I have been having these weird chest pains and tightness in my chest. Sometimes it feels as if its hard to breath but never any shortness of breath. I am scared to death that I may have contracted HIV. What do you think, it doesnt look or sound good to me. I cant image what else would be wrong. I work out almost everyday and as a matter of fact oftenafter a workout my glands in my jaw hurt really bad. I would appreciate your feedback. Thanks

  122. Hi I had sex with a prositute using condoms. Iam not sure the condom was a quality one. This happened in july 2011. My stomuch started getting upset, small round pimples around the neck. recently i have headace. I have teasted my blood twice from the month of intercourse ones in Aug and other one in oct which truned to be negetive. Do you think that still i have aids. Can any one solve my problem.

  123. i(male)partispated in sex for 1 time with aunty with double condom……and i didnt noticed that my condom was broken upto 10 sec…immediately i got off and put another new condom ……….is der any chance for me to get hiv,or aids???

  124. i(male)partispated in sex for 1 time with aunty with double condom……and i didnt noticed that my condom was broken upto 10 sec…immediately i got off and put another new condom ……….is der any chance for me to get hiv,or aids???my name is saikiran dj…i leaves in nellore

  125. I have recently had protected sex with a prostitute for five minutes only after that she took off the confine and gave me a handjob and she used oil and abit of her spit this is my first and last time I do that i have some concerns that I might be infected witham std I need to know what are the chances

  126. i had an unprotected sex once with a girl four years ago. i keep having a recurrent infection on my pennis which starts with itching and then degenerates into sores and subsequently blisters which then break into wounds. could this be hiv?

  127. aminu saleh
    i had an unprotected sex once with a girl four years ago. i keep having a recurrent infection on my pennis which starts with itching and then degenerates into sores and subsequently blisters which then break into wounds. could this be hiv?

  128. Recantly i just love with a unknown boy… He cut my lips during kiss… Suddenly i think if he HIV Positive then is it transfer to me?? Rply

  129. Recently i just love a unknown boy. He cut my lips during kiss… Suddenly i think if he is hiv positive then is it transfer to me??
    Rply plz

  130. i had a protected sex but the condom bursted during the course without my knowledge and eventually i ejaculated inside he.what are my chances that am stil hiv negative…

  131. One hiv negative men participated in sex with negative men in ass fuck&animals sex is their that men any chances to get hiv passitive

  132. hi,6 weeks now after i had sex with a prostitute…av gat no symptoms on me other than just a painful testicle and flu..would these be signs of an hiv infection

  133. Pls I v unprotected sex with my girl friend twice within 2 weeks, I now took her to d hospital for a test and she tested positive. Our relationship is not up to 2 months.I went for a test and mine show negative 9 days after my contacts with her. I m very worried and started taken PEP after 12 days with high dose of supplement. Pls what can I do.

  134. Ive had unprotected sex twice with two people during the past 4 months. I got tested in July for syphilis. Results came back positive, but negative for HIV. What are the outcomes of me becoming positive?

  135. I have never done a sex with any girl. Since few years i am doing a hand practice. Recently few of the months back I found the strange painless pimples type symbol on my penis head and skin. I dont know what actually are these? I am so scared.. Please help

  136. if two girls are safe from hiv aids means they have no aids..if alternatively both the girls just just touches or holds in their hand the pennis of 1 man..then will aids occurs to that man or girls….reply plz….

  137. hello dr.

    i have 2 girl friend i have sex both girl in an one day there is any chance for aids or any diseases??

  138. i had unprotected sex with a lady that later i was told she is positive and now i am having all the hiv symptoms and i got test after 3 month the sesult was negative how accurate is that result? pls help

  139. I had a Umprotected sex with one of my friend and i didnt have any physical or sexual contacts with anyone else ,so he got his hiv test report two months ago which is negative ,does it mean ,i am safe too as i never had any sexual relations with anyone else except him?Please guide me

  140. I have been with my husband for 5 years and he lived a very promiscuos life for about a year before I met him. We have a very active sex life until about 3 months now, he has been very sick. Two days ago the Haemotologist diagnosed him with HIV. To be safe I also had tests done and tested negative. The thing that bothers me is that the specialist mentioned that the virus can lay dormant for approximately 10 years in a persons body, if so will I also test positive in the near future, and is it possible for him to still infect me? How can I be reassured that this was from his past? Is there anyway to tell or is he lying? Please help me, I love him and I want to be there for him but I still have my doubts about trusting him…

  141. If u have tested this virus,so the result say negative bt after a month gonna chanaged to possitive?

  142. If the blood test sayz im negative is possible that one day im gonna be possitive’?

  143. I had a unprotected sex two months ago and last year with one of my friend as well,now the status of my friend with whom i had two motnhs ago is hiv negative,should i consider myself safe as well????please suggest am worried …

  144. I had sex with commercial sexy lady before 27 days ago,i used condom ,i have doubt that when removing condom outside of the condom touch my pennis(the lady used a white sheet to remove the condom ,whit sheet or lady hand touch my outside of condom and then touch my peenis ) from this way hiv can transfer ???

    i m running my life without sleeping ,after 16 days i got fever ,i feel that is that symptom of hiv infection
    i went to fbc test

    result is
    wbc 15.7 k/ul
    neu 12.0 76.0 %n
    lym 2.42 15.4 %l
    MONO 1.22 7.73 %m

    doctor wbc count is high is syptom of hiv?????

    and i had fever 2 weeks after exposure,after 3 week cold in my throat (i do not have pain in my throat) and also i had 3 pimples in my skin
    please clear my doubt

  145. Amanjunathgouda

    Sir i had oral sex i mean he sucked my pennis for ten minutes he is a gay and professional in doing oral sex .i used condom but still i have doubt is there any chance of getting hiv or std diseases please help me sir answer to me sir please

  146. Hello plz could you help me no one will tell me if I have put my self at risk or not. Right I had a ingrowing hair on the bace of my penise and cut it out made lil hole slash cut. However I had oral and vaginal protected sex but I didn’t think at the time but the condom did NOT cover the cut have I put my self at risk

  147. Hello plz could you help!!! me no one will tell me if I have put my self at risk or not. Right I had a ingrowing hair on the bace of my penise and cut it out made lil hole slash cut. However I had oral and vaginal protected sex but I didn’t think at the time but the condom did NOT cover the cut have I put my self at risk

  148. hello i participate sex with my aunty 30 years old i am 15 years old plz say we can bare any problems i and she plz say me

  149. i had a sex with prostitute with wearing 2 condoms but at the time of sex my condoms got remove there is a chance that may be my top of penis touch her outter part of vagina,,,so there is any chance that i got aids

  150. i recently had unprotected sex with a guy.he never came in lasted for seconds.after some days ifelt malaria symptoms n tested negativ for both malaria n typhoid.i have weak joints,feeling nausea,mild headache,pain though not frequently at the sides of my not sure of his status though he swears he is not so so woried and afraid to go for convincing him we go together.

  151. without hiv did we get aids

  152. if we can get aids without hiv??????????????

  153. Is there a chance of getting aids if we do sex with three persons without protection???

  154. I had unprotected sex with another male. I put my penis in him for 5 secs and stroke like 3 times and went soft… Did not ejaculate. He put his penis in me for like 5 secs. He did not ejaculate. I sucked his penis for a lil bit. Now I found out his is positive… Im scared to get a test. I have had symptoms like malaise and a hand rash and I think I got a lymph node swollen… I don’t know what to do…. Ive never been so scared in my life. God please tell me its not HIV!!! I cant focus on anything… IM GOIN CRAZY.. .crying all day and cant sleep at night.

  155. I am negetive my partner have any chance to get affected

  156. if i sex with a woman who is married but now her husband was not there . so are this true for HIV or not

  157. i made just one time protected sex with a prostitute wich told me that she has made the analyses and she was ok.Is any possibility to get infected.

  158. A boy got sexual relationship with hiv infected girl without using condom but within 24 hour the boy has been tested his blood to know the hiv status.Does the result will confirm whether he is infected the hiv?

  159. No he has to wait at least 25 days than get retested at 3 months. Your using the internet you can google this question. I am answering because nobody ever does from this site

  160. Im so HIV POSITIVE i’ve living with for three years am 18 years old

  161. Im 18 yrs old im HIV PoSITIVE i’ve been living with it for three yrs nw i attend school in maitland high

  162. pls HELP me...........I AM GOING CZAZY

    so what are the symtoms of being afected???
    i had sex with a girl last night i doubt that she may be having aids..i cannot contact that girl as i dont know her…..
    i am very very scared whether i have been infected or not???
    i used protection(condom) …doubled…but still very scared as after sex she was playing with my thing her hands were kept in her own viagina…
    does hiv gets transferd by any of the reason…pls do reply me frndzz i am dying of tention

  163. hai iam a boy of 13years i play sex with the 3,8years girls. did hiv is transmitted or not.

  164. Dear Dr.
    I think so im suffering from some sexual disease because i have an unprotected sex with 2 boys my guestion is that is there any chances of AIDS or if futher i may have again any sexual relation do i suffer from any kind of deases and sould i consult to any Dr and if yes plz recommand me any female Dr n her address and contact number in Mumbai
    Do help

  165. can one have unprotected sex with an HIV positive woman and do not get HIV/AIDS

  166. If i had sex with a married women who is not HIV positive and have physical relation with her husbend then is there any chance of getting affected to me

  167. I had a sex with a prostitute that is HIV positive,my condom broke at the process and she stood up I going to Ƅε̲̣̣̣̥ inferted with the? What is chance of me getting it?

  168. I slept with a girl in her periods days i dont know her,in how maney days I should go for test ?

  169. If a girl having HIV has sex with a guy without protection will the guy be infected even without coming inside of her?

  170. if u drink after a person that has hiv/aid can u get hiv/aids

  171. can I get hiv by having lots of oral sex, anal sex, and normal sex with non HIV person?

  172. I just stop dating this guy and people have done told me that he has hiv but he keep telling me no he doesn’t. I got tested two months almost 3 months later and got a negative should I. Get tesed again

  173. I just stop dating this guy and people have done told me that he has hiv but he keep telling me no he doesn’t. I got tested two months almost 3 months later and got a negative should I. Get tesed again..

  174. Can one get Hiv virus when he sleeps with an infected woman once?

  175. Hi,

    I had sex with my girl friend 10 months back. Only one time it was unprotected. Should i take some test now ? Please suggest.

    I am worried because she had a boyfriend prior to me and had sex with him as well..

  176. I an 18 years old god my aunt is 25. Whenever i be alone in home she come to me sit yes close to me and try to put her boob on my back. And always bend in front of me show her boobs.she is doing there all thing from last 1 month. Does it means that she want to do sex with me??

  177. Hi i was having sex with my nepali girl friend for 6months with out condom and i came to know that she was having sex with another boy for so many times so will i effect from hiv could u plz help me

  178. samuel from australia.When i am in sydney i fuck one girl with condom only.but i did get cum.i try for 20 min fucking her with that aids will affted me can any one tell me the answer please

  179. are there any chances to get hiv if the underwears of both male and female are washed with same soap?

    • No pooja it is not possible.
      Yar pooja plz mujhe ye btao ki, “main last two year se 2 sage bhaiyo(my husband & his brother) k sath bina condom k daily sex krti hun but diffrent time pr” to kya hum logo ko aids ho jayega???

      Help me

  180. i am HIV positive plese help me

  181. will i get aids if a gay sucked my penis??

  182. I have kisses a girl on her neak is there any chances of any type of disease

  183. I m young lady and having sex with two male person without condom daily. Plz tell me that at this condition we may be suffer from AIDS

  184. Me and my boyfriend have been having unprotected sex for awhile now and i have been worrying myself sick about having a std. He has had unprotected sex with several girls before me so i am very worried. What are my chances for having a std? I no there is no right answer unless i go get checked but i don’t have the time to go now. I need answers. Anything will help!

  185. I have sex with girl(6 years) without condom when i was 10 years old. Now about 2-3 years i have small pimple on pinis and on testes. What is this plz help me?

  186. I had sex with a girl anus(when she is 6-7 years) and i am 11-12 year. Now i am 18 years old and i have pimples on my penis,testes,and pimples are on the head of penis. What is this? This is HIV? or AIDS?

  187. If a boy without having Aids(HIV NEGETIVE) was already participated in sex with one girl(Hiv negetive) without any protection and again the same boy participated in sex with another girl without protection(hiv negetive)then is there any chanse of getting Hiv to the particular boy?eventhough two girls dont have Hiv?

  188. If a boy without having Aids(HIV NEGETIVE) was already participated in sex with one girl(Hiv negetive) without any protection and again the same boy participated in sex with another girl without protection(hiv negetive)then is there any chanse of getting Hiv to the particular boy?eventhough two girls dont have Hiv?

  189. do a unprotected sex with a non-infected partner can get me aids?

  190. dear sir,
    i am sandeep, two days before oly i sex with girl this is my first time sex with call girl. unfortunately we did sex during tat time i would not wear any condoms. i sex 5 to 10,min oly. i don’t i enter my penis to her or not..but i have fear i will attack by hiv or not.
    when i want to check the blood test.because i have did sex before 2 days oly. is there any intervals to check the test. if we sex one time means hiv will attack or lot of time its attack.
    pls advice your suggestions.

  191. aids m i responsible

  192. if I only insert the head of m penis into the anus can I still get hiv

  193. Hie i had sex with a prostitute and the condom broke but i removed my penis from her vagina 5 seconds after it occured the seconds time and also did the same thing by removing my penis.after the sex i washed my penis with water.are there chances of me getting hiv from this??

  194. Hie i had sex with a prostitute and my condom broke but i quickly removed it from her vagina within 5 minutes of its occured twice and i did the same thng of removing my penis.after the sex i washed my penis with water.can i get hiv from this??

  195. i have fingered in vagina for 1minte i dnt no she has aids or not ,if she has than what will happen to me or not

  196. I’m a 29yr male,hiv- and I drink,don’t smoke .In a relationship with a same age guy he is hiv+ we got tested in june,still have unprotected sex twice daily we have been going out for 1yr 2months,I went for an hiv tests 10times I’m still hiv-,got tested for all std,still everything is negative my partner’s CD4 count even dropped with 60 to 450,is this normal?location : south africa you can contact pvt via email its fine.

  197. please hiv person urinated into my pants, it got dried i forget to remove the panties and i slept and experince wet dreams am I going to get the virus

  198. Sir,i wan to know that if 2 boys do sex 5-10 min without condom then there is feare of aids please repaly me…,

  199. one one gay suck my penis did i have any posibility to aids

  200. hello sir,
    i had unprotected sex with my girlfriend, later i came to know the fact that she already had sex with 3 more guys. Is there a possibility of me getting aids!
    and if i marry anyone else in my life in future if we the married couple have sex is there a chance for aids!

    thank u in advance.

  201. Stressed friend

    A friend on my hockey team just informed me that she is HIV positive. She is 16 years old and is freaking out at the moment. What can I tell her to make her realise that she has nothing to worry about and I’m here for her?….I’m lost for words

  202. Yesterday me and my fiance we went for hiv test and found out that he is positive and I’m negative I’m still a virgin and I’m lost i have not told my family and don’t think ill ever tell them got no one to talk to, I really love this man I don’t know whether we can carry on the way it was before or what I’m confuse I’m scared of getting sick.what if we get married after 2 years he dies than ill be a widow I’m in tears now eversince yesterday can’t eat can’t work it there any chance I can be safe and have healthy kids can he live for more than 20 years he is 33 now please help and I’m younger than him I’m 26

  203. dear doctor .I had sex with sex worker using two condoms after finished i removed condom then i found my penis head down flesh connecting fore skin got cut and bleeding heavily . I cleaned immede ly . Will i get hiv . Please advise .

  204. dear friends, i am married for 6 months and i love my husband and we make a wonderfull sex together but i still nauseat each time i such his penis without a condom, i want to get ride of this matter i want to make him happy.. so please help me.


  206. Can you get HIV if you had oral sex but the boy is HIV negative and oral sex once. Is there any that I will have aids or HIV or any deseases?

  207. Can you get HIV if you had oral sex once but the boy is HIV negative?

  208. Can you get HIV if you had oral sex once but the boy is HIV negative? And at any risk can you have any desease rather than HIV please help me please

  209. sir, one of my friend had sex with two boys….and those two boys did nt use condom….semen of those two boys was dropped into her vagina….does she gets aids?

  210. sir, one of my friend had sex with two boys….and those two boys did nt use condom….semen of those two boys was dropped into her vagina….does she gets aids?

  211. i had protected sex with a stripper at a stripclub, im not sure if the condom broke or not, but 2 days later i began experiencing sore throat, coughing, bakc pains, neck pains, sholder pains, and abdominal pains, im verv scared .

  212. if we do test for hiv if the result gives us +vely then is the person suffrng frm hiv??

  213. hi…i used to have sex with many aunties(not prostitutes) without condoms….will i get aids in future? & what should i have to do for safety precaution?

  214. i had sex 3 yrs back i tested hiv it was negative thn i came to dubai again i went for medical test as per UAE law. again it was proved negative. but now a days i get numbnesss and burning feet as well as my finger nail bed is open and i get blisters in top of finger. and i also sweat in day time. not much but little but my bums sweat a lot. what am i suppose to do

  215. I had sex with a girl and the condom birst I slide out of the vagina immediately can still catch aids

  216. pls help does having sex with an infected girl who is on arvs means the boy is automaticaly infected with the virus?i.e hiv?and it was only once?

  217. If you an your boyfriend just had sex, virgins lets say and used no condom a few times and nothing happens but then you guys broke and then the girl finds a new partner can she still have sex with the new partner but use a condom and not get hiv/aids??

  218. I have had sex with almost 10 men and boys in a year, some with condom and some without condom , my age is 18 and I am a girl. Is it ok if I continue having sex without condoms? As using condoms does not give me a feeling!

  219. give me one chance ,what is your rate?

  220. Dear doctors,

    I have had an sex with a girl without protection many times and we both are under 18, and now I had a fear for hiv . Pls pls sir pls help me I m very much queried about this , and my contact number is 8303398534. Pls give a miss call on this number and I.will call u and doubt will be cleared then…….

  221. Dear doctors,

    I have had an sex with a girl without protection many times and we both are under 18, and now I had a fear for hiv . Pls pls sir pls help me I m very much queried about this , and my contact number is 8303398534. Pls give a miss call on this number and I.will call u and doubt will be cleared then…….

  222. Can I get Aids/ Hiv if a have a sex with a prostitute (same) without condoms ?

  223. If you have sex with someone with hiv will you have it to

  224. If i had sex with a married women who is not HIV positive and have physical relation with her husbend then is there any chance of getting affected to me

  225. Is it true that a person won’t get HIV/AIDS for having sex once

  226. I am in love with a that is hiv.we are not hiv,so i will be hiv?

  227. i realy need an answer i had sex with a condom bt it got broken. And am realy confused

  228. if i have sex with girl and we use a condom and i have some sperm one my penis and the condom cut off and the girl wake up after 2 seconds

  229. if i have sex with girl and we use a condom and i have some sperm one my penis and the condom cut off and the girl wake up after 2 seconds . im very afraid if hes pregnant plsss answer meeee

  230. if i have sex with girl and we use a condom and i have some sperm one my penis and the condom cut off and the girl wake up after 2 very afraid if hes pregnant plsss answer meeee

  231. i have sex with girl and we use a condom and i have some sperm one my penis and the condom cut off and the girl wake up after 2 seconds . im very afraid if hes pregnant plsss answer meeee plsssssssssss im so afraiddddd

  232. Gherghe Cristian

    Daca fac sex anal neprotejat cu o tarfa pot lua sida? ca am vazyt ca multe tarfe fac anal neprotejat. daca s-ar lua sida, de ce ar face neprotejat?daca dupa actul sexual ma spal bine la penis pot sta linistit? va multumesc

  233. Does any one get infected with Hiv if he do sex with different girls but girls do not infected with HIV ?

  234. My boyfrnd is very scared 2 myk an unprotected sex with mi cz hes nt affected by hiv so wht is onother way dat can help us to hv atlist 1 child?

  235. I had receive an unsafe sex frome prostitute and I didn’t let it gome in her mouth and also I did put my finger in her pussy but I did a test 4 HIV after one week and it was negative and than I did a test again after 6 weeks and it was negative do I need another’s test thanks I am married

  236. I had receive an unsafe sex frome prostitute and I didn’t let it gome in her mouth and also I did put my finger in her pussy but I did a test 4 HIV after one week and it was negative and than I did a test again after 6 weeks and it was negative do I need another’s test thanks I am married sorry unsafe oral sex

  237. Fawaz Abdullahi

    How many minut of sex can one get infected with HIV

  238. hmmm how we can get in aids if 3 mens fucking girl without condoms n discharge in her pussy is its posble they vl ge in aids?
    n how aids begin form hiv negatve person without cntct in hiv postve person i wana know about this

  239. hmmm how we can get in aids if 3 mens fucking girl without condoms n discharge in her pussy is its posble they vl ge in aids?
    n how aids begin form hiv negatve person without cntct in hiv postve person i wana know about this

  240. If i had sex with a married women who is not HIV positive and have physical relation with her husbend then is there any chance of getting affected to me

  241. i was thinking that we eat eggs but when 2cock sex wih one hen is thr chances for hiv?

  242. can i recieve aids/hiv just by having sex 8 times in my whole life , what are the risks ?

  243. can we get aids If I sleep with only my Girlfriend??? and no one else….we dont have aids…….

  244. What r de risk of contracting hiv If i hv sex with an older partner?

  245. Around 2 weeks ago i received oral sex from a girl i know the morning after i noticed 2 small red dots (a little bigger than a pen head) on the shaft of my penis, they were not raised and there was no pain or itching. They went away in about 48 hours i am worried that i may have contracted HIV even though the chance of contracting the virus through oral sex is low i am still scared. And if it helps i also have fordyce spots idk if they may have been irritated by her teeth or what but any help would be appreciated to help ease my mind.

  246. how do aids happen wen we sex with 2or 3girls or a guy is it necessary that we will have aids when we sex with 2or 3girls or guy..and if those girls are not haveng aids….

  247. Hi,am a lady who is on Anti-retroviral medication since year 2008.My question is :I dated this other guy for 4months and during these months,we always had unprotected sex.I neither knew hz status ,nor he knew mine.Could I have infected him with HIV,that is if he was negative?Pliz help me,am very much worried,confused and feeling ashamed of myself.

  248. I just wana know if ts possible

  249. Good day.

    So sorry posting this question. I am
    Too afraid and developing hupochondria and bery stress the whole day thinking for the past weeks.

    I had unprotected sex with a female 3 heats ago. Last 2 months, i experience having some uncomfortable lymph nodes in my neck and my doctor requested for neck ultrasound. They discovered that i have some swollen lymphnodes in my neck, the biggest is 1 cm. part of my thyroid is also calcified and biopsy reveals benigh.

    I read a lot in the internet that neck lymphnodes enlargement are symptoms of hiv. I can not work anymore and my mode changed since then and cannot concentrate the whole day thinking. I always check my neck and my mouth constantly. I am very tired already and getting suicidal thoughts. Please help.

  250. I inserted a penis on a vagina (one two) and i pulled it back in no time, i think it was about 3seconds and i wiped my dick with a cloth and put a condom. How many chances i can get hiv?

  251. i had sex with 3 girls and she had with one guy but we r not affected with HIV is there any chance of HIV for us please advise plzzzzz

  252. I had sex with a girl anus(when she is 6-7 years) and i am 11-12 year. Now i am 18 years old and i have pimples on my penis,testes,and pimples are on the head of penis. What is this? This is HIV? or AIDS?

  253. Rodriguez Nhachi Brode

    oh yes!

  254. a girl after the doing the sex with one men she able to marry another men and did they get aids

  255. innocent lekwadi

    can you have sex with an infected person and end up not getting infected if you are a circumcised man

  256. ihave unprotected sex in august, septmber, october,december and i developd some nodes on my testicles, high fever, weight loss and i suffer untold pains on mi knee joint, then i went for hiv test on february this year and the result was -tve does it mean this signs mean im positive and definetly i will be pstve wen i go back for hiv test after 3months

  257. Jeffrey from siyabuswa

    Is true that a person wont get HIV/AIDS for having sex once without using a condom?

  258. My boyfriend is hiv positive and I’m hiv negative how come course we never use protection

  259. i am sex one time woman but not use condom so really danger or safe

  260. i am sex woman only one time but not use a condom so i am really danger zone or no

  261. please I need help, I got a few questions! I had a 3some, went down on her, my friends condom broke and and condom remained in her during the process. we just found out after 3days girl is HIV positive. What are the chances of getting infected? shud I start digging my grave?

  262. doctor in 3 minutes sex with out condom can hiv transmit woman to men?

  263. You do get hiv aids for having sex once

  264. sir,is there any chance to get infections when lesbians (both r HIV -) play oral sex?

  265. I had sex with condom but I am not sure that whether that condom was not breaked during sexuzl relation, now after that my cock doesn’t get tight as fast as it was getting tight earlier when i used to imagine of hot girl, so I am so worried about having hiv infected kindly please please please help me out to solve my doubt and if possible send me your email id so that i can ask you directly.

  266. I slep with some one who’s positive and the condom burst what must I do to prevent

  267. If a man will have sex with more than 3girls,without using condom will he get infected by AIDS

  268. Is it true that a person wont get HIV/AIDS for having sex once

  269. Chris Johnson

    I have recently discovered an ex partner of mine is HIV positive he found out yesterday. We had intercourse a month ago. It was male to make and I was the receptive partner. Although he did not ejaculate inside me there was no condom involved and although intercourse was short his “pre-cum” and saliva were the only lubricant, is it possible to asses my risk factor from this? And if so what is it? And what’s a decent window to be tested?

  270. can you help i stept with this girl 20 july 2010 and she had a baby was due on 1 june 2011 now she saying iam the dad but the dates dont add up at all thanks

  271. Is it true that I can get aids when I sleep with man only one time without using condom

  272. Dear Doctor
    I haven’t circumsized so I would like to know the chances of getting infected by AIDs when one was having protected sex and the condom didn’t even burst but after wards had little wound down there and was even bleeding!!!! Please help

  273. I was so afraid to get tested. I had sex with someone in college and the condom broke. Ever since then I have avoided any and all doctors, even job oppertunities that did physicals. I have been absolutely terrified for ten years. I have dry dry cracking skin and irregular periods. Of course these, I thought, were symptoms. I was making myself very sick. On 4/6/12, I got tested. It took everything I had to go to the health clinic. I went alone, and when I arrived the lady that dies the testing was gone to lunch…I managed to wait a whole hour which was the longest most frightening hour of my life. Long story short, I am extremely happy to say I’m NEGATIVE!!! I’m STILL overjoyed! If I haven’t had sex in four years do I need to test again?

  274. Is it true that a person won’t get HIV/AIDS for having sex once

  275. i hd a sex with my boyfriend a year ago do i hv a chance of aids or hiv positive or do he had a chance of hiv positive

  276. My girlfriend, with whom i haven’t had sex for the last 8 months had un protected sex with another guy, who after 3 days was tested and found positive. She however got PEP on the second day and she is still taking it, but I and her are so much stressed. I love and she loves me, that’s why she disclosed to me immediately of the problem. She is negative and so do i. The question is, What are the chances that she will become postie? how soon should we go for a test? does DNA pcr help show infection early, we spend sleepless nights, pliz some answer

  277. Shalom christopher

    I had sex with a guy i dont know too well for about 5 minutes but he didnt release inside me.wat are my chances of getting infected with Hiv

  278. I’m a gay man. My question is do I get effected to a person that have HIV? Which I am a top. The only thing that he did was give me blowjob? Is there any risk of me getting effected?

  279. Solomon in nigeria of borno state

    I am one year ago doing sex when i went to have hiv test it was negative, can it be true negative

  280. i recently have sex with my partne by using three condoms at a time is there any chance to have hiv?

  281. I had unprotected sex with my boy friend but he did’nt released inside.after 15minutes he cleaned his pennis and we had sex again but did’nt released inside.can i be pregnant

  282. If you and your partner are on arvs do you need a condom when having sex.

  283. I’m in ARV my problem is dat,I wanna ask if my baby will b infected because when I was 4month I was bleeding not 2 much while we making love with my boy friend but protected 1 so after I didn’t have any problem while we making love

  284. Is it poseble to get hiv aids by having sex with a persom who is hiv posetive motivate your answer

  285. if the guy get two or three marriages there are any possibility to get hiv

  286. i do sex with girl without using condom and we both are not infected with aids again she does sex with another person not having aids without condom can she infected to aids

  287. Im boy.. One man sucked my penis for a minute.. But i not even touched any of his parts.. I dnt knw that he have aids or not.. But if he had means.. Will it contract me too? Please answer me frenz..
    From rocky chennai

  288. What happens if i am taking ARVs, my partner is also on ARVs and we have unprotected sex

  289. Hi,recently i had unprotected sex with a lady only to know later she a girlfriend awell known HIV positive man. What are the chances of me not been infected?

  290. If I m having sex with a married women but she is not HIV possitie.will it be safe or no. actually she is a freimd wife.

  291. Have been in 8 year relationship with girl whose previous sexual partner has recently been diagnosed with late stage HIV. We have had unprotected sex over this period and neither has had other partners during that time. I have been tested for HIV within last week and the result was negative. Is it possible that my girlfriend could be HIV positive and should I ask her to take a test?

  292. Is it true that a person won’t get HIV/AIDS for having sex once

  293. how day can live if person is by Adis .and docter say lever .lungs.kendy .brain.are efficet .by Adis

  294. Can a man get hiv from a woman

  295. Hi Doctor ,
    Please help me in getting the answer.

    Few days back i just masturbated & then wore my friends shorts ,without wearing the underwear. then this fear entered my mind that may be like this friend also might have masturbated i might get aids since i wore his shorts just after masturbating.Please tell are there any chances of this.please try to reply mee soon also suggest me what i should do.

  296. Julian Gazzelloni

    Hi there,
    About 11 days ago I had unprotected sex with my girlfriend. She donated blood back in January and did not receive a call telling her she had HIV, but she had sex with her then boyfriend after she gave blood. She has only been with 2 guys before me though. I have been a little concerned though because starting Friday (about 5 days ago, 6 days after sex), I have been a little sick (stomach aches, and headaches), I’m not sure if it’s a touch of the flu or something serious. They have been getting gradually better, and have been off and on each day. I was just wondering what my chances are of having HIV. Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

  297. Everyday i always felt like my eyes are turning me and strange fellings on my body, does that mean that i have contacted HIV/AIDS?

  298. I’m HIV positive and we don’t use acondom with my partner and he don’t know about my status.Is the posibility that he get infected. I’m on ARV’s

  299. I would want 2 ask.l have been staying together with my girlfriend for nine months ofwhich we sometimes use condoms and sometimes were not using. She was recently diagonised h.i.v positive and am negetive.I love her. How do l live with her. Is it safe 2 use condoms? Please help.

  300. is it true that a person wont get HIV/AIDS for having sex once

  301. If I touched a dildo that might be HIV infected and I barely touched it then washed my hands twice than masterbated, is it a possibility that I can have HIV, aids, and or stds?

  302. I have had the inside of my anus licked,can i catch aids from this?

  303. My boofriend had anal sex with me, but I felt short bursts of cool air after the sex. Now I fear he put a hole in condom. Is the air a sign to say he did?

    My boyfriend had anal sex with me, but I felt short bursts of cool air after the sex. Now I fear he put a hole in condom. Is the air a sign to say he did?

  304. i had sex with a girl. i wore a condom. but during sex, her vagina suddenly started bleedling. so i quickly stoped and took off the condom. alil blood got on the base of my penis but i wiped it off quickly with water. is it possible that i caught HIV or an STI form her? please let me know cause im really worried

  305. am hiv positv nd on arvs my partner nd i had an unprotected sex could he be infected with hiv help pls

  306. Is it true that a person wont get HIV for having sex once?

  307. Iam on arv iam drinking 3 types and one iz out of stock on clinic cn i get sick nw

  308. First time sex for both man and woman are not infected HIV causes HIV AND AIDS?

  309. HELLO.

  310. emmanuel abraham

    hi doc.i was expus in February 6 and march 26 If i tested negative in may 4 did i still need another test.h please help me with a answer.

  311. Is it true that a person won’t get HIV/AIDS for having sex once?

  312. Hey I want to know something let’s say I have been having sex with two girls and none have hiv n they only have been sleeping with me so now I want to know can I get hiv?

  313. 8month ago i had protected sex with unknown girl and i kiss her on her lips and now 8 months later i had mouth yeast formation and i test my hiv the result is negative is this enough test result to been hiv negative

  314. is it true that apersoo wont get hiv and aids for having sex once?

  315. is it true tha a person wont get hiv and aids for having sex once?

  316. Hi doctor I am HIV positive I slept with a guy for like 3 consecutive days we use condom but it broke during sex intercourse I was bleeding we realized after 10 min that condom broke and I’m bleeding can he be infected

  317. If i fucked my aunty without condom is there any chances of getting AIDS

  318. ik was 13 jaar was op vakantie in marroko en ik was met een vriend van mij en waren we naar een prostieu gegaan en ging ik vrijen zonder condoom en ik denk dat die meisje vaker met mensen ging vrijen zonder condoom dat was de eerste keer ik wist het niet kan je ook naa een keer oplopen ik ben niet naar de dokter gegaan tot de dag van vandaag en nu is het zon 3 jaar later

  319. Is it true that a person won’t get HIV/AIDS for having sex once? Motivate your answer

  320. can a baby get aids if i huged my aunt that has aids and she was sweating and i wiped the sweat off with my hand and when i changed my babys dipear i forgot to clean my hand can it be transmitted like that to him

  321. is it true that a person won’t get hiv/aids for having sex once?

  322. a girl infected with HIV virus sucked my peins…can I get HIV infection??

  323. I have a friend who’s wife has hiv positive and the husband is negative and they still want to have child, as a counsellor what we be your advice

  324. I hv a frnd who’s wife is hiv positive and d husband is negative and they stil wants to hv child. As a counsellor wat we be ur advice.

  325. I have two questions. First question is what if my partner pulled out and came on my stomach can I get aids? Second question is what if we had unprotected sex but no one came we were interrupted can I get aids?

  326. Could having unprotected sex with multiple partners who are not HIV infected, can cause you to get HIV ?

  327. my freind had unprotected sex with a prostitute one time only what are his chances of infected with hiv

  328. i am fucking a guy and that guy is fucked by lot’s of boy.the my quistion is,is it possible to aids.

  329. Had unprotected sex yesterday and my penis have been itching since then. I don’t know what’s wrong 😦

  330. derick dcosta

    my blood group is O+ve if i had sex with 3 girl with same blood group O+ve if they have no infection is there any possible to get hiv aids to me

  331. Hi,
    I hve dated a guy for 3 years and we got intimated.. We had unprotected sex. But he doesnt have any diseases. Now i have another guy in my life and we got a little intimated aswell but we didnt have sex yet. My question is if i have sex with my recent guy will this be dangerous ? Will i or him get any diseases ?
    My ex didnt had any and neither do i. So if i have sex wid my recent guy will we be disease free ? Thannks

  332. Doctor,
    if i fucked my aunty without protection once in a week will i gets affected with hiv/aids.please advice me please.

  333. sir’
    i’m having sex with a prostitute but she is not affected by hiv….
    in anyway any diseases will transmit it to me…..
    sir please send me an answer quickly. i’m so confused

  334. It is true a person won’t get hiv/aids for having sex once

  335. Beginning of this month I was exposed in an accident with blood and I went to my gp he gave me ARV’s to take for a month because I wanted prevention as I’m hiv negetive during the cause I was expose in sex without a condom while still taking ARV ‘s for preventing are there any chances of being infected.

  336. if one person havwe sex with three or more women at alternate days it can get hiv or not reply please

  337. if one person had get sex with three women at alternate days he can get hiv and women r not positive

  338. is there any drug to protect AIDS after intercourse with HIV positive partner

  339. Aunty/Uncle
    I had sex with many gurls without using comdoms but evry girl was single and als frm the same high class level i got std thrice bt was cure bt dan nw days my penis pain after sex and it hurts real bad dat i cant open my skin for couple of days plz help

  340. lindelaw mphandana

    is it true that a person won’t get hiv/aids for having sex once?

  341. nompumelelo madela

    is it true that a person won’t get HIV/AIDS for having sex once?

  342. ashylianne
    i have you an eye pencil of an infected person of HIV/AIDS ,does it mean i will be infected?

  343. i have used an eye pencil of an infected person of HIV/AIDS does it mean i will be infected?

  344. Recently, I had a sex with a girl. While I sex with her in vajaina I had ripped my condom. After 2 minute sex I notice my condom is ripped , I mastrubate by my self. In that scenario how many chance to inflect me her HIV if she had. I will very glad if u answer of this scenario ,,, many thanks!!

  345. i had sex and did oral sex wiht a girl after i got done three to four days later my thorught started hurting and i had a bad cough and when i cough my chest hurts and i also have a boil on my area close to my penis what could it be if it is a std

  346. Before several days I fucked a gay, but it didn’t took long (nearly one minute) but I cum at his anal is there any risk to get infected, and one of my friend said he has aids?

  347. Hi there, I had a sex with prostitute 6 months ago, I insert my penis in her vagina without condom and then i took it out straight away. and then i used condom to complete the session but after that i didn’t feel anything. And then 2 months before i had sex with the same girl and i just touch her vagina’s lips with my naked penis, i didn’t penetrate at all. but after that i felt little dizziness for 7-8 days. and now i am completely fine.
    I had no flu, no itchiness, no swallon glands at all.
    But still wondering that would there be chance of HIV…??
    Please help..

  348. 12years before, I had unprotected Sex with Prostitute one time and after that i haven’t done the mistake. recently i got married, but now i m scared with HIV thoughts. I didnt noticed any HIV symptoms in my body. Kindly help me is there any chances of getting HIV Positive. I have donated by blood several time and didn’t get any comments so far from charities. Kindly help me with your valuable comments

  349. i had sex with an hiv guy who grabbed his dick around my pussy and insert it in with two strokes is it possible for me to contact hiv through that?

  350. Hello Doctor,
    I request you to clarify for my problem.I get confused on HIV transmission.
    Iam 28 years old boy.I had sexual intercourse with one prostitute who is around 30 years old.I had in sex with her 3 times using condom only all times. While we had sex first time ,I ejaculated soon.So I washed my penis and used new Condom , then started to enter the penis second time.But while I entered my penis in her vagina condom was teared in the top of penis.After entered in 10 second she saidme to pull away my penis as she realised that condom is broken. Then I checked my Penis , there is no Seimen revealed at that time and no bleeding or wound.Then I washed my penis used the new Condom.
    Because of Condom broken ,I’m having fear whether I have HIV transmissin or not.I’m unable to sleep.I asked her HIV status.She said every 3 months she will do the test and she said she is not HIV +ve.She tested 3 months before.
    Whether I have to start PEP for safety purpose to avoid the risk of HIV.
    Kindly advise me.
    Thanks in Advance

  351. when a man and woman have oral sex is there is a possibility of contacting AIDS – KKH

  352. sridhar saritha

    i am married women with two children. recently having sex with other man cai i get the hiv aids i am very much worried about that. please advice me.

  353. I had sex with my clothes. also she was wearing underwear unfortunately spam came out so is any risk of HIV please. explain. to me I worried
    ur truly

  354. When i have done oral sex with someone I don’t know very well and I have gums will I get any diseases

  355. Doctors am worried whether I have contracted hiv/aids or not in the past 4 months I have unprotected sex in 44 instances with the same person whom I hear now that she might have have been infected by somebody who is known to be hiv positive.In the first time of the act I used a condom for the first ejaculation only then I removed the condom there afterward which did not last for more than 10 minutes but I did not ejaculate,in the second act I did the same but this time Idid ejaculate but out side the vaginal ,in the third act I ONLY HAD THE FIRS EJACULATION WITH NO CONDOM and left and the fourth act I did not use acondom but asingle ejaculation with some few minutes of swimming but no further ejaculation and I left it at that point now am worried could I contracted the hiv virus in this manner of action please help me am in avery big trauma or what are the possibilities that I contracted it please help me in this I know Iwas stupid to do all these.

  356. pls,without treatment can some with hiv infection,last for 6 years?

  357. Iorolum nathaniel ushahemba.

    Is HIV transmmited from hen?

  358. I had a sex with Girl on dec 20 and done elisa test after 91 days the result came as “Non-Reactive” and they given reading as 0.318,and they mentioned that if reading comes below 0.90 its negative if reading comes above 1.10 means its Positive..but they i got confused about what is that i did ELISA once again at 160 days i got” Non reactive” again and the reading was 0.328..
    Is the test result took at 160 days is reliable and final result?
    and pls tell me what is that reading 0.3 means?

  359. Is it true that a person won’t get hiv/aids for having sex once?

  360. I did sex with a woman i did not her status using condom.The condom did not burst.Can i be affected by Hiv/Aids if she is Hiv positive?

  361. can i get infected if i fucked a girl without a condom but she didn’t cum i only cam ?

  362. How does hiv cause deases?

  363. If I contracted hiv on the 13th of april would my symtoms starts to show in june?

  364. i made sex with 3 guys. do i get hiv.? im scared. please tel me.

  365. I have been in a relationship for 3years and married now 1year.Me and my husband has never used protection and I had a healthy baby girl she is now 1year.My husband is Hiv positive and all my test thus far is still Negative and my daughter is also negative.How can this be?I have not just done rapid test but also requested blood drawn and tested in a lab and still negative

  366. hai i had sex with my ex many times and got abortion twice. now will that cause hiv if i have sex with my new husband..kindly reply

  367. Will it help prevent Hiv if i was my penis 10 minutes after having sexual intercoarse

  368. yes you can if at all they are positive so the best thing to do is have a test done to end your doubts

  369. Is it true that a person wont get hiv/aids for having sex once


  371. una pregunta. al presionar mis manos con mi pecho este se vuelve rojo en el lugar que me he presionado.sera algun sintoma del vih?de antemano por la respuesta gracias.

  372. al presionar mis manos contra mi pecho este se enrojese rapidamente al igual que mi mano.sera esto sintoma del vih?.he sido activo.respondame porfavor.gracias.

  373. My Question is:

    What would happen without HIV/AIDS Awareness raising projects?

  374. I want to know when a person suffers HIV signs after he/she was caught by HIV. Could u reply by mail? Thz u so much.

  375. I want to know when a person suffers HIV signs after he/ she was caught by HIV.

  376. my girlfriend is having sex with me from last 3 years now she got married but still we are in sexual relation she had sex with her husband and me without condom and none of us is infected with aids. is there any chance of getting aids if we had intercourse without condom?

  377. Am a man i slept with a girl she didnt tell me that she is hiv positive am i also hiv positive now?

  378. if we Chu the prostitute begins means aids will spread?

  379. I had unprotected sex. one month ago,but I have gone for a hiv test and came out negative,does this mean am safe from the virus

  380. hi did sex with one of my gf bud in this few days my penis is bleading so i want to know did i get hiv virus or no im safe ? pleaes answer me

  381. how many months does it take to be infected with Aids

  382. What are the issues that you face if you findout that you hiv negative?

  383. no speak english

  384. lebohang falon makgabane

    Hello I’m hiv possitive and using arv I have a boyfriend who is hiv negative, we had protected sex n then the condom blurst, what are the chances of him getting infected

  385. i had sex with my girlfriend without condom but i have been using condoms just that i didnt use it this time around.i hv been thinking of what the consequences will be because before i met her,she has been having sex with other guys.wat do i do rili disturbed

  386. i had sex with 2 men within a week like on friday then with other men on wednesday, but clean up my area. Wanted to know will i be infected?

  387. i am of 27 and i had unprotected sex with my girlfriend, i am the second one who fucked her.while fuck i saw blood on my penis but it was not mine, and my girlfriend is dont have hiv, but still i am worried is there any chances of HIV.please reply me soon.

  388. Can I get HIV by sex with HIV positive

  389. Hello, am male, 25, i had sex with a prostitute few days back than after a week some white thrush appear under my penile foreskin…. am i HIV now or what? and yes during intercourse i used the condom but broke it twice of times.

  390. dear sir i do sex with marrid lady she not have hiv all so i not have hiv so is that chacne to aids ??

  391. i shaked my testis and oil came from it. Will aids attack

  392. i am boy 11 years old had sex with girl which is 9 years old and girl had never sex before and after some days i had another sex with boy anal sex both of them have anal sex and during sex boy is urinated in my anus and boy is not sex before it was my second sex when i am 13 years old and that boy age is 11years.
    Can i become infected with hiv or STD .

  393. i’m boy at the age of 11 had sex with girl her age of 9 years and girl had never sex before and after some days at the age of 13 i had sex with boy which is 11 years and had anal sex both of them had anal sex and during sex boy urinated in my anal and boy had never sex before . Does it cause hiv or STD

  394. Wat a the advantage of aids

  395. If a girl having sex with 4 non hiv person wil she affectd by hiv

  396. i am 15 years boy and i fuck 11 years girl and i get fucked by two boys of my age.will i get aids

  397. iam a male had sex with a girl who is married,we had sex 5 times.that time her husbend not there.we did a doubt is by this reson hiv effect me.pls help me,i will never do this.

  398. I am o positive and had sex with my boyfriend, he dint tell me that he had aids. A may infected with. Aids

  399. i tested hiv negative and had a chest x-ray to test for TB bt again my doc said i have no tb. my prob though is i have sharp pains in my chest dat extends to my back and am losing weight. whats this complexion?

  400. I am on art, seven months pregnant nd we are not using protection with my husband ,can the baby be infected during intercourse ?

  401. Festus Ishaku Gyanche Nigeria

    After having sex with an infected person for a year now still tested negative, is there any tendency to be positive?

  402. Iam 21years old. i participated in sex with my girl in many times and in all situations like in her menstruals also. now our luv was broked. and now iam getting marry with abother girl after 1year. can i participate in sex with my wife without using condom. or which type of medical tests should i take and as well as treatment. plz help me. iam getting confused.

  403. If i am fukking with two guys which are not hiv then did we will get hiv

  404. After you nd yor partner had unprotected sex, while dressing she\ he says, Baby plz bring me a glass of water, I want 2 drink my ARvs! what would u do if it was u?

  405. After you nd your partner had unprotected sex, while dressing she\ he says, Baby, Pls bring me a glass of water, I want 2 drink my Arvs. what would u do?

  406. helo iam zain from pak i fucked a girl whose hiv is negative and mine also hiv is neagtive would i test because i know she is negative

  407. Good day sir /mam
    plz suggest. I like this girl a lot she is 23 yrs old. Met her 4 months back, I am deeply in love with her, but my parents rejected her, coz her parents have aids and few year’s back her dad died due to the infection. I came to know later when I started to think deeply of future.
    Is it possible that since her parent’s had the infection will the girl carry the same infection?
    If not! is it wrong in society to marry the girl?
    If no, how can I educate them.
    I Request a frank opinion sir /mam.
    Thanking you

    • I have two children, I found out that I was HIV positive after I had my last daughter, I was depressed thinking that she was infected too, but after all the test were done they told me that she tested negative for HIV so I was truely lucky…. &d I dont think its wrong to marry her, she is still a human being… &d kuck to have someone like you that doesnt turn her away!!

  408. Iv Ben tested for chlymadia and Gonoreah came back negative sometimes my penise seems to be red on top and has a red circle in the middle of shaft but no sores or blister or discharges or anything what could it be

  409. What are symptoms of HIV/AIDS

  410. Pls i want to no about this sexual transmited disease cal HIV

  411. I have HIV &d I want to know that if i take a bath with my children will they also contract the HIV virus, I havent took a shower with them since i found out, they have been tested &d are negative. I really miss the motherly bond with them in the same bath tub… What should I do??

  412. if u fuck a girl on her mistriation are u going to contect hiv aids

  413. Dear Sir/Madam

    I am a 22years old lady!I had sex them the condom busted but we realized that when we were almost done……then after a day I found out that he is what I wanna know is how possible it is that am infected with the virus….!This happened on the 20/10/2012…..!please I need to know!

  414. I did unprotected sex with 4 mans. In last 5 years and now m wrrying abt theaids plz help me ……..m i hiv positive????

  415. I did unprotected sex with 4 mans. In last 5 years and now m wrrying abt theaids plz help me ……..m i hiv positive???

  416. wil a man who fucks more than 2 girls get aids?

  417. 1yr before i sucked by boy frnd penis 2 times other than this. we didt involve in sex and all. is tht any chance to get hiv…i think he had sex vt 6 more girls.pls reply me to my mail.

  418. Im a virgin and i had sex with two virgin women withouth condom. Is it the risk to infect hiv?

  419. My wife is HIV positive but am negative we have had sex with out condom for one year and half so will HIV couch me in z future

  420. : i had unprotected sex with a lady and know i have blisters on my penis .is this a symptom of a disease

  421. I had a sex with many boys without any precaution is there any chance of HIV?

  422. a healthy girl not suffering by HIV ,having sex with 5-10 peoples how also not infected with HIV,is that possible that the girl infected with HIV -AIDS after that………

  423. I want to sex with my 3 female friends without condom.they have not sex there any chance of hiv?

  424. Hello Sir,

    Last nite i had a sex with a call girl.Initially i used a condom for penetration but at the end of it i did remove it & we had a unprotected sex about 1 min but i ejaculate out side of her vagina. I do not know she is infected or not.but i am scared.
    What i should do now?

    Waiting for your help!

  425. Hi there my friend and I were rubbing penis and we were rubbing a quite hard. I think my penis gland did touch my friends penis gland but I’m not exactly sure.I think some of his sperm did touch my penis gland. I’m concerned and I really want to know if I could be having HIV. my friend did not have HIV .pls reply to me soon thank you

  426. hi. could you please help me?I am really worried …
    16 days ago i had sex with a random girl who I met up in a bar. i do not know about her HIV status. we had unprotected oral sex for couple of minutes and then two times vaginal intercourse…
    at the first time after 2 minutes condom failed and i realized and pulled it out right away and came through unprotected oral.
    the second time was totally protected.
    since 2 days before the sex the head of penis got shallow cut, although it looked almost dry and black once i had sex,
    i am afraid of getting infected to hiv.
    I got cold 5 days after the exposure and got well after 6 days, to be honest i am too scared of taking test, please help me and tell me about the infection chance?

  427. M living wth hiv i tested this year in june n ma cd4count iz above 500 bt it worries me that m smoking hw will it affects ma cd4count

  428. I just make sexual contacts wit two girls first one is my lover but other one is one man’s wife wat is probability of getting HIV

  429. Wiil I be infected if I bath someone who is hiv positive

  430. My mother died of hiv/aid 6year ago, we eat together. I watch her cloth and I also used asap object with her on knowing she used d object lik 1week be for me using it. Ever since then I have be so scared to go on check up and I also wanted to know can one bee infected like that.thanks

  431. Just want to know if a person can contact hiv in an unprotected sex without releasing sperm to the partner who is hiv positive.

  432. Hello am 21 am too interested in sex so till now I have sex with 6 collage girls with out any safety but all girls fresh only I mean am the 1st boy to have sex with him for me aids come or not pls tell frankly

  433. Hello am boy till now am fuck 6 girls but am not satisfy with him and I am able to fuck only 1 to 2 mins
    I would like fuck 15 to 20 min so Wht tablet shall I take
    pls help me its available in normal medical shop or not
    and how much its cost pls help me lot of girls friends am having but am not satisfy pls help me

  434. Whether we get aids if we had done sex for than once.?if yes than why the person married for twice wont get aids.?

  435. I am male, 28 . I had unprotected sex with a male (2 years elders to me & my roommate) 5 years ago (in the year 2008), while I was studying graduation. I am not homo sexual. But sex happened accidentally one night when we are sleeping together as he touched my penis and provoked for sex. After few weeks, I found that I had urine infection when I felt pain in my penis during urinating (in the year 2008) & also sore throat. By then, I lost contact with my roommate as he completed his studies and when to other city for job. I came to know that he had sexual contacts with other people also before having sex with me and also he had suffered with spinal TB after he left my room.
    When I met the doctor to get treatment for urine infection, he suggested for HIV test (Tridot method). But the test result is negative. The doctor found that the opening in my penis is partially closed & he told that could be the reason for infection. Then I was suggested for penis circumcision surgery. After this surgery I used medicines for almost 6 months (in the year 2008) to get relief from urine infection & sore throat.
    I got relief from urine infection but since then I had sex with him, I am experiencing head ache, pain in the spinal cord, back ache, neck pain, joint pains. The head ache is very severe. I found that my neural system has got weak. I even met neurologist several times. But the neurologist says, that there is nothing to worry. But I could not get relief from above problems.
    Since 2008, I suffered with viral fever for 2-3 times, recently in May 2012.
    Since 2008 to till date, I took HIV test (Tridot method) for almost 10 times. I have also taken Western Blot method HIV test in Jan 2012. Recently I have taken HIV test (Rapid Elisa), Nov 2012. But all the results came out to negative. I have also taken tests for other sexually transmitted diseases like hepatitis etc; as suggested by sexual specialist doctor. The results told that I had no disease.
    But still I have been experiencing HIV symptoms like head ache, pain in the spinal cord, back ache, neck pain, joint pains, temors in the arms and legs some times, burning in eyes when I close the eyes deeply. I am afraid of that I might be having HIV. But since 2008 when I had first sex with him, I did not participate in sex with any of them. My parents are forcing me to marry. But I am afraid that If I marry and have a sex with life partner, she might be infected with HIV if have HIV in me. I am worried a lot to take a decision for marriage. Can anyone please clear my doubts.
    Please tell me whether I have HIV in me? Suppose, If I take HIV test after 5 more years, Can I find HIV in me? If I do not have HIV, then why I have been facing HIV symptoms since long time? Please clarify my questions. Thanks for your time and patience in answering me.

  436. Hi,i am age of maried wit 22yrs in contact wit my aunt who was neighbour 2 my ofice also 2 maried aunts are in contact with of them are having children of age more than 16,if i hav direct sex with them.would i have get aids or it is safe to me. Please give me an idea.

  437. I have 1 week finish mistriation but my breast is paining….

  438. Hello Sir.

    I do first time SEX with a CALL GIRL with Condom and Oral Sex(She suck
    my penis without Condom) but one days after of SEX, I feel very tired,
    weak and high fever and pain in body, so after 5 days i went to LAL
    PATHOLOGY and tested for ELISA and test was non reactive(Index Value
    0.60). Should I tested again or should i take some medicine, Please
    guide me Sir I am feeling so tense.


  439. Hi sir,
    my name is raja I am 31yr old. I am married man, I had a sex with a girl. , with out condom about 5 times. , some body told. That. She have AIDS, I just want no what are test. I have to do. Thank u

  440. i have sex with a aunty she have alredy sex with a lot of gays so am i have a chance to get H.I.V AIDS ????

  441. Hi
    4 months back I had sex with one of my friend. I know her for last 1 yr. I dont know is she got any hiv virus. I was not using a condom on that time. Im circumsied. Whats the chance that I can get hiv?

  442. Hi
    I had sex with one of my friend. I know her for last one year. I was not using condom on that time. Im circumsied. I dont is she got hiv or not. What is chance of getting hiv


  444. If i got pimples should imyk ma wife 2 be pregnant dis ting can not affect ma fertilty ?

  445. Is it true that a person won’nt get hiv/aids for having sex once?

  446. My grl frnd had sex wit someone else before 2 days is their any chance of aids if i do

  447. What can i say if i want to motivate a person who is hiv?

  448. Is it true that a person wont get hiv/aids for having sex once?

  449. i usually masturbate using a cloth and for the past one year i have not washed it(cloth) can i have hiv aids?

  450. Samrat Shergill

    if a boy have sex with more than 3 boys,without having intercourse.,will he be affected by HIV/AIDS…

  451. Samrat Shergill

    if a boy have sex with more than 3 boys,without having intercourse.,and that boy sperms had fall on his body,but i am sure that sperms have not entered inside body….will he be affected by HIV/AIDS…need a quick & positive reply

  452. Samrat Shergill

    need a reply soon

  453. Samrat Shergill

    if a boy have sex with more than 3 boys,without having intercourse.,and that boy sperms had fall on his body,but i am sure that sperms have not entered inside body….will he be affected by HIV/AIDS…need a quick & positive reply

  454. samrat shergill

    if a boy have sex with more than 3 boys,without having intercourse.,and that boy sperms had fall on his body,but i am sure that sperms have not entered inside body….will he be affected by HIV/AIDS…need a quick & positive reply

    waiting for reply from so many days
    anyone please reply

  455. Hi, i m rahul sharma from delhi (India).My question is-Can i get hiv by having unprotective sex with girls who are hiv negative and whom i trust?

  456. i am a bisexual and had sex about a week with 3 different men.. two of them i did not use condom and one i did.. after which i watched documentaries about hiv/aids and i was afraid.. i asked the three of them and they told me they are 200% sure safe because they do have annual check-up.. i want to have myself checked to be sure but all of the write-ups im reading about hiv/aids said that it should be 3 months after the last contact.. im afraid because im have colds now and i felt like i have fever but when i checked it with a thermometer its normal.. im getting paranoid.. is it ok if i have myself checked for hiv test now?

  457. Previously i was given stage 4 i have toxoplosmosis in brain my viral load is undetectable and cd4 Is 327now my doctor gave me stage t1 i need to know what is stage t1

  458. Dear friend, the doctor was right to give u stage 4 in the first place and T1 later after. T1 means that your current physical health is good without any symptom of AIDS (stage 1). But you achieved this status after beginning on TREATMENT hence the letter T. Thank you for adhering onto your treatment which has enabled you to have in detectable viral load. Keep it up. Dr Matovu John 0701965999

  459. i am a bisexual and had sex about a week with 3 different men.. two of them i did not use condom and one i did.. after which i watched documentaries about hiv/aids and i was afraid.. i asked the three of them and they told me they are 200% sure safe because they do have annual check-up.. i want to have myself checked to be sure but all of the write-ups im reading about hiv/aids said that it should be 3 months after the last contact.. im afraid because im have colds now and i felt like i have fever but when i checked it with a thermometer its normal.. im getting paranoid.. is it ok if i have myself checked for hiv test now? i am the receiver.. if ever i go for hiv1/hiv2 test now, whatever the result would it be conclusive???

  460. Why do young people contrast HIV even they know it danger

  461. I suspect of hiv before five years, after that I have donated blood trice in last three years, will that detect if I have hiv? recently have donted blood six months back but did not get any notification from blood having hiv positive..

  462. When a boy sex a girl wtout condom bt we d boy no d time dat he we realase d sperm

  463. Why do young people still contact hiv evn though they are aware of its dangers?

  464. what are new who clinical stages of hiv

  465. if i have sex with my aunty who have already married and having two childs she does not have aids and i also dont have aids if i will fuck to her without using condom will aids will come to me and for her plz give me answer

  466. i I’m forty years Hiv + i am on arv’s bt i have fluid coming from my anus what is it

  467. Will masterbed cause aids?

  468. Will masturbated cause aids? Im 16 now. Iv been masturbate since i was 13.

  469. Im 16 now. Iv been masturbate since i was 13. Will i get aids

  470. Is it true that a person wont get hiv/aids for having sex once?

  471. i started late treatment at cd4 8 and toxo in brain after 1year my viral load is below 400 and cd 4 is 327.can any one tell me my hiv stage

  472. Will a more diluted hiv blood cause infection to a broken?

  473. i play sex with so many people with 2condoms, i will get the AIDS

  474. Can I get mouth ulcers after giving a blowjob, it happened saturday night it only lasted 2 mins but he didn’t cum and there was no pre-cum but now I have mouth ulcers.

    I just need to know if should be worried and go to the doctors or is it just normal mouth ulcers.

  475. What should I eat while I’m not taking my medication 4 hiv?

  476. hi
    I am doing sex with two girl in the gap of month or couple of week…both are my girl friend. .. I am the only one who can do sex with them..this is sure..but I am not using condoms…so am I infected with aids…

  477. Is it true if one sleeps with 10 negetive partners can contact HIV/AIDS? If dt person is negetive

  478. Hola! I just noticed your web page: To Send a Question | Youth & HIV/AIDS Awareness
    Project when I was surfing around
    It looks as though someone loved your site so much they decided
    to bookmark it. I’ll definitely be returning here more often.

  479. so i had sex with my boyfriend the day before i was so supposed to ovulate and he spermed inside of my vagina but 2 days later i had a white sticky discharge could I still be pregnant?

  480. Our fluid been in contact is not danger

  481. If a boy had forced to fucked aunty .she will tell to her husband or not ?

  482. Hi I would like to know what happenes when I have unprotected sex with my husband when I just started ARV treatment will he get STI or sores on his panis

  483. Hie…
    I have been tested negative together with my girlfriend but I want to know wether it is a bad idea to lick my girfriend’s vigina.

  484. Hie….
    I am a young man aged 23 and have been tested negative for HIV is it risky if I lick my girlfriend’s vigina since we have been both tested negative

  485. sir,I m a girl 21 yrs old,I hve a bf 6 mnths back,we both hve sex fr 2 yrs,nw he hs left me.,I m in a big trouble sir…..plzz hlp me…..I dnt knw wht to do…..I wana…die…….plzz tell me sir…I m gng to marrry vid smeone else…aftr 3 yrs….will he cme to knw dat I hve done…sex earlier…..plzz sir tell me…..

  486. Ha ke sana lerato ho boyfrnd yaka bt yona esa nthata n u moholo u nfeta ka 16years ,nka etsang ho iphumana ke tswile mo ho ena ntle leho moutloisa bohloko

  487. i …In the past 72hours I had sex with sex worker . She got condom from the packet I don’t know what type or the date of it or any thing … she put it on and i wasnt hard and start giving me oral till i become fully hard for 1 min  and then we used same condom she sat on top of me for a 1 min  and then i got on top of her for 2 mins… until idid ejeculate inside her with condom on Ididnt notice of any break or slips because the condom was still on me when I took it out  then when I pull out Iam scared maybe there was a hole it I dont know . and then she clean it out with tissue and was tight around my dick even when she pulled it and I went and took a shower .. as well she did suck my brest and I did suck hers …  I been geting symtops of ichness in all my body as well these itchness started in the first 24hours some itchness in the tistical area but very light   as well i got light headeck so please what shall I do what is my riaks of geting hiv or stds please help me out…. please seeking advice from

  488. Ok about a week ago my girlfriend and I had sex twice and on the third time the condom broke she was supposed to start today she is crampinig now but hasent started what are the chances she is pregnant

  489. Miss Bernille

    Good morning everyone, my name is Miss Bernille from USA, i have been suffering from Hiv/Aids for over 4years now, and suddenly, i have spent all my money all to make sure i get healthy all day, but happily, last month january 12th 2013, i came in contact with a traditional doctor also known as a chief priest on a newspaper who is called Dr camala who has help much people to cure their aids disease, firstly i taught it was a joke until i contacted him ”

  490. Deseases caused by unprotected sex

  491. If i had unprotected sex with two HIV negative females, am i likely to get AIDS??

  492. I know this if off topic but I’m looking into starting my own blog and was curious what all is needed to get set up? I’m assuming having a blog like yours would cost a
    pretty penny? I’m not very internet savvy so I’m not 100% certain.

    Any recommendations or advice would be greatly appreciated.
    Appreciate it

  493. please help me out here.. I have sex with a hiv positive lady and when were we buyz making love, the condom broke . But just after sex i did go straight to shower. How are the possibility of been infected ??

  494. I have fuck a girl without condom last year 3 ,4 Times in 2 months gap and now I m getting to marry with another girl so I m afraid that I will cause AIDS.

  495. Dear
    i have been in love with alady who i intended to marry two days ago she called me and told me she is going to see afamily doctor.when she come back she passed by my place when i inquered about her chest tritment she told me she woz not give tablets.she left for shower.i got to her potch/handbag to my sprice i got a aids control tretment card i wos shorked.reading i realize she has been atending since 2009 but the cd count the indicted two frm the last atendas 945 now is 1162.when i asked her calmly after some reaction she admited all but told me she was afraid to tell me.we had unsafe sex ever since with all avenue atimes mapenis had somends wonds due to shaving hair.and ma lip wos also wondf am confident am unable to hate her i have ended to accept the condition an emprace out come though i have not gone to test.we planning to marry what should i do should i take her with till the end?unfotunatly ma friend who i shared have told me she is akiller no matter wat i should discad afraid i may course more harme to her n wound myself plz can inbox me to myfacebook by same adress

  496. Can a person get HIV and AIDS after having unprotected sex but enjaculating outside the vagina, if yes how long must I wait to go for a HIV test

  497. Okay so i had sex with a guy two days ago. he wore a condom and ive been tested for STD’s frequently and its always come out clean, i’m not sure if its just a tear in my skin or something else. It looks like i have small open sores on the of my outer vaginal lips, and they are really painful, especially when i pee. Its only located near the bottom of my vagina, nothing on my clitoris or urethra. Last night, i think i made the mistake of putting neosporin on them and it feels like it just got worse. HELP!

  498. My name is Cassandra, and i live in California.I have been through hell and
    pain,looking for a good and real spell caster who can help me get my
    boyfriend back.I have been scammed so many times,by some who claimed to be
    real spell casters.until i found the real and great spell caster ”” who helped me,and solved all my problems
    concerning my boyfriend who left me since eight months ago.and after that i
    also took my friend along,who was also having the same problem concerning
    her husband,who left her since five months ago,and the problem was also
    solved by the same “”. Cant you see! the real and
    great spell caster is here,all you need to do now is to contact this same
    address whenever you are in any problem related to spell casting.It took me
    a very long period of time,before i could get this real and great spell
    caster.So right now “” is here,and the best for
    you to solve your problems…….

  499. Healing from HIV-AIDS, i never taugh Dr camala who could ever get my HIV-AIDS cured with his healing spell, i have tried almost everything but i could’nt find any solution on my disease, despite all these happening to me, i always spend alot to buy a HIV drugs from hospital and taking some several medications but no relieve, until one day i was just browsing on the internet when i come accross a great post of !Michelle! who truly said that she was been diagnose with HIV and was healed that very week through the help of these great powerful healing spell doctor, sometime i really wonder why people called him Papa camala, i never knew it was alll because of the great and perfect work that he has been doing that is causing all this. so i quickly contacted him, and he ask me some few questions and he said a thing i will never forget that anyone who contacted him is ! always getting his or her healing in just 6 hours after doing all he ask you, so i was amazed all the time i heard that from him, so i did all things only to see that at the very day which he said i will be healed, all the strenght that has left me before rush back and i becomes very strong and healthy, this disease almost kills my life all because of me, so i will to hospital to give the final test to the disease and the doctor said i am HIV negative, i am very amazed and happy about the healing Dr camala gave to me from the ancient part of africa, you can email him now for your own healing too at:
    thank you sir for healing me from HIV, i am Doris Carter.

  500. Healing from HIV-AIDS, i never taugh Dr camala who could ever get my HIV-AIDS cured with his healing spell, i have tried almost everything but i could’nt find any solution on my disease, despite all these happening to me, i always spend alot to buy a HIV drugs from hospital and taking some several medications but no relieve, until one day i was just browsing on the internet when i come accross a great post of !Michelle! who truly said that she was been diagnose with HIV and was healed that very week through the help of these great powerful healing spell doctor, sometime i really wonder why people called him Papa camala, i never knew it was alll because of the great and perfect work that he has been doing that is causing all this. so i quickly contacted him, and he ask me some few questions and he said a thing i will never forget that anyone who contacted him is ! always getting his or her healing in just 6 hours after doing all he ask you, so i was amazed all the time i heard that from him, so i did all things only to see that at the very day which he said i will be healed, all the strenght that has left me before rush back and i becomes very strong and healthy, this disease almost kills my life all because of me, so i will to hospital to give the final test to the disease and the doctor said i am HIV negative, i am very amazed and happy about the healing Dr camala gave to me from the ancient part of africa, you can email him now for your own healing too at:
    thank you sir for healing me from HIV, i am Doris Carter.

  501. Good day! I could have sworn I’ve been to this blog before but after reading through some of the post I realized it’s new to me.
    Anyhow, I’m definitely delighted I found it and I’ll be book-marking and checking back

  502. Ahmed G Ahmed

    I had unprotected sex with positive and was not lasted of 2 minutes I removed I never relize can that makes me 2 b affected?

  503. Am 25yrz lady n am dating 21yrz guy n we hav been 2gada 4 ten mounth n am a positive lady n he’ a negative guy n we lov each other n now i want 2 hav a kid bt am scart dat he will be infertect i dnt knw wat can i do cz he makez me happy al da tym bt without a kid am not happy n i lov him 2 much i can hurt or infercted him can i hav a kid with a negative person wen am positive

  504. I fucked a prostitute wothout condom in her back and my penis blowed away in her is that dangerous for me or not

  505. I fucked a prostitute wothout condom in her back and my penis blowed away in her is that dangerous for me or not

  506. Is it true that a person wont get hiv or aids for having sex once

  507. I am a 16year old gal nd i had unprotected sex on de 11may 2013 nd last wik on 4june my periods had 2cum bt dy ddnt so i dnt knw if um pregnant o wat?tel me if thrs a possibility o wat

  508. Me and my new partner had unprotected anal sex,and then we both tested for hiv after a couple of days,result was negative. Should i still be nervous about getting hiv, because my partner had sexed with many other guys within two month of time.

  509. if a girl dont have hiv positive but she is fucked already.. when other boy will lick her vagina then the boy will get hiv aids?

  510. maggi mandhyan

    I hav done sex widmyy bf 50 times wid precaution cn my husband could know dis dat i m not virgin

  511. Is there any chance of getting aids as i have cut wounds to my balls (rashes around theg were open cuts)and i used condomn to my pennis and had sex with hiv infected woman.
    Please answer

  512. Couple of months back i had sex with a gay and i am not sure if he was HIV or not. I asked him later and he told me he is not HIV. Our sex was only about for couple of mins and after sex I immediately wash my penis. I have tested my self 8 months back and i was clean.
    Do i need to worry about it, How many chances are there if i am infected ? By the way this was my first gay encounter.

  513. What?

  514. So, I recently performed oral sex on a girl a few nights ago, but remained on the clitoris. The next night we were fore playing and I was rubbing my penis on her vagina in between her shorts, and I stuck the head in once or twice (unprotected), but it hurt because the friction from rubbing up on the shorts caused a sore spot under the head of my penis (no blood). What are my chances of any std infection? Also, she smelled funny the second night so I’m worried that she had bacterial vaginosis. I’m wondering if my exposure was significant for that to even come into play.

  515. dear sir. I want to known some thing if i sleeping with hiv girl with condom he will contact me?

  516. i make sex with hiv posive girl with condom what will happen to me

  517. What will happen to the penis of a man if he was effected by hiv/aids

  518. I had a unprotected sex for 5 seconds. Then immediately i put on condom and had a sex.
    After 2 weeks i got wet in the rain and i have fever, body ache and some rashes on my legs but rashes last for 2 hours disappear. And then i had rashes on my arms.
    I went for blood testing, it shows normal.
    Doctor said it is sign malaria.
    Pleasd can you tell me what is it?

    • Sir,
      I had unprotected sex with a girl who already have sex with many people. I had sex for less than 5 seconds.
      after 20 days i was wet in rain and after i get wet i had fever, hands and legs pain, rashes on hand and legs, rashes appear and disappear after 2 to 3 hours.
      I went to the dr. for check up, he said it is a sign of malaria.
      Myself i went for hiv test and the test was negative. test name was SD BIOLINE HIV 1/2.
      Now i don’t have fever, no leg pain. But sometimes i have rashes on my legs, hand and palm. Dr said its a viral infection but not hiv.

      Please help me, what is the problem to me.
      Reply me soon Sir, i have to go for another test or not.

  519. she put my penis in her vagina without my knowledge whiles we were lying down,i realise this in 2minutes and pulled my penis out. Fluid was around my penis when i checked it. can i get hiv from this??

  520. i’m circumsid so like wen i masturbate sperms dont come out so i dont know if i’m doing it wrong or i’m rushing the ejeculation process

  521. i’m circumsid so like wen i masturbate sperms dont come out so i dont know if i’m doing it wrong or i’m rushing the ejeculation process? Cn some 1 plz give me advice i nid it

  522. if you were a virgin and u had unprotected sex,he just fuck once and stops shocked that you were a it possible that you got infected

  523. So my boyfriend claims his zipper was rubbing on his penis head Wednesday work day….tonight Friday and that’s why we couldn’t finish….is he cheating.

  524. Sir,
    I had unprotected sex with a girl who already have sex with many people. I had sex for less than 5 seconds.
    after 20 days i was wet in rain and after i get wet i had fever, hands and legs pain, rashes on hand and legs, rashes appear and disappear after 2 to 3 hours.
    I went to the dr. for check up, he said it is a sign of malaria.
    Myself i went for hiv test and the test was negative. test name was SD BIOLINE HIV 1/2.
    Now i don’t have fever, no leg pain. But sometimes i have rashes on my legs, hand and palm. Dr said its a viral infection but not hiv.

    Please help me, what is the problem to me.
    Reply me soon Sir, i have to go for another test or not.

  525. Hello friends i had unprotected sex with a man. But no anal and oral sex. I dont know whether he is hiv infected or not. But after 2 days of sex, i got mild fever. Now its 10 days. Now i m having breathing problem and heavy stress. So anyone plz tell me is there any chance that i got hiv? Do we get breathing problem within 10 days of hiv infection?

  526. what ever i studied till now says that if you have unprotected sex u get hiv aids,my question is-suppose there are husband and wife who already had unprotected sex many times(both of them are not effected by hiv aids) let us say that the wife cheats her husband and has unprotected sex with some stranger (who is also not effected with hiv aids) ,my question is that -is there a chance for the stranger,wife to get hiv aids,and also again after stranger when her husband again has unprotected sex with her wife will the husband get hiv aids?
    In brief in this question name and explain who will get hiv aids and who doesnt and why with good explanation……reply soon please…

  527. I have a girl whom i love so much. When am moving with her guys say your dead. And i know she slept with many guys in her area ,i have not play sick with her for a since i meet her. And we went for blood test one week later and results were clear that HIV negative. So what i do when i test for the third time?

  528. ive been having unprotected sex with my partner for three years, we went for hiv tests and he tested positive and i tested negative i am confused he has been faithful all along which means he got it before we met but how long will it take to show on my blood

  529. Is,aids caused if a teenage boy fucks someone’s mother?

  530. Healing from HIV-AIDS, i never taugh dr.camala who could ever get my HIV-AIDS cured with his healing spell, i have tried almost everything but i could’nt find any solution on my disease, despite all these happening to me, i always spend alot to buy a HIV drugs from hospital and taking some several medications but no relieve, until one day i was just browsing on the internet when i come accross a great post of !Michelle! who truly said that she was been diagnose with HIV and was healed that very week through the help of these great powerful healing spell doctor, sometime i really wonder why people called him Papa camala, i never knew it was alll because of the great and perfect work that he has been doing that is causing all this. so i quickly contacted him, and he ask me some few questions and he said a thing i will never forget that anyone who contacted him is ! always getting his or her healing in just 6 hours after doing all he ask you, so i was amazed all the time i heard that from him, so i did all things only to see that at the very day which he said i will be healed, all the strenght that has left me before rush back and i becomes very strong and healthy, this disease almost kills my life all because of me, so i will to hospital to give the final test to the disease and the doctor said i am HIV negative, i am very amazed and happy about the healing dr.camala gave to me from the ancient part of africa, you can email him now for your own healing too at:
    thank you sir for healing me from HIV, i am Doris Carter.

  531. I had unprotected sex 4 about 3mounths ago and i only did it about halfanwa and i was drunk plizz tell me can i get infected

  532. I had sex with a whore in her period and the condom broke and I saw blood on my penis.does it mean I have HIV

  533. I did my last sex in January 2011 with a call girl. There after in 2012 I go andccheck my blood report. There was no symptoms of hiv aids. Am I still chance for inspection with hiv aids

  534. sr i had done sex with 5 mens 3 were unmarried 2 unmarried but i did it 2 years back nw there is no more relationship between us .i m scared that had i suffered frm aids.could u plz guide me.

  535. I had a protection sex ,bt i am having rush on my organ. I have seen a doctors ,they told dat its not a serious infection and they gave me cream that make that rush to disapear ,bt everytime i had sex they come back again. What must i do?

  536. Please can a woman get disease From a man by pourin sperm on the woman’s private part. Not in side , but ontop on d vagina nt inside her? Pls I nid to knw


  538. Hide my name plz

    My boyfriend is positive and im negative a day back we had sex with him and when he finish producing while hes trying to went out the condom stuck inside me and when i walk out of bed to try to get it out same sperm spilt it out bt i manage to take it out my problem is dat the last time we hade sex was 2months back n when he came in ma vaginal was painful and i fell the outside of ma vaginal have small scars and what worries me most is dat how many chances of getting hiv because same sperm spilt out when i have those scars plz help i only have few minutes to get pep to prevent hiv (worried)

  539. If a girl marries a man and leaves him and get marries with another one,will they suffer from aids?

  540. If a woman marries a man and leave him and marries another man.will they suffer from aids?

  541. i m 21 years old i release my sperm daily due to this i release my sperm very quicklylessthen one min from last 2 to 3 years and when i release my sperm my balls fell down what should i do this in future create any problem

  542. My name is maria katrina, i am from united kingdom in belfast, I am a stripper in a club I got effected with HIV due to the nature of my job, In april 15 2013 i was tested positive to HIV, Believe it or not this is a true life experience. This is not design to convince you but its just a personal health experience . I never taught doctor hakim could ever get my HIV-AIDS cured with his healing spell, i have tried almost everything but I couldn’t find any solution on my disease, despite all these happening to me, i always spend a lot to buy a HIV drugs from hospital and taking some
    several medications but no relieve, until one day i was just browsing on the internet when i come
    across a great post of !Michelle! who truly said that she was been diagnose with HIV and was healed that very week through the help of these
    great powerful healing spell doctor ,I wonder why he is called the great papa hakim, i never knew it was all because of the great and perfect work that he has been doing
    that is causing all this. so I quickly contacted him, and he ask me some few questions and so i did all the things he asked me to do, only to see that at the very day which he said i will be healed, all the strength that has left me before rush back and i becomes very strong and healthy, this disease almost kills
    my life all because of me, so i went to hospital to give the final test to the disease and the doctor said i am HIV negative, i am very amazed and
    happy about the healing doctor hakim gave to me from the ancient part of africa, you can email him
    now for your own healing too on his
    thank you doctor for healing me from HIV. I am free and happy.

  543. I slept with aman 2 dys amonth whithout condom. 8 dys i go 4 test and is negetive. Can i go 2 tst again?

  544. I had sex with seven different boys,who are HIV negative,and now I’m scared dat do I have any chances of catching AIDS…

  545. If you had a procted sex with an infected person wil you also be infected and if you did some deep and french kissing with that infected person?

  546. Hi, I work in a communication company I want to share my testimony to the world, my name is maria katrina, i am from united kingdom in belfast north ireland, I was a stripper in a club I got effected with HIV due to the nature of my job, In april 15 2013 i was tested positive to HIV, Believe it or not this is a true life experience. This is not design to convince you but its just a personal health experience . I never taught doctor hakim could ever get my HIV-AIDS cured with his healing spell, i have tried almost everything but I couldn’t find any solution on my disease, despite all these happening to me, i always spend a lot to buy a HIV drugs from hospital and taking some several medications but no relieve, until one day i was just browsing on the internet when i came across a great post of !Michelle! who truly said that she was been diagnose with HIV and was healed that very week through the help of this great powerful healing spell doctor ,I wonder why he is called the great papa hakim, i never knew it was all because of the great and perfect work that he has been doing that is causing all this. so I quickly contacted him, and he ask me some few questions and so i did all the things he asked me to do, He never collected any money from me until I was finally cured, only to see that at the very day which he said i will be healed, all the strength that has left me before rush back and i becomes very strong and healthy, this disease almost kills my life all because of me, so i went to hospital to give the final test to the disease and the doctor said i am HIV negative, i am very amazed and happy about the healing doctor hakim gave to me from the ancient part of africa, you can email him now for your own healing too on his email: thank you doctor for healing me from HIV. I am free and happy.

  547. Dominic maloma

    I was using condom and after 2days i found my self i have sti . Sms me back to this number 0736922829

  548. What are posibility of being hiv neg after being incontant with hiv pos person after condom broke

  549. meenakshi sharma

    I did sex with 4 men and they all are unprotected. I did sex in the gap of 2months can I have a chance of hiv possitive m very affaraid plz suggest me now m married

  550. surendra pandey

    if i have hiv aids do i feel sleepy n lagy any times?

  551. I had ma period on last may 18, and i came to happen intercourse with ma husband on june 12. And i got a positive pregnancy test on july 5th.. Is it can be confirm??

  552. Miss Bernille

    Good morning everyone, my name is Miss Bernille from USA, i have been suffering from Hiv/Aids for over 4years now, and suddenly, i have spent all my money all to make sure i get healthy all day, but happily, last month january 12th 2013, i came in contact with a traditional doctor also known as a chief priest on a newspaper who is called Dr camala who has help much people to cure their aids disease, firstly i taught it was a joke until i contacted him ”

  553. Thato from Ga-rankua

    Can a person get HIV through unprotected sex when de vagina ws nt cut,or no friction having occured?

  554. If I didn’t use condom but cum outside will I still have a chance of getting aids or any std

  555. I am pregnant and HIV positive me and my husband we were having sex and the condom broke does this mean my baby will be HIV positive also and me I’m on ARV’s but my husband is not please help me I’m so worried

  556. Please help me me&my husband we are HIV positive&i’m pregnant but recently a condom broke does this mean my baby will be infected&i’m on ARV’s

  557. Hey,can i get hiv when my boyfriend entered me for like 2seconds and pulled out?

  558. Ihad unprotected sex ten month ago with an infected person ihv tested twice and im negative is it possible we had sex once

  559. if i have a sex with a boy who have hiv and during the sex the boy did not released sperm into my vaginal would i contact hiv?

  560. i had unprotected oral sex in life only once time are their any chances of hiv

  561. if a girl is not effected with aids then a boy had anal sex with her then it causes aids please answer me

  562. If both my parents have AIDS, and my mom gave birth to me while she still had AIDS. Is it possible that I may be infected?

  563. Window period of HIV tridot test after six.month hiv tridot negative test is conclusive or not

  564. Eunice akinyi, from kenya kisumu.

    Is it possible that if u use ARV for long time u can be tested negative?

  565. if u have a ‘small’ cut on your balls bag, can u get HIV from having sexual intercourse with random people?

  566. is it possible to get infected by hiv if a person had done 20 time sex without a condom

  567. can i get h i v if i was having sex with someone whose posetive but condom just tear for 2minutes?

  568. can the women get hiv if she had sex with more than four men with years of gap each

  569. i had sex and got aborted once. now having sex with another guy. does this cause aids/hiv. i dont think neither have this disease,but not sure.will i get aids.

  570. my first marriage,had intercourse many times got aborted this s my second marriage,,,had sex,,,can i get aids..or can this pass to my second husband…REPLY SOON….

  571. Am very scared,i went to test with my girl and she is positive y am stil nagetive,my doc said he wil inject me so i wont turn to positive too,am confuse

  572. Am very scared,i went to test with my girl and she is positive y am stil nagetive,my doc said he wil inject me so i wont turn to positive too,am confuse

  573. sir i have a two pimples in my penis i dont no for wat reason it comes whether its a disease r anything reply soon sir waiting for ur reply thanks in advance

  574. Hy my gf is hiv pos n we had an unprotected virginal sex once so nw i’ve developed all the hiv symptoms its been three months bt my tests are negative.what could be the cause of my symptoms?

  575. I had sex with a girl without a condom I just inserted once and removed it. she already had sex with a guy 1 month back without a condom and other guy 4 years back. is there possibility of HIV or aids!!!
    plzz reply!!and don’t expose my name!!

  576. Dear sir/madam.
    I did the greatest mistake of my Life four days back, I had sex with prostitute but it was protected sex used condom no oral sex nor any other foreplay just had vaginal sex I ejaculated inside after 2 seconds I took it out no.breakage in condom . I asked her about her health status she said she infection she.does medical.check up .My question is do I get hiv ? What are the possiblities of acquring the infection ? I’m so anxious and it is killing me night and day , please suggest me a.way to get out of this problem I want to live peacefully. Help me.

  577. Can you get hiv from shering sigaret if ther woz blood on botom we’re you put yor lips

  578. I tested positive and my boy friend tested negetive and we have been having sex for three months and he the only man i have sex in my life

  579. I tested positive nd my bf negetive nd we hav been having sex 4 3 months without a condom nd he’s my virginity breaker how cn dat happens coz it my first sex in my lyf nd again my both parents a negetive

  580. I had done sex with a boy when i was 16 years and now i am 22 years old i am getting married with another guy will there be any problem which i have to face in my future with him?

  581. Thabo Maphalane

    The liquid from my HIV infected wife’s vagina contacted my cut skin on my pubic area during sex. Does that mean i am ifected?

  582. I had sex but was using a condom it did not break the person is likely to be HIv positive i got tested six weeks after and i am negative bt after that i have been havin rashes on ma face and musle aches is there any chance that i am HIv positive

  583. i want to be rich and famous, and my family be wealthy forever, and i want be intelligence in my speech, in the school, in the public, to be creative also. for contact 08074965370

  584. is it safe to have sex with Hiv infected lady evin if am using condoms safe

  585. had live sex with my gf my penis started iching went to the doctor was given medication and the iching stoped after one weak i went back i noticed some red tiny sports which were hating on my penis the Doc descided i do sti and hiv test which i did and everything is negative he told me to bring my girlfriend for same test which i did she was tested hiv positive and sti negative and scared does that mean am also hiv?

  586. I had that h,i.v stay in the body for 3 to 6month befor it wil be review 2 test.why is that people tested only once when donating blood in the hospital and even if they hv a rof play last i dnt understand secondly if make love (sex)wit a lady under her period and the lady is positive duo you use condom can it be contart.

  587. Hi sir I really so afraid because I sex with five lady without use condom and I know that these five lady no one infected of h.i.v virous so am I hiv patient

  588. Hi,I have dated a guy for one time about 4 months ago .. We had unprotected sex. But he doesn’t have any diseases. Now i have another guy in my life and we got a little intimated as well but we didn’t have sex yet. My question is if i have sex with my recent guy will this be dangerous? Will i or him get any diseases? By: Sarah

  589. hi, i have dated a guy for one time about 4 months ago..after the sex his pennis pained itseems but he doesn’t have any diseases..and we had unprotected sex..and i am not pregnant now..Now i have another guy in my life and we got a little intimated as well but we didn’t have sex yet.My question is are there any possibilty of getting hiv if i have sex with my recent guy …..and recent guy does not have hiv…

  590. A woman discover that she is pregnant and did HIV test. The woman tested positive and the man tested negetive. Is it possible?

  591. i was recently fooling around with a girl when she slipped my penis inside her unprotected. It must have been two or three thrusts before i pulled out and put on a condom. Am i at risk?

  592. girl married and had sex first time,same girl sex with another guy aids will come..if boy has two wife she will get aids…how we need to safe

  593. I have pimples around my penis could the be sirious

  594. if i sex with married girl she had sex with husband ,if i sex tht girl shall i get hiv aids

  595. Dr oko brought a smile to my face when all hope was lost, when i thought that no body can help me cure my sickness.if i will ever praise someone in this life i will forever praise God and Dr Oko for the wonderful work they done in my life. i want to use use this medium to prove those that say there is not a cure for hiv i want to say i was tested hiv positive last 2 years ago went i went to free hiv test by govt and i have been trying to get a cure from different doctors and but i still remain positive, but now i wan t to say that i am hiv negative by the medicine of this great herbalist called Dr Oko when i went for a check up two days ago. please contact Dr OKo on his email: he is the one that can only cure your sickness because he has cured mine. truly there is a solution home to all problems.once more i say a very big thanks to you for saving my life.

  596. Hi, I’m a 17 year old male and I’m nervous because though I didn’t have sex with another man we did engage in mutual masturbation and he did have some of his semen on his hand and I am afraid that the exposure to my gentals and uretha could mean hiv. Someone put my mind at ease? I didn’t know this guy really or his sexual history

  597. martins jumbo

    I slept with a girl without using a condom but I decided to enjaculate on top of the bed without coming inside her then I took Duovir tablet am I still gonna be infected

  598. I was involved in unprotected sex on March 29. I went for HIV test on June 28. They have used Tridot method and the result was Non Reactive.Is it conclusive.

  599. sir im 17 yo boy and i’m caught by syphillis so plz tell me what i can do now . i saw its symotoms 2 years before when my penis was filled by rashes

  600. sir my condom had loosen at the time of sex do i have any chace of gettting hiv

  601. if the girl do not having fluid during oral sex can they may get hiv or not

  602. Am HIV positive and just had a child my partner has done the tests but they say he is HIV. Negative is that possiable

  603. Ok , so I had sex a week ago with my boyfriend twice without a condom.
    We had it the first time and he pulled out before he came then he cleaned it with gel and we had it again and he also pulled out .. What are the chances of me being pregnant although this isn’t the first time we do this. And I’m not feeling any symptoms

  604. I am a gul i have unprotected sex wth my bf wht cn i do 2 gain weight am lossing

  605. Good morning everyone, my name is joan from pakistan, I have been suffering from

    Hiv/Aids for over 4years now, and suddenly, i have spent all my money all to make sure

    i get healthy all day, but happily, last month january 12th 2013, I came in contact

    with a traditional doctor also known as a chief priest on a newspaper who is called Dr

    akpe who has help much people to cure their aids disease, firstly i taught it was a

    joke until i contacted him ” ‘ ” and he said that if i am ready

    for this work, i told him yes, and he collected my details and told me that after he

    has finished consulting his oracle he will run back to me on when to go for a medical

    check up, i was unhealthyling surprise. And truly last week monday Dr akpe called me

    to quickly go for a medical checkup, which I did, only to find out that I was not with

    any HiV disease anymore, my friends and families who left me before run back to me. I

    now found out that God in Heaven is using this man to bless and heal us all, he is a

    great and powerful man, again I say to you sir, that God almightly will uplift you and

    your great work you did for I and other people. Pls i will sincerely advice all Hiv

    patient to contact this great powerful man called Dr Akpe for your solutions now at he will help you on your Hiv


  606. Hello.. I m nw 17…1st yr… When i was in class 10.. I had sex with a girl of age 13… But the problem is i hav done sex with her without using a condom….. Nw i want to ask u m i suffering from hiv aids?..

  607. It is no longer news that the Acquired immune deficiency syndrome /Human Immuno Virus (HIV/AIDS) is increasing by the day. The fear is that many people living with the sickness are scared of saying it because of the stigma that comes along with it.
    I am bold enough among many others to state that there is now a potent cure to this sickness but many are unaware of it. I discovered that I was infected with the virus 8yrs ago, after a medical check-up. My doctor told me and I was shocked, confused and felt like my world has crumbled. I was dying slowly due the announcement of my medical practitioner but he assured me that I could lead a normal life if I took my medications (as there was no medically known cure to HIV).
    I went from churches to churches but soon found that my case needed urgent attention as I was growing lean due to fear of dying anytime soon.
    In a bid to looking for a lasting solution to my predicament, I sought for solutions from the voodoo world. I went online and searched for every powerful trado-medical practitioner that I could severe, cos I heard that the African Voodoo Priests had a cure to the HIV syndrome. It was after a little time surfing the web that I came across one DR IWAJOWA (A powerful African Voodoo Priest), who offered to help me at a monetary fee. I had to comply as this was my final bus-stop to receiving a perfect healing. My last resolve was to take my life by myself, should this plan fail. Alas! it worked out well. He gave my some steps to follow and I meticulously carried out all his instructions.
    Last month, 13 July, 2013, to be precise, I went back to the hospital to conduct another test and to my amazement, the results showed that ” I am NEGATIVE”.
    You can free yourself of this HIV virus by consulting this great African Voodoo Priest via this e-mail: IWAJOWATELLERSPELL@YAHOO.COM OR CALL +2347030410643 He will help you

  608. i did intercourse with 4 vaginal boys without protection.. can i have aids

  609. M girl in my life many boys came 1 by 1 as boy friend almost 4 nd m did sex with this most are used protection bt 1 boy used some time .bt he is not carrier of hiv that case m I suffer from aids . Please give me ans

  610. Tumelo from Mahikeng

    Can a guy get infected/infect by HIV having unprotected sex even though he didn’t ejaculate inside a woman?

  611. I have no symptoms of any type of virus and only had sex once with a condom what are the chances of me still having something?

  612. Obasi Thankgod

    can i contact Aids when i share dsame or brush with an infectrd person?

  613. i hv sex wit a girl den i release sperm inside b4 i nw it something lik white come out of her what is that

  614. Is it posible 4 one partner 2 b negative n the other positive n yet they haven’t being using protection 4 two years

  615. i had a sex with an hiv+ woman with comdon but after sex i discover i was welt with verginer fluid. I then use spirit to cleans the fluid on my part been welt as first aid

  616. Whn u miss period for one month is dt myb a symtoms of hiv

  617. At first i am sorry that my english are not good.
    Yesterday i sex with my boyfriend.we didn’t use condom but his sparm didn’t swim inside me.when he could understand that his sparm would come he take his part out from my vagina.but before sparm he push his orin inside mine but i am now afarid.can you tell me am i become pregnant??

  618. At first i am sorry that my english are not good.
    Yesterday i sex with my boyfriend.we didn’t use condom but his sparm didn’t swim inside me.when he could understand that his sparm would come he take his part out from my vagina.but before sparm he push his orin inside mine but i am now afarid.can you tell me am i become pregnant now??

  619. I’ve had sex with a girl when i was 14 or 15yrs old unprotected sex and even on her period. She did not have hiv. Then I had sex with another girl when I was 16 unprotected, and she wasn’t infected. Now I’m currently In a long relationship and I’m 21 I’ve been having unprotected sex with her for 4yrs, I tried anal once with her and poop came out but I didnt see any blood. 2weeks later I got a fever after I took a nap, it only lasted one night the next day i felt better just recovering from it. This was in February begginging of March, I’ve been scared ever since. Shes not infected either before we started dating. Am I ok? Is it true u can only get hiv from someone who has it?

  620. I had unprotected sex with man he is positive we had it 8 hour ago am on risk what help can i get?

  621. Dear Doctor. I have2months ago. with a prostitude while. i was doing when i com i see that the condoms broke and i feel she give me like hiv shesays she’s good but i knoe dont believe. her

  622. hi m 23by age i had sex with gel using condom . N that condom break . My problem i dnt knw her status . If she hiv can i also get infected wth hiv.i ejeculate insid . Plz hli


  624. Is true dat u cn get hiv whn u hv sex once

  625. plz help me I’m 15 years old and gay so afraid I have hiv.I was tested for std gonorrheamd chalymedi may 2013 I was negative for both. Way before then in April 2013 I had unprotected sex with a guy and in December 2013. I’m scared someone help me plz.

  626. am a guy been atleast 20 years am having an affair with a woman who HIV POSITIVE and i have gone for vct many time bt i always find myself negative and am circumse does it mean am infected still?but my genotype is B PLEASE HELP ME

  627. Dr dear 2yrs ago I did a great mistake. After having protected vaginal sex for 1 min. I open the condom leave it for 5 sec outside and touch it 2-3 sec. I thought that HIV virus will die immediately. After touching I did not see any wet in my hand . Do I need to worry for hiv.

  628. What happens, if u’v been raped by a positive person and on that time u we’re on periods u ddnt use condom. And the followng day u took arv’s 4 period. If u skiped ur pill 4 1day, are u still going to be positive?

  629. i recently had sex with an infected girl it was a 20second sex i ddnt have any cut in dick we didnt kiss well i get infected

  630. Nozy princencia

    How to handle a situation whr by a prgnt mother iz hiv postive wt a 3 yer old daugther,n de husband du not nid dem to take arv’s

  631. Had unprotected sex with prostitute can I have aids

  632. My girl friend is HIV possitive and I’m negative, we need to have kids, how can we do that without me getting infected

  633. If you are on birth controll,and the day wen u sapouse to go for ur birt controll needle,but before you go,u have unproteckted sex,but after da sex,you go for the birth controll,will u fall pregnant

  634. I have a pimple on my penis. I had sex with condon with a complete stranger and I’m very worried yesterday I noticed many pimple on my penis with some breaks in my skin on my penis region and I’m afraid it might be herpes. What do I do?

  635. I had sex with girl without using condom 1 year ago and now I have again sex with another girl by using condom which was safe…its 1 week I am in confusion that whether I should go for HIV test and is it right time to test??please reply soon I m in depression…

  636. would i get infected with hiv if i sleep with a hiv+girl for 34second and sparm inside we didn kiss

  637. Hi Youth HIV&AIDS Awereness Project. There are people who are in love, man and a lady. The man is free from HIV and the lady tested HIV positive for several times, she takes a treatment and these people they had an unprotected sex for years and the man also ejaculate inside. When the man goes for tests, he is HIV negative. How does that happen for a man to test negative always?

  638. Am hiv posetive and am scared to go 2 hospital 2 take treatment . So I want 2 know dat can I go 2 private docter 2 collect treatment

  639. Yes it is true yu can get it

  640. i had a sex with 2 gays who dont have hiv but without protection so could i have hiv

  641. Hello..I want to know AIDS by testing within three days .Can I know my result in three days and where I can get this test.
    Please….reply to me ….!
    Thanks for your help.

  642. Can someone tell me why would a guy take a used condom with him afterward?

  643. Hi im hiv + my boyfriend is negative what are the risks when the condom blast wil my boyfriend be infected….

  644. i slept with hiv+ woman 4 a year without knwng,so i went 4 da test whch turned 2 b negative,so window period has long past and m scared 4 da 2nd possible can it be positive.

  645. I had sex with one girl unprotected and didn’t wash up then later had unprotected sex with another girl and the three of us are clean is it possible I have something. And yes we are clean and I’m sure I just want to know a real answer

  646. iam a 27 old and a mother of two,my problem is that it start with itching and the nxt day i wil develop some pimples 3or4 at one place outside vagina this pimples wil turn to be one sore and it is painful now is about 8 yrs feeling this it comes and starts when i was a girl,now the problem is that me and my husband go for hiv test and my husband is-and me+ now it is 3 times testing still the same i didnt cheat him and i dont know why,pliz help me

  647. what will happen if a 6 years old infected boy with h.i.v/aids plays un protected sex with a 7 years old girl,can she get aids?

  648. Hello, i gayand have a partner. he gave me hiv, i wanna know if we can have unprotected sex. if i cum in him will something happen? wehave the same strainsince he gave it to me

  649. I ve jst started using the Arvs nd nw 4 the past few weeks I’ve been coughing nd tested as Tb bt non reactive fine nw I’ve got chest pains and thts ulcers all the signs and symptoms are there could it be the Arvs and after I’ve treated the ulcers is the a chance tht I may hv the ulcers again?I’m in pain realy I’m loosing apetite bcs when eating I xperience a lot of pain ..:help

  650. Wat likely to happen to penis if sex not done
    2 months over. Pls advise Doc.

  651. Can one be infected if a condom breaks and the partner is already on arvs?pliz help

  652. Hi my partner is hiv positive he has had it since 2009 after being infected by a lady stabbing him with a dirty syringe, he was on the medication although has stopped it 2 1/2 months agoand is giving up 😦 last few days he has been urinating and pooping blood, he is 31 years old and iIn general healthy, Is he getting really sick or is it another problem? Please help Am so worried for him!

    • Depends really I have been with my partner 7 years and many occasions this has happened and I am still ok It wad not passed onto me, get checked properly if it worried though.

  653. Hey all. Yesterday I had sex with a pros. when I was drunk. I want to go for medical checkup. I just want to know after how many days should I go for a

  654. I did sex wid 4 girls and they all was unprotected can i hav chances to get aids but they didnt have infected persons

  655. I touch HIV person blood only rub but forgot to wash my hand . I eat lunch with hand .Please tell me that i am in HIV or not

  656. I have. dicovered. at age that I am 50years old.I hardly get out breaks I lived a healthy live style no alcohol and I wark out a lot..but I still feel guilty of my self.

  657. I had unprotected sex with my girlfriend many times, but i am scared that i dont know i can be with her in future or not. If in future i get marry with other girl then is there any chance of HIV?

  658. i am waiting for help

  659. i am waiting for yr help

  660. Hi um 34 yrs woman living with Hiv for 8yrs now nd um on treatment, now of lately my body itches, my CD4 is 635 nd viral load went high from 0-0,9 as a results I lost weight from 104-97, so I want to if is there something wrong with the medication um taking cos I dnt drink any liqour nd I practice safe sex, whats wrong with my body cos um ver worried abt this. Pls help……

  661. Mehekh Singhghania

    People can get effected while once having sex without protection?

  662. I just had unprotected sex and after that i washed myself really well. Would i still get an infection ???

  663. I am 15 year old boy and i am too thin but still i do cumshot 1 a day is this causing any harm to me?

  664. I can me and the guy both get a std/HIV if we had anal without a condom or lube and I let him cum in my ass and then we stopped everything and cleaned up and I realized I started bleeding a little help ?

  665. I meet a guy that is hiv postive is 2 years now i have test my self i am not haveing it dose that mean in years to come i we have it

  666. Hello .! May I get your advise.I went to brothelkeeper and sex with a prostitute at Aug 15 .The condom broke in the middle and I used a new one till the end.Now I’m so worry .I can’t sleep every night.I feel some rash in my groin and bum and it’s itching.My right palm also appear two rashes.I got those syptom last 5 days (Aug 21) .But I took forlic acid at Aug 19. Is it the side effect of taking forlic acid or infection of hiv.Now my back also some rash and I feel the sounding of air in my stomach but I don’t have diarrhea.please advise to me .Is it the syptom of hiv .And when I will get this syptom early after sex or infection if I’ve this virus.When I can test and which generation Can I test bez I live in Myanmar.Sorry, I’ about to forgot that Rashes pain after claw.Thanks a lot your advise and I’m sorry for my poor in English .
    A man With contrition!

  667. Can i catch something for sleeping with the person who has something one time


    My age is fourteen i do sex without girl i rub my penis with soap for to munites and something came out of it.Can it cause any probleam?please answer me i am very worried.

  669. I first had sex with my x boy friend several times we broke up now am married to we too had sex will i be infected am so scared i sometimes get itching sensation around my vagina and i wash it goes and again it starts will it lead to serious diseases?

  670. I got an HIV test 3 weeks after potential exposure the girl also did hers came up negative which I’m sure if I had gotten it it would have been from her mine was negative as well should I still be worries? also I don’t have any symptoms other than a slight burning/itching at the tip of my penis you know. the opening that. isnt always there seems like i only get it after i ejaculate then it stops and goes. away .the doc said I’m fine but I still worry also i have slight testicle pains that comes and goes and feeling of. discharge but when checked theres none,
    doc said that’s fine also, I feel like this is all in my head I haven’t been able to check for herpes cause I’m 17 and donot work on my first visit to the doc he checked mg urine and said its fine not sure if he checked for chlamydia or gonerrhea reply asap so I can know what you think of this please

  671. I’ve been having unprotected sex with other girls and recently my partner got tested negative.. Are we both safe? Do I need to go in for test aswell? Please advise

  672. Can u get hiv if u did sex once with someone postive?

  673. Wat wil hapen if an hiv person stops taking arv’s

  674. I am a man and gave another man oral for about ten seconds after he ejaculated. In another ocassion I gave oral to a different man for about five minutes and he die noteaculated. I receive unprotected oral from ?other men that I don’t know. My question is can I catch an std

  675. Please …sir,I don’t get reply yet.
    I’m waiting for reply.Please can you reply me bez I’m very afraid and frightness.Thank ….!

  676. Actualy i had sex with my ex bt he cheated me and made my life spoiled
    Now i am going to be married with another men i want to know how can i protect myself to hiv and std plss help

  677. hi sir. . in my top galns some light redspots is appering its partially before 10 days an traveing one person[man] is anal my prnus with is mouth only …after some days i feel some pain in penis .and i used now abtibiotics tablets….plz help me it is dangerous or not…after passing urine some pain is happen…frequently need pass urine. .

  678. Hi
    I just want to encourage ppl who ar living with the disease that Hiv nd Aids is not death sentence bt the begginning a new life with their Lord Jesuss, so they must be of good courage at all times for God wont leave us nor fosake us,

  679. i m having 3 girl friend and i m fucking all them without condom from 4 yrs do i had hiv/aids

  680. next week me and my friend is going to do another two virgin girls alternatively in one night first im gonna do one girl without condom while he was doing another ,second im gonna do another one with whom he did will while i was doing with other one and my question is does i will get hiv if i do both girls without condom(im a virgin those girls r also virgin we not infected by anything so wearing condom is necessary i will take my pennis out while i feel that im going to cum,so tell me if do one girl first without condom and the after few minutes i do another girl without condom does hiv will catch me )both girls and me is virgin

  681. If I smoked weed yesterday and I had sex with out a condom can she get prengnet

  682. Hey im ditshego frm hammanskraal nd n i need help im hiv posetive since 2011 nd i dnt tyk ma meds cuz dey myk me vomite nd loose ma epitide so ma bf ask if i cn bare him a kid i want to bt i ddnt tel him abt ma status nd he is frm zim wat cn i do plz help

  683. hello..
    i have licked my girl friend used underwear… it was having something white liquid on it…. i licked it also… can it cause aids…. plzzzzz help….

  684. After having a long lasting sex with my partner, my eyes have been turning since then, does it mean i am infected by Hiv/Aids?

  685. Heir l’m a 22 years old and its 2weeks now am having some pens on my vergan and it itching also ,some time l will have red drops after my urine plze help

  686. yesterday a gay sucked my pennis i have doubt if that person have aids will it affect me? when can i go for checkup

  687. Hi sir,
    i’m kranthi ,last night i sex with a call girl, i used 2 condoms, and i didn’t satisfy b’cz sprams didn’t come out. That time i leaves her and went out side..
    My doubt is there any possible to be HIV?

  688. iam married so i sex with my husband with out using safty and after 32 hours iam sex with another person with out using safty both members hiv negitive.
    but my dobt is there any possible to be hiv??plz reply

  689. Im vry gladly waiting for having sex with my neighbour aunty… bt she was married., is there any pisibilitiea of problem like HIV AIDS ?..

    Shal i proceed ejaculation in her ******…?

  690. if u ve sex with hiv lady and dont relased sparm during the sex can u get some

  691. Can I get HIV if I can put my penis inside the HIV lady’s virgina for 8 seconds

  692. Dear doctor.
    I would like to ask from u that I didn’t do anal /vaginal sex.I am a male.The sex worker sucked my penis with condom only once then she started to suck my scrotum.I didn’t see any blood on my scortum.then I washed my scortum with water.Start rubbing in her middle of the breast.while rubbing suddenly my condom torn and my penis urethra touched her tongue for I think some seconds.Then I said to her to close the mouth and then she closed her mouth.then I ejaculated my semen with my own hands out site.pls inform me that am I at the risk of hiv.I am not able to sleep.My anxiety level is increasing.After one month of this incident I felt bad flu and felt itching on the face and back but now nothing .



  693. HI My Name is VICTORIA DUSS, I wish to share my testimonies with the general public about
    what this man called has just done for me , this man has just did what I thought nobody will ever do for me, i was HIV positive when one of my family friend
    introduce this man to me, I never believed that great DrOlodumare could do this, when I contacted him on this same issue on ground, he casted some spell for me and gave me some parcel to drink, now I am so happy to say that the virus I was having In my body have left me.
    All thanks to Dr Olodumare If you are out there passing through this same kind of problems you can
    contact him today on his mail ( and he will also help you as well with his great spell caster,

    thanks be to Dr Olodumare

  694. Hi I had sex with one call girl without condom only one time. It was my big mistake in my whole life. Can you please tell me in one time sex is there any chances to aids. Pls respond.

  695. am 28year old and am still a virgin what type of druds or injection can i take

  696. For the past few years I’ve slept with 5 different partners without the use of a condom. they were all negative but is it possible for me to get HIV?

  697. You cannot wear body fit clothes as it will emphasize your bulge stomach.
    The more fit that you are, the more you will have to exert yourself in
    order to burn fat. For this, you will have to consider a fitness plan that aims to
    lose fat and build muscles.

  698. How do i advice a man who does not know if the symtoms he has are those of hiv infection?

  699. What are the symptoms of hiv after five days of unprocted sex with a female

  700. What if you butt fucked a guy and didnt use a condom and spermed but you never got “inside” him. What are the chances of you getting hiv?

  701. hi doc am male 27..i had received unprote cted oral sex with a man i dont know who is that stupid on aug 19h.on sep 12 i teseed vdrl hsv 1& is all normal..what is my problem is in my penis of innerskin inside some sores and penis of glands id some palces have red smal dots…please give me suggestion ..which test can i take..

  702. Can u be infected if u sleep wth an Hiv positive person in one day

  703. my girlfriend was infected wit hiv virus which she confessed to me that she slept with another guy on december 2012 and we found out she was positive on 15 august 2013 and I have gone 4 the test two times and am still negative and I don’t make love to her again but we still sleep together but am still afraid that I might turn to positive anytime because of the window period.please I need an answer cos am afraid?

  704. Hello last sat I had been for a party . Aft party I had been for one more party where I ended up getting fucked by my x crush without condom though it was my first time I didnt bleed… now what shall I do. I mean wht medication shall I take.

  705. Dr Zuma zuk is the only Dr who could ever get my HIV-AIDS cured with his healing spell, i have tried almost everything but

    i couldn’t find any solution on my disease, despite all these happening to me, i always spend a lot to buy a HIV drugs from

    hospital and taking some several medications but no relieve, until one day i was just browsing on the internet when i come

    across a great post of !Michelle! who truly said that she was been diagnose with HIV and was healed that very week through

    the help of these great powerful healing spell doctor, sometime i really wonder why people called him Papa Zuma zuk, i

    never knew it was all because of the great and perfect work that he has been doing that is causing all this. so i quickly

    contacted him, and he ask me some few questions and he said a thing i will never forget that anyone who contacted him is !

    always getting his or her healing in just 6 hours after doing all he ask you, so i was amazed all the time i heard that

    from him, so i did all things only to see that at the very day which he said i will be healed, all the strength that has

    left me before rush back and i becomes very strong and healthy, this disease almost kills my life all because of me, so i

    will to hospital to give the final test to the disease and the doctor said i am HIV negative, i am very amazed and happy

    about the healing Dr Zuma zuk gave to me from the ancient part of Africa, you can email him now for your own healing too

    at: or call him on +2348078139254

    thank you sir for healing me from HIV, i am Matilda Morgan

  706. actually i had a sex(unprotected) with my boyfriend for once.i dint get there any chance of getting HIV…If so what tests should i take to confirm about HIV..please reply…i am so worried about this.

  707. In fact, the proportions are that one life must take hundreds or thousands of lives throughout its lifetime.
    At the conscious level, we violate this principle each
    time we consciously intent and act to take from others what is not given.
    If you act civil, perform maintenance on your life and refuse to call
    every 2 days to berate your ex, you’ll stay plenty clear of that point.

  708. in my body fever comes again and again and donot go from my body.i feel uneasy. So i am attacked by aids? plz tell me.

  709. I got sex with a girls who is not suffrng frm aids and neither I…… and I didnt ejacuate sperm in her vagina…….so will I get suffer from HIV….plzzz tell me m so worried

  710. I got sex without protection with a girls who is not suffrng frm aids and neither I…… and I didnt ejacuate sperm in her vagina…….so will I get suffer from HIV….plzzz tell me m so worried

  711. can anyone get aids if he had got hiv +ve blood by mistake?? My friend met with an accident in past n had got infected blood..please guide..its vry urgent.


    I’m a man seeing a gay man for casual sex for about 2yrs now please help me? He has assured me he iHiv negitive tested every 3months me every 1yr I ejackulate in mouth every time never a condem I suck him off too but I put the condem on when he cums. Now I have made a decision to let him cum in my mouth please tell me just in case he is hiv positive is best to spit out or swallow his semen fast I I’m going through with it anyway please tell me which spit or swallow is the least risky thank you very much for your time appreciate you please. E mail me. Thanks. Again


    Hi I’m wondering please how much risk there doing unprotected insertive anal sex on another man with ejackulation in side if your sure Both male partners are 100percent. Hiv. Negitive thank you. For your time

  714. after i touched blood for hiv positive and i have an open wound and i wash with saop and water can it be cleaned

  715. DR ukpoyan is the only Dr who could ever get my HIV-AIDS cured with his healing spell, i have tried almost everything but i could’nt find any solution on my disease, despite all these happening to me, i always spend a lot to buy a HIV drugs from hospital and taking some several medications but no relieve, until one day i was just browsing on the internet when i come across a great post of !Michelle! who truly said that she was been diagnose with HIV and was healed that very week through the help of these great powerful healing spell doctor, sometime i really wonder why people called him Papa ukpoyan, i never knew it was all because of the great and perfect work that he has been doing that is causing all this. so i quickly contacted him, and he ask me some few questions and he said a thing i will never forget that anyone who contacted him is ! always getting his or her healing in just 6 hours after doing all he ask you, so i was amazed all the time i heard that from him, so i did all things only to see that at the very day which he said i will be healed, all the strength that has left me before rush back and i becomes very strong and healthy, this disease almost kills my life all because of me, so i will to hospital to give the final test to the disease and the doctor said i am HIV negative, i am very amazed and happy about the healing Dr ukpoyan gave to me from the ancient part of Africa, you can email him now for your own healing too at:

  716. Hello everyone.
    My name is Alice, my boyfriend and I were separated for a long period due to some misunderstanding, I came across different spell casters and they were all unable to bring my lover back. I was so sad and almost gave up on him when i met a spell caster called Dr. Desmond, who helped me get my lover back. Ever since then i have been so happy and couldn’t believe it would happen. He also helped me with success spell, I have been living happily with my lover now and will be getting married soon. Here is his contact if you need his help on getting your ex back, stop your marriage from crumbling, or you need success in every aspect of your life. He is really a good spell caster.

  717. hi, i was approached by this girl selling cooked fishes,later she told that she a sex worker, and we had sex after i been living in fear that i might got infected and i was wearing a condom though i didnt cover the whole penis

  718. Elizabeth charlie

    Can i get HIV when my clitoris comes in contact with a penis or the penis goes halfway into my vagina?

  719. Me and my boyfrnd we hve 5yrs staying to gether I used to do my test bt my boy frnd does nt want ! All ths yrs I ws positive ! Last month I went check I found tht I m hiv positive I told hm he said I knw where I get it bcz he don’t hve ? So I dnt knw wht must I do nw we use condom

  720. Am a guy of 22yrs which i have a girlfriend of mine she is just 13yrs old and and have been making sex with her how can i prevent myself frm pregnating her.

  721. When i am doing sex my condom was tored immediately i noted . At that time my sperm was not released. Immediatly i noticed . At starting only my condom was tored. Pleasw send me email is there any chance to get aids?

  722. Hi . Today i had sex with sex worker. My condom was torn in the starting of the sex when i injected my pennis into her pussy. After 4 or 5 strokes my condom was torn.With in the fraction of second i noticed that my condom was torn so i removed my pennis. At that time my sperm was not released. Is there any chance to get aids. I am from india. At the time of my condom torn ejaculation was not happened.

  723. Hi . Today i had sex with sex worker. My condom was torn in the starting of the sex when i injected my pennis into her pussy. After 4 or 5 strokes my condom was torn.With in the fraction of second i noticed that my condom was torn so i removed my pennis. At that time my sperm was not released. Is there any chance to get aids. I am from india. At the time of my condom torn ejaculation was not happened.give me urgent reply

  724. I am hiv neg woman and am married to a hiv positive man .we use condoms when we have sex and a month ago while we have sex in our 1st round he spermed alot in da condom the in our second round but in the middle of it the condom broke but there was nothing it i even find a piece inside me when i urinate .should i get worried that i may be infected


  726. I had a sex with 3boys. I am going to marry now. If i have a sex wth my husband who is 4th i ll affect by HIV?

  727. Hey I have a question to ask some people who maybe like me and or has been like me and still are. My question is I think I’m bi and I really want to give a handjob hopefully with a guy with a big d*** and also a blowjobs. What I mean about blowjobs is two guys or more around me and having a gangbang with them but them not giving me anal so someone please help me so ill know what to do.

  728. I slept with an H.I.V. infected man five year ago,i go for test and wos negative,is it possible

  729. What if you jad a one night stand with someone out of drunkess an you get tested an have a std? But can’t inform that person because you don’t really know them but you knew they gave it to you?

  730. Is it possible to got pregnent and have menstruation but the blood is not normal its weaker and hv dark dots

  731. my names are amarachi amez i am from Nigeria, and i am very happy to share this wonderful testimony about a man called doctor aluta who cured me of HIV. i have been sick of HIV since February last year until last months when i saw a testimony of a woman with the name beauty about doctor aluta, after i saw the testimony i was convinced that he could help me and then i decided to try him out, just last month i contacted him, and then he told me every thing that he will be needing for the preparation of the medication which i provided and then he prepared it and sent it to me, just last week i finished taking the medication, and then he told me to go for a test four days ago. now i am very happy to say that i am now HIV negative. if you are in this same problem just contact him now and let him help you out just as he did for me.. these are his contact details. email: you can also call him on +2348077526430.
    may god bless your good work.

  732. I have a herpes problem nd i went for an Hiv test nd it was positive does it mean am realy infected wit da virus

  733. if i mated with hiv infected person in how many days i will come to know that iam infected with hiv

  734. if mated with hiv infected person in how many days i will come to know that iam infected with hiv

  735. Am 25 years old am positive I wnt to knw if I cn steel have sex. Or partner family n yes am on arv

  736. Cn i du sx wth my ant if wi a of th same age

  737. Cn i do sx wth my ant if wi of th same age

  738. Its is possible or ur partner be positive n u b negetive?

  739. my husband is 15years older than i am since from the 1st time we tried making love i always found it hard and painfull and my virgina dries up quick n it becomes more painfull,i love him but fail to satisfy his sexual needs what could be the cause?

  740. Hi Am 27 year old male who had sex using condom but wat is worries me I notice some sort of rash in my private part after days I had sex with her, Im really scared please advise mi what should I do?

  741. Hello my name is Cassie I want to give a testimony about my HIV virus that
    was cured by a great spell caster Dr Okogbo. Since last 4 months I have
    being a HIV AID patient. I never think I live long again and am so grateful
    about him Dr.Okogbo who help me cured my HIV AIDS last 3 weeks. I was in a
    great pain so I told one of my best friends; he told me that there is a
    great spell caster that can cure my Virus. I asked her if she had his
    email, she gave me his email, I emailed him he talked to me and he perform
    the necessary rituals and he told me that after two weeks I should go for a
    test. Which I did, when the doctor told me that am now a HIV negative I
    couldn’t believe myself I went to see another doctor the result was still
    the same, I was human on planet earth, so I emailed him and thanked him.
    Please if you are having a similar problem please visit him/contact him at ; ; all
    thanks to Dr Okogbo Regard…

  742. Hey plz help me I had an unprotected sex then my vagina itch and now I saw pimples on it.I’m very worried does it mean I have hiv and aids or I’m diagnosed? Please help me

  743. Hi I know this is probably the wrong place to be asking this but idk where to go I’m 17 and have had sex lots without a condom and my girlfriend has never been pregnant I don’t want to have a kid but does this mean I’m staril

  744. Dear doctor i went to hyderabad for a business trip theri meet a girl and said that she want to have sex i said ok and we said a condom also but when i started to sex with her then my pennis got loos and then she left my doubt is will i get h.i.v

  745. Hi I am concerned that my partner maybe having sex with internet girls or prostitutes. He keeps having red like friction marks on his penis and I know its not off sex with me. He says he is not and its normal for blokes to get marks on his penis. Is this possible or is he lying? Thanks I am going insane

  746. Guys my bf placed his erected penis on my pubic area and ejaculated without penetration..I don’t if has aids or not,can this be dangerous for me

  747. welcome to my solutiontemple were all help are found with the powers of our fore fathers did you have any problem that you fine difficult to solve come to me and your problem will be solve such as HIV AIDS CANCER madness e.t.c you can via my email

  748. some days ago a man who is also my friend, about 28 years old said me to get naked and have sex,he removed mypant and put his penis inside my anus,i have very large amt of hairs at that region of mine, so his penis was unable to go completely inside my anus,then after some time he stood up and withdrew his semen,earlier he also rubbed his penis tip with mine,.. he dis this sex to me one year earlier too…..that time too my hairs were very dense and hence his penis didnot moved inside completely.
    …now please tell if I can.have any sti. ..he dididn’t used a condom and said that no precum has gone inside my anus…..bust I diubt… plzzz help me..can I get any sti

  749. some days ago a man who is also my friend, about 28 years old said me to get naked and have sex,he removed mypant and put his penis inside my anus,i have very large amt of hairs at that region of mine, so his penis was unable to go completely inside my anus,then after some time he stood up and withdrew his semen,earlier he also rubbed his penis tip with mine,.. he dis this sex to me one year earlier too…..that time too my hairs were very dense and hence his penis didnot moved inside completely.
    …now please tell if I can.have any sti. ..he dididn’t used a condom and said that no precum has gone inside my anus…..but I doubt. it..i didn’t felt any liquid on my anus but still I doubt…also he used Vaseline on my anus to drew his penis inside. plzzz help me..can I get any sti????I amin depression for 2 months:| …plzzzzzz help…

  750. I just had sex without using a condom but it was just for about 15 seconds could I be HIV positive?

  751. I m man. I have sex with my bestfriend but he already have sex with another two girls before. what will happen to me???? pliz reply. . .

  752. I have sex with my bestfriend but he already have sex with another two girls before. what will happen to me???? pliz reply. . .

  753. i had an experience of rubbing my penis with anus of someone . He sat on my wet penis with my clothes were on (cotton trousers)and he was naked. He tried to get my penis in by rubbing in between his butts but it never got in and was rubbed only , he didnot even touch the penis by hand in mean time i ejaculated . if his anus was wet and my penis rubbed against it what r my chances to get hiv and later on i have fever twice in two months …… I m much worried about that Plz help me

  754. My friend is hiv positive.i didnt know and we usually bath together.i bathed with her when she was on her periods.could i also be infected?

  755. Hi sir r madam ,
    I fucked morethan three girls without candoms but there r fresh peace only . I will get aids I am scared about that I din go to the check up but my health condition was good only ??

  756. Hai friends iam age of 17 and iam bitting my penis weekly twice. Is it cause any problem to me now or after some years? Please tell me the true answer?

  757. Iam using a condom and doing sex with many girls is it cause any problem to me?

  758. Iam male age of 17 and doing sex(by putting my penis in his back hole) with with another male of age 14 many times with out using a condom is it lead to any diseases?

  759. is it possible for a hiv patient to be having symptom when it have not lasted for up to a year

  760. i sex with my girlfrend without a condom just 2/3 minute and seman was not dropped on her vegina and now her mensuratin perod but 2 day left her period 3 days still she is not mensture what happen anybody heare to help me its answer??????

  761. i have sex with a prostitute six months ago,we had sex most every day since,we use condom at the bigining,now we put that on the side,also she use heroin,she doesnt share niddle even,i am concerning about my health,what can i do,she try the oraquick,the text fail negative,do she is no hiv positive?

  762. Dayanand rongpi

    I have given to suck my penis to a married women n i have suck her brest n something came out i just spit it out n wash my penis with detol hand wash n brush my mouth will i get aids or hiv

  763. Dear friends, my name is Drake Berry from united states i had a problem with my husband 2years ago, which lead to our break up. when he broke up with me, i was not my self again, i felt so empty inside me. until a friend of mine Walt Pen told me about a spell caster who helped him in the same problem too. i email Dr SHAVAI the spell caster and i told him my problem and i did what he asked of me, to cut the long story short. before i knew what was happening my husband gave me a call and told me that he was coming back to me in just 2days and was so happy to have him back to me. we have two kids together and we are happy with our selves. thanks to priest SHAVAI for saving my relationship and for also saving others own too. continue your good work the great spell caster email address

  764. i am hiv + my husband is – ia on arv i lyk to suck his penis what are cahnces of him to get infected coz i hate it i feel like i will infect him

  765. I have been living with this deadly disease for over a year, my husband I discovered that we were both HIV+. We had try in all ways to live our lives despite this thing in our body not until we came across this powerful herbalist who portrayed that he had the cure.At first we were more skeptical but my husband insisted on giving it a try and we ordered for some of his herbs and in few weeks after following the due process of this herbalist, we went for a test as he told us too we were overwhelmed with happiness when I got the result at the clinic. The virus rate in our body has fallen and in few more weeks We were totaly cured.We also asked why he did not come out to the world that he had the cure and he said he did in 2011 but was rejected by International research team. The most important thing is for you to be cured If you want to know about this herbalist call or e-mail: God bless you


  767. if you and your partner go for HIV test and both of you are negative but u still doubt your partner might have the virus although her tests are negative,, can they infect you? even after our results turn out negative

  768. meed ur suggestsuggeston i hd sex wd my frst boyfrnd nd den v broke d rltn bcz of sone issue n den i hd in relation shp wdi hd srx wd him nd i bcme pregnnt i abo d child nd i came in rlatin shp wd my frat bf we hd sex two time aftr abrtn but now i wanted to stop diz n marry ed a guy of muma choice i hd tstd for hiv d rzlts r good dur tp blssgns of god normal report so my? Is can i get marry wd another partnr nd i wanted to sty wd him till my death plz hlp me

  769. Hii i need ur suggestion i hd sex wd my frst boyfrnd nd den v broke ke d rlation nd i cme in sec telation shp n i bcme prgnt i did abrtn nd during abrtm i tested for hi v d results normal no infection but aftr abrtn i hd sex wd my frst bf so but now i want to stop all diz mstke nd ‘ wanted to marry wd a guy wjose mummma choice if i married wd d guy of mummy choice iz der any prblm or risk for my future plz suggest me d

  770. can i have HIV if i had sex with married woman who is HIV negative

  771. i had a sex with one girl without using any protection .after 3 to 4 hours i took bath and had sex with another girl without using there any chance of geting hiv?
    but both girls are hiv negative and free from hiv….
    please reply i m really worried..

  772. Last night i had unprotected sex with a guy whose infected by HIV AND AIDS.nw i’m scared bzc i might be infected.what can i drink 2 prevent this desease.

  773. i have physical relation with one wome how is 35 or above without coundom and she is call garl so what happend to me after doing the unhaltey relationship

  774. I have masterbaited on a Hiv positive person sofa could I have caught anything

  775. Hi,i feel lyk dez smthng mvng inside me and when i have sex wit my man the sperms come out bt when i do ultrasound the doctor dozn’t c a it posible that im pregnant?

  776. Yestarday i slept wth a gel wthout using condom bt wth one round n the rest i did use it .m a man

  777. I had a sex last nyt wth out a condom bt it took only six minets meaning it waz one round n it waz too short .z it highly posible dt i got hiv .m a man

  778. day before yesteday i licked my boyfriends penis without protection …. we both are virgin… i m scared .. shall i go through tests… pls help.

  779. Hey, my husband is positive bt all along he was hiding it frm me,now m also positive. So i wana knw is is possible for me to open the case against him?

  780. i am unmarried man i had sex with married
    women without protection i inseart my
    sperm cell into her vergina did i get
    infected any disease she only sex with
    her husband no one else

  781. I had sex with sex worker girl and the condom is broke imediatly i remove my pinus and change a new one and we continu ididnt wash my pinus what chance i have from hiv

  782. Am chinonso frm anambra st

    Pls sumbody should help me,last 3 weeks ago, i hv a protected sex wit 4 of sexworkers around 6:30 to 9:00,i suck one of d sexworkers breast nd finger her pussy wit my hand b4 hving sex,pls am i in any risk to get hiv/aids

  783. Dear Dr.I met a Malaysian sex worker in Dubai.we didn’t do any vaginal sex nor anal sex.I was wore condom and she sucked only once.I didn’t find any blood.Then she started to suck my testicles may b one minutes.but I also didn’t find blood.I went to wash room and washed my testicles.Then came back and started rubbing my penis in the middle of her breast.while rubbing unfortunately my condom teard and suddenly my penis pee-hole touched to her tongue in ever jerk may b 4-5 times.Then I ejaculated my semen through my own hands into her mouth.
    After 4 weeks of this incident I had very bad flu and it vanished after week.then I felt neck pain.I felt drowsy also.then after 2 months I had two sores in my mouth.I use medicine then it vanished.I discussed with Dr.he said that saliva can transmit I m really upset that the above incident which I ha’ve described is it any risk of hiv.pls send me reply on
    Awaiting ur immediate response with honestly.

  784. Hey, I had unprotected sex with a girl and evacuated out of her but the sex was rough as we both had bruises. Days after she tested positive to hiv what are my chances

  785. Hi I’m 23years Male I had sex with a lady which she is 33female she have more affairs with other man but I had sex only once. Now I’m worrying so much I can’t sleep cos of worrying pls reply will I get hiv? If only once sex with her?

  786. Hi I’m 23years Male I had sex with a lady which she is 33female she have more affairs with other man but I had sex only once. Now I’m worrying so much I can’t sleep cos of worrying pls reply will I get hiv? If only once sex with her?but I nvr used condom (my stupidity)

  787. dear Dr.
    I had an exposure with sex worker.I didn’t do any anal / vaginal sex.she only sucked my penis and I rubbed my penis in the middle of her breast.then I ejaculate into her mouth with my own there any risk of HIV.


  788. Hi me and my ex have had sex without condoms. Around my anus there’s a red itchy Idk if it’s a bump or if it’s because he stretch my anus hole. We both are negative in hiv std and don’t have anything. If my blood came in contact with his penis can he get any disease even tho we are both negative. In std hiv or anyother thing?

  789. Two days before I had sexual intercourse with a girl and there was lack in ptotection used , and today morning I saw some white thing around my penis .

  790. Im in periods and i have protected sex with my man my problem is that he ejaculate a little after long round as he was sweaty wet what could be the problem is it because i was in periods or what i last had sex 2012 and i was pregnant but now im fine and i was feeling ready to have sex after so long

  791. I havee aa sexx vithh aa prostitutet inn Sep20 I hadd negativeI hivv testt reportt inn. Dec 19 do iI need another one

  792. I meant a guy some days ago and he told me he needed a serious date,I accepted his proposer and we had sex dat day with condom.few days later we heard misunderstanding and he told me that am infected;that I have infected him and his family doctor confirmed how is its prossible or am I infected?

  793. i need answer about above questions

  794. possiblity of having hiv when the condom fail at the time of sex


  796. Hi i just had unprotected vaginal sex with a hiv positive female partner who is on arv medication im also circumcised what are the chances of me getting infected

  797. How to recognize that the women with whom we are going to have sex without condom weather she is HIV or not

  798. Me and my boyfriend have been together 4 months and we both are virgins but we Tryed anal sex for the first time only a little bit went in we didn’t use a comdom and he didn’t cum but can we still catch somthing like aid or somthing Becuase I worry a lot about these things and I really would like to know thank you please comment

  799. Me and my bf have been together for 4 months now and we both disided to have anal sex so we did but only a little bit of it went in but we didn’t use a comdom both of us are virgins but I would like to know if we can catch anything bad or like a std or somthing I’m really worried about it it only later abou 5sec coz didn’t like it at all please help me to stop worrying thank you xx

  800. I am hiv positive and am 6 weeks pregnet….. By mistake am always using a condom so what must i do couse am not happy about this and my husband is not supportive He dnt even asking me how i feel up to so far…

  801. Why do i see red spots on my penis after having sex with my girl friend. It has been the second time now. We have unprotected sex every now and again but twice I notice that I see some red spots that itches then it goes away after a while.

  802. Why do i see red spots on my penis after having sex with my girl friend. It has been the second time now. We have unprotected sex every now and again but twice I notice that I see some red spots that itches then it goes away after a while.

  803. Dear doctor
    I HAD SEX 2 days before after 2 days i felt a throat sore but it was low and I m feeling dizzy
    Si i m infected from aids or not

  804. Please come save the day!!!

  805. Hi,please I need a quick answer I heard unprotected sex with Hiv positive lady for like 3minutes but I didn’t ejaculate in her after 36hours she told me she is HIV positive I ran to my doctor and collect pep which I start immediately but since this incident occur I have been having strange feeling in my chest like some thing is there
    My question is, the feelings am having is it due to the pep am taking or is that I have contact the virus?

  806. my name is KINGNESS, i want to give almighty praise to Dr aboki who
    help me to cure my HIV/AIDs, please help me to give thanks to him he is a
    great man who God send from heaven to save people’s life, this man also
    save the life of my friend who have HIV/AIDs, please thank this man for me,
    also if you have any type of problem you can also contact him to help you
    out on it, he is a wonderful man, his email is;abokispellhome@gmail.comcontact him now for him to help you too

  807. Can you contract HIV even when you had foreplay before having sexual intercourse?

  808. Is aids or HIV is caused when we release sperms every day without fucking a girls ass or a men ass

  809. I was taking pep pills that prevent aids last year in november and it happens again the condom break this year in february and my bf is hiv+. I went to my local clinic asking for pep pills again and they told mi that I don’t have to take it again because they last for about 5years in the system. My question is I’m safe by not taking this pills again, would I be infected I am so worried plz help if so are they any pills that I could take to prevent any damages plz help

  810. Can my father gets aids if i swallow my sperm in his shorts

  811. If i do sex with 4 different mens with gap of 6 months do i suffer wid hiv aids

  812. I want to say hello to the world at large, I am very grateful for the good deeds DR.OKORUNDO did for me, I was a HIV patient, everything went bad for me, I couldn’t do things with my friends anymore, I loosed my job, I loosed everything, I was even waiting for death itself, I went searching on the internet I saw many testimonies on how different spell casters helped people in curing their deadly diseases, I collected one spell caster’s email, which DR.OKORUNDO I emailed him and he answered me, I told him all problems, he ask me not to worry, that I will be free from the deadly disease, which I did, he casted the spell, and told me that he will send a holy water to me through courier services, I was surprised, because he did not mention it to me before, I paid for the courier delivery service, I got a holy water, he asked me to drink it which I did and he asked me to go for a medical check-up in a hospital, I went to the hospital I went for a HIV test, I was tested HIV negative, I was shocked, I asked myself, “is there still good helpers out there”? I promised to share my testimony to the whole world, I’m now free, I have a better job, if you are passing through pains you need help you can share your problems to DR.OKORUNDO through DR.OKORIUNDO@HOTMAIL.COM

  813. hello sir i have sex with asex workar girl with condom and after complet sex we not check and touch condom states because sex workar remove my condom in dark room after 20 minnite after i feel burn in my penic sex date 22 augst and test don 02 janubary after i am very tenced 134 days after i went for hiv test and do rapide hiv test non reactiv but right now i get senthom like hedech nociya vomting mussle pain who releted hiv senthom what is next segeson for me i am very tenced plesh help me

  814. I had protected sex with a condom might i have contracted hiv

  815. i had protected sex with a condom but im still afraid that i might have contracted H

    IV where can i go to get help and is it possible that i could be infected

  816. I had a protected sex with a condom but im still afraid that i might contracted hiv.where can i go to get help?

  817. Is it tru that a person wont get HIV AIDS for having sex ones

  818. I need help I think I contracted a rare strain of HIV I was sexually assulted and I had a very severe mono like illness but it wasn’t mono I’ve missed nineteen periods which randomly came back. I have had oral thrush the guy told me he gave me a new strain of HIV I’m scared he tested neg so have I but the symptoms scare me and I read all kinds of seronegative HIV lititure. ?

  819. I had protected sex with a condom but iam still afraid that i might have contracted hiv.where can i go to get help and is it possible that i could be infected?

  820. I had protected sex with a condom but im still afraid that i might have contracted HIV.Where can i go to get help is it possible that i could be infected

  821. I had sex with prostitute without condom,so HIV can transfer in body of me???

  822. I did a HIV test last year on August i was told that im positive and when i went back to test again on November i was negative.And this year on January i did a test i was negative.I want to know if im positive or negative

  823. We Woke Up And Decided To Have Sex Without A Condom .I Pulled Out After Cumming In Her And There Was Blood On My Penis. I WhentTo The Bathroom And Pissed …There Was No Blood . I Also Stuck A Couple Q Tips Down The Whole Of My Penis.Still No Blood … Does That Mean It Didn’t Get Inside Me? And Does That Mean I’ll Be Okay?

  824. sex with a condom is still safe?

  825. Is it true that a recurring itching vulva rush can lead to hiv positive

  826. Is it true that a recurring itching vulva rush can lead to hiv positive?

  827. I had protected sex with a condom but um still afraid that i might have contracted HIV

  828. My wife got hiv from a tattoo party and we’ve had unprotected sex for a year sinc . Then not knowing. , I’ve got test blood and quick tests too and they all came back negative, will i still get it..?

  829. If you have had sex with one and after 5-6 months you had sex with other man, will it cause aids?

  830. If you have had sex with one guy and after 5-6 months you had sex with other man, will it cause aids?

  831. My girl friend was having hiv for more than 8 months and she hide it from me, she only confessed to me yesterday,we went to the hospital and I tested negetive and we have been having oral and unprotected sex for so long,am afraid what should I do

  832. I had protected sex with a condom but I am still afraid that I might have contracted HIV.Where can I go to get help and is it possible that I could be infected?

  833. Is it possible to get aids if i fuck 3 women and 3 virgin girls which are not infected from aids….

  834. Is it possible to get aids if i fuck 3 women and 3 virgin girls which are not infected from aids…..

  835. hai doctor my name is nomsa im 27 yrs.i start to using this drugs on 5th of this mounth n my boyfriend need a baby.n i take 1 pill so my question is which time can i feel for pregnant because my cd4 is 278 .what should i do please help me

  836. Im so consernd plz help, my partner nd i had sex nd i dnt knw his status so we used a condom nd in the middle of sex he removed acondom bt i caught him and asked him to stop he diddnt even produce his sperms on m, am i infected?

  837. If you start treatment since 2011 an now you are very strong not sick you have a boyfriend since last year now its been a year you sleep without a condom he don’t penetrate ,he do some test twice he don’t have he still negative,

  838. I had protected sex with a condom bt I’m afraid I might have contacted hiv. Where can I go to get help and is it possible I could be infected

  839. I had protected sex with a condom but I am still afraid that I might have contracted Hiv. Where can I go to get help and is it possible that I could be infected?

  840. I had protected sex with a condom bt I am still afraid that I might hace contracted H.I.V.where can I go to get help is it possible that i could be affected

  841. I am doing a project ondeveloping help-seeking behaviour.I am a 15 year old girl .I had unprotected sexual intercourse 6 days ago. Are there ant drugs that I can take to prevent me from falling pregnent ?in ure answer plz there must be resouses,health,safety,help,protect,support,community,problem solving.

  842. I had protected sex with a condom bt im stil afraid that i might have contracted HIV.where can i go to get help and is it possible that i could be infected?

  843. My name is lerato I had sex wth 2 man•the other 1 is 50yrs old nd 30year old want 2 knw who myt b de father

  844. I had protectected sex wth a condom but i am still afraid that i might have contracted hiv.Where can i go to get help and is it possible that i could be infected?

  845. I hv kissed 3 different guys.wil i suffer frm hiv+ve ?

  846. I had protected sex with a condom but I am still afraid that I might have contracted HIV. Where can I go to get help and is it possible that I could be infected?

    DR Olori is the only Dr who could ever get my HIV-AIDS cured with his healing spell, I have tried almost everything but I could’nt find any solution on my disease, despite all these happening to me, I always spend a lot to buy a HIV drugs from hospital and taking some several medications but no relieve, until one day I was just browsing on the internet when I come across a great post of! Michelle! who truly said that she was been diagnose with HIV and was healed that very week through the help of these great powerful healing spell doctor, sometime I really wonder why people called him Papa olori, I never knew it was all because of the great and perfect work that he has been doing that is causing all this. so I quickly contacted him, and he ask me some few questions and he said a thing I will never forget that anyone who contacted him is! always getting his or her healing in just 6 hours after doing all he ask you, so I was amazed all the time I heard that from him, so I did all things only to see that at the very day which he said I will be healed, all the strength that has left me before rush back and I becomes very strong and healthy, this disease almost kills my life all because of me, so I will to hospital to give the final test to the disease and the doctor said I am HIV negative, I am very amazed and happy about the healing Dr Olori gave to me from the ancient part of Africa, you can email him now for your own healing too at: (EMAIL HIM ON:

  848. i have 3 wife ,there any chance of hiv

  849. hi,my age is 34 year. from lastfew month i have facing breathing issue after doing doing masturbute. its happen after few hour after doing masturbute. Plz suggest solution.i am really thankful to you if yo giv meproper solution. Also advice that i am getting marraige in may 2014. Plz reply with your sugestion and valuable advice. Thanks a lot

  850. i am sex with a callgirl without condom its a safe

  851. I had an unprotected sex for 4 days with this girl then I find out on the second month that she’s HIV positive so now I’ve got flu burning throat itchy penis white thing like discharge on my penis,am I positive?

  852. When i am sleeping one boy suck my pennis and we made one month suck pennis when my wife suck my pennis i affect by AIDS/HIV.

  853. Hiv patient succes negative best hospital hyderabad or chenni

  854. An hour ago, I gave oral sex to a man whom I didn’t know. We’ve been talking for a month or so. I invited him to my home. I gave him a hug when he walked in the door. We talked for a while. I was wrapped in a towel the whole time; I had just gotten out of the shower. He pulled the towel off of me. Laid me down, and rubbed my body. I sat up and unzipped his pants and began giving him unprotected oral sex. He had an uncut penis. I suckled him for about 10 minutes. I felt some of his pre-sperm, get into my mouth. I tried to spit it out, and I felt that I did, but it was probably just my saliva. I continued. He took off all of his clothes. I laid him on my bed. I proceeded to give him oral sex of the anus. I also suckled his testicles. In about 20-30 minutes, he ejaculated on my face. I kissed some of it. I got on top of him and kissed him on his neck and chest; suckling his nipples. After 3 minutes, he got up to shave in the shower. 12 minutes after he got in the shower, I got in with him. I helped him wash his body down. After that, I proceeded to pat my penis against his buttocks. I then began, to attempt to have unprotected sex, but my penis would not enter his anus. It only touched the surface of his buttocks hole. If I touched the surface of his hole, is there a possibility that I could have HIV?

  855. One month oll morning women pussy hot urine drink per day why this female or women this address rate one month this mb no

  856. am on pep,but I had a foreplay with my gf so can I infect her while am pep

  857. makhosi mthethwa

    i had protected sex with a condom but i am still afraid that i might have contracted hiv.where can i go to get help and is it possible that i could be infected?

  858. What are the probability of becoming HIV if condom burst during sex while sleeping with sum1 hu is HIV bt did sperm inside

  859. hi my question is about sex. my penis is too small. I am 22 years and never had sex with any one.and my penis is covered with the skin from the top.

  860. Okay so if i play with a guys prni and i finger myself afterward and if hes has a sti or a std will i catch it?

  861. hello sir i did sex with a prostitute and after sex a filled water in the condom so there was a small tiny hole in side of condom but the sperm was inside the condom so can i be infected from her if she is hiv positive? And can hiv virus goes from the hole and get inside to my penis? Because after that sex i have a little headche from 10 days

  862. sir please reply wash a penies of 24 year boys and bath a bathroom nude bath and undervear bath

  863. hi im 6months pregnant n im nt taking arvs bcos im nt so sure thy are sade for my eating healthy.i wana knw if i do a c section will it reduce d chances of my bby bng positive…n cn i gv birth to a healthy bby if im nt on meds cos im taking good care of myslf.thankx

  864. I had protected sex with sex worker and after finished, I removed the condom with my hands touching my penis. I have been diagonised of STD and am afraid that I myt have contracted HIV, pliz help what the chances for to get infected with HIV

  865. I have a rush on my penis but outside and my problm is that I’m hiv positive I’m worried please help

  866. Hi I had sex with my collegue yesterday fr one time without a condom..we had indulged on sex fr 4 to 5 min,I dont know whether she had sex with others except her husband before n HIV infected. ..plelase let me know what to do to have precaution

  867. what if my boyfried cumed on my boobs & i touched it and it dried then i masturbated with that same hand , do i need to take the ec pill?

  868. what if my boyfried cumed on my boobs (through masturbation) & i touched it and it dried then i masturbated with that same hand (only From my fingertips halfway to my knuckles deep) , do i need to take the ec pill?

  869. Good morning everyone, my name is Miss Bernille from brazil, i have been suffering from Hiv/Aids for over 4years now, and suddenly, i have spent all my money all to make sure i get healthy all day, but happily, last month january 12th 2013, i came in contact with a traditional doctor also known as a chief priest on a newspaper who is called Dr DR.ABEGBE who has help much people to cure their aids disease, firstly i taught it was a joke until i contacted him ” ‘DR.ABEGBESPELLHOME@GMAIL.COM ‘ ” and he said that if i am ready for this work, i told him yes, and he collected my details and told me that after he has finished consulting his oracle he will run back to me on when to go for a medical check up, i was unhealthyling surprise. And truly last week monday dr olorun called me to quickly go for a medical checkup, which i did, only to find out that i was not with any HiV disease anymore, my friends and families who left me before run back to me.
    I now found out that God in Heaven is using this man to bless and heal us all, he is a great and powerful man, again i say to you sir, that God almightly will uplift you and your great work you did for i and other people.
    Pls i will sincerely advice all Hiv patient to contact this great powerful man called DR.ABEGBE for your solutions now at : DR.ABEGBESPELLHOME@GMAIL.COM
    he will help you on your Hiv problems
    email: ‘DR.ABEGBESPELLHOME@GMAIL.COM +2348113017898

  870. I am Alicia from USA, i want to use this medium to testify of how i got cured from HIV AIDS, HIV AIDS is known not to have a cure, i contacted this disease in 2010, i have done all my best to get cured from this disease but all to no avail until a friend of mine told me about a healing spell doctor on the internet who helps people cure any kind of diseases including HIV AIDS, Cancer, Herpes etc, at first i doubted if it was real but decided to give it a try, when i contacted this spell caster he helped me cast a healing spell and i was healed within 72hours (3days) Contact this great spell caster for any kind of disease or illment via this email

  871. I fuck dis secand noting come out be4 i put condom after a week i have pain in my perk so tell me Hiv

  872. Had protected sex with a prostitute and didn’t wipe the sperms and lubricants left on my penis, after some hours, experienced a burning sensation while urinating. Went to the clinic and didn’t get a test, they concluded that it was a UTI since I wasn’t discharging and have rash on my genitals. I was given some antibiotics and the burning went. After that am worried that I used a condom and infected with a UTI and maybe the doctor made a wrong conclusion. My question is can one get a UTI wearing a condom or the UTI came as a result of me not wiping my genital after sex. Pliz help, am afraid of HIV.

  873. Had protected sex with a prostitute and didn’t wipe the semen and lubricants left on penis and immediately wear my pants, after some hours, I experienced a burning sensation while was urinating and kept on persisting and consulted a health practitioner and concluded that it was UTI since I wasn’t discharging from my penis and having no sores on my genital without conducting any test and was given some antibiotics and the sensation went. Then I became worried maybe it was an STIs since I don’t trust a condom 100%. Then my question is can man get a UTI while wearing a condom or is it because I didn’t wipe my genitals after having sex. Plizz help am afraid.

  874. Hi, I am a married women & I did sex with two boys unprotected sex. I am regularly doing sex with my male freinds. Does it cause AIDS?

  875. Is there a possible chance that I can get HIV/aids if I let my bf fuck me with no condom and he says he don’t have nothing then the next day I let another person fuck me without a condom then the next day somebody else fuck me without a condom and they all said they don’t have nothing ?

  876. we were in a party and i was so high, my cruch appeared on the same party also so high. i gave him a lap dance then we got nasty. we started kissing, since we were in a crowd we went to have our own privacy in the bathroom. we got undressed and started touching each other. i gave him a hand job but his penis was still dry, he tried to make me wet by fingering me but he was so poor at that. he extended his dick which was still dry to the upper part of my vigina but moved back after like 3 second. is there a possibility of me being pregnant???
    am kinda feeling if i have some of the symptoms, is it becaused am stressed up to know that am pregnant??
    all this happened on thursday last week its been like 4 days only.

  877. I’m on periods and had sex with my bf but i’m taking 3months there a chance to get pregnant?

  878. My period does’nt wnt 2 cum out bt wen i take my hand inside my viginer i cn feel dem and i dnt use protection will i be pregnant plc help cz nw its 8 days doing lyk dis

  879. My period is nt normal like i use 2 get dem nw my cycle has been change i ws seing my period 4 3days nw is 8 and dey i nt come out of my viginer,i dnt even use protection will i be pregnant

  880. I did have unprotected sex om my period bt my period i nt cmng outside of my virgine will i b pregnant

  881. hiv cmia repeatedly reactive elisa showed negative repeatedly for more than 10 months,no post exposure,pl.suggest

  882. HI,i had unprotected sex with a prostitute. soon in some time i washed my penis with the water available. soon after i got a red spot on the tip of my penis. it pains too. what is it?

  883. Dear doctor, , im an 24 male Indian gay, ,, I usually do body rubbing with my partner, ,, I once got so obsessed about anal sex n did it with 2 condoms (im top) after that I wana pull the condoms off I just touched the rim of condoms, , with my thumb n index finger, ,, n my partner offerd me to take them off, , in a gap of few minutes (not more than5) I went to wash ma pennis, , I washed it under running tap water with out soap, ,, I pulled back my foreskin skin exposing my penis head n region after it, , 1.assuming if I got some of his anal fluids on my fingers, , wat are the chances of hiv transmission to my pennis which never was so health? ? Im so scared n unable to concentrate on any thing

    • Dear Kiran,
      You are worrying unnecessarily. There is no risk of HIV situation you have described.


  884. I’m a female hiv+ but my husband he is hiv- and we want a baby badly there is no tablet or cream to put it on or tablet he can use to reduce the chances of getting hiv from me.please help

  885. I jst had sex and the condom blust we whr dng dogstyle and i standup quickly i inset a finger and i found the piece and after my vv was burning am so scared

  886. vijaykumar b

    I have done sex with sex worker she licked my anus while candom putting anything problem na pls help

  887. Hi i am nepali.before 38 days i have a sex with nepali girl.during the sex time my condom was broken.i dont know lady hiv status.after 2 days i have a leg joint pan until today.i check my blood after 32 days at clinic and it was negative. My question is this do i have to wait another 2 month to get correct result? Why still not going leg pan?and also before 2 days i have head pain start why? I need my reply as soon as fast?if possible send reply at my email.thank you doctor.

  888. Dear Sabin,

    If your condom broken inside the vagina then yes there is risk. But if your condom was broken out side the vagina then do not need to worry. As HIV virus can not survive well out side.

    If condom broken inside vagina then you need to do test after 2 months for the conclusive results and if the condom was broken out side the vagina then this is conclusive result. Hope you will have the answer.


  889. Hi Dr
    I do sex with one girl i do sex with her without condom but i didn’t discharge in vigina. i am not sure she is infected with hiv or not.

    i just do sex for 1 minute after i pull condom. please tell me i am very scared and how i can test for hiv and when better time for the test with good result

    • Dear Ahmad,

      Even you did not ejaculate inside, there is a chance of getting HIV ,if she is HIV infected. If you discharge outside then she will not conceive the child only .Make sure every time use the condom other wise as you said you do not sure either she is HIV positive or not then risk is always there. My suggestion is to get tested after 3 months of your last exposure.
      You are at risk.


  890. rambabu yadav

    once i have fucked a boy in his back hole is there any possibility of getting hiv

  891. rambabu yadav

    once i have fucked a boy in his back hole,is me in risk of getting hiv.

  892. Yes if the boy is infected by HIV before.

  893. With out condom I’m having sex with shemale last Wednesday now I’m scare about HIV , help me what should I do ?

  894. I had deep kiss for less than 20 second and the lady had some skin disease which made her lips red but had no wound on her lips can i be infected with hiv/aids

  895. Can dogs have hiv? Can a perso who have sex with a dog can get HIV from the dog, or can dog have hiv by the person?

    • I do not know why are you planning to fuck the dogs. There are lot of human beings around us. Any ways for you the answer is HIV is particularly transmitted from Human beings not from animals but yes there will be lot of other disease which can transmit through animals so you have to be take care and take precautions while doing sex with animals.

  896. I had a risky exposure with unknown parter where condom broke and I started feeling unwell from second day and after 10 days pain in neck, in eyes, fatigue but no fever. After 18 weeks te
    Tested negative for HIV 1&2, V DRL,HPV but i feel sleepy , drowsiness, body becomes hot but no fever, loss 6 kg weight

    • You do not need to worry.I believe that you will be HIV negative after 3 months also.You are actually feeling anxiety that’s why you are feeling some other disease.

  897. Jst slept with my boyfriend using a condom and the condom did’nt blust bt we found that the. Sperms came out while were busy….. So is it possible that I mind fall pregnant?

  898. I just found out I have testicular HIV. I’m 17 and I can’t stop wondering if I could ever start a family of my own one day?

  899. Is it possible to have hiv if u start to sleep with someone then in 2minutes we realize that we have to use condom and continoue with a condom in 2011 nd i just found out that the man is possitive

  900. is there any chance to come hiv if i am masturbation only?

  901. Hi, I work in a communication company I want to share my testimony to the world, my name is Joyce Patrick, i am from united kingdom in Belfast north Ireland, I was a stripper in a club I got effected with HIV due to the nature of my job, In april 15 2013 i was tested positive to HIV, This is not design to convince you but its just a personal health experience . I never taught doctor fadeyi could ever get my HIV-AIDS cured with his healing herb spell, i have tried almost everything but I couldn’t find any solution on my disease, despite all these happening to me, i always spend a lot to buy a HIV drugs from hospital and taking some several medications but no relieve, until one day i was just browsing on the internet when i came across a great post of !Michelle! who truly said that she was been diagnose with HIV and was healed that very week through the help of this great powerful healing spell doctor ,I wonder why he is called the great papa fadeyi, i never knew it was all because of the great and perfect work that he has been doing that is causing all this. so I quickly contacted him, and he ask me some few questions and so i did all the things he asked me to do,He ask me to buy some herbs and which I did for my cure,only to see that at the very day which he said i will be healed, all the strength that has left me before rush back and i becomes very strong and healthy, this disease almost kills my life all because of me, so i went to hospital to give the final test to the disease and the doctor said i am HIV negative, i am very amazed and happy about the healing doctor Fadeyi gave to me from the ancient part of Africa, you can email him now for your own healing too on his email:DOCTORFADEYITEMPLEOFSPELL@GMAIL.COM

    Randy Scot

  902. If a guy skck ur bearth wat wil hapen,

  903. If I have unprotected sex with a girl today and have sex again with another girl the next day,will I get aids?

  904. Kate morrison

    My name is Kate Morrison from united states, i am here to thank DR OVIA the powerful spell caster that rescue me from HIV AIDS. I was diagnosed of this disease in the year 2012, and because of this, i was very unhappy with my life, and i went into research on how i can get cured, i contacted alot of spell casters and none of them could help me rather thay scammed me and took away my money without helping me. All this period of my life, i was sad and unhappy so one day as i was in the internet a decided to sign in a friend guestbook, only for me to see was a testimony of a lady on how she was helped by DR OVIA, so i was confused to contact him at the moment because i didn’t want to be scammed again but after one week, i decided to contact him, so when i contacted him, he assure me that he will help me and i told him that many spell casters has also told me this but they all scammed me, he told me not to worry that he is going to help me, So i believe in him because all i wanted was to be cured, so he prepared a healing spell for me and told me to wait fot just 24 hours, after 24 hours, i went to the hospital for test and to me happines the test stated that i was cured from the disease.. This gladens my heart and everybody in the hospital was surprised even the Medical Doctor, So viewers DR OVIA is a God Gifted man and can help you to cure all types of sickness like HIV AIDS, CANCER, PILE, Kidney problem and lot’s more. You can contact him through his email on ( For more details you can reach me on my ID

  905. why while i’m seaching something this google give wrong answer

  906. Sir
    i am about 25 yrs nw and had sex with no one else but i used to fuck my bed from my childhood and sometime i restrict ejaculation of my sperm from pennies .over the years my physical appearance change alot as compared to my childhood days (fat to thin). i’m worried if i had hiv or aids ,pliz help me in this regards…

  907. Sir
    I am 26 yer old and when I wa studying before 2 year I had sex with a girl and she sucked my penies and I sucked her breast and vegina and when I am fucking her I use condom I had sex with her 4 times after first time I didn’t do the oral sex again and now I am working. fuking with condom and oral sex will get infect hiv……….sir plz respond for tis question…………….

  908. I have recently passed my graduation and is placed in a MNC.. Recently we went for a conference where 3 people had to share a bed.. My bad luck that one of the person left and we two guys remained in the room… The guy was gay… I was tired and slept.. Suddenly in the middle of the night I experienced something near my penis… He was rubbing it … I took his hand off… Now my question is if his hand had precum from his penis which he must have passed on to my glan and other parts… Can I be HIV positive??… I don’t know his status

  909. Please help me. m losing my mind. my friend tested positive for hiv two weeks ago. im really afraid now because a day before that he was at my house and we ordered pizza he didnt eat all his so i ate his crust. my favorite part but he had already bitten off of it. the thing is he has poor oral hygiene and possibly bleeding gums. and i always have small cuts in my mouth though my teeth are pretty good. im worried that it may have been transmitted to me. or what if he had a cut and i had one and we didnt notice..and they somehow touched. all i know is i have been having aches and pains nausea fatigue depression. i cant tell if my glands are swollen and feel like i keep getting hot flashes. we werent sexual he is a gay male and im a straight female and no drugs other then an occasional joint. im losing my mind with worry thinking he used my toothbrush and im just losing it point blank. my anxiety is over the edge. i am sorry if im not educated about this i love my friend im just worried thayt something happend that left me exposed to the virus please help me please

  910. Dumbest thing I’ve ever done . I am kind of seeing someone , had unprotected sex with him . He did tell me that he’s “clean” . I got tested for STDS they came negative . It hasn’t been 3 months yet .. Only a little under two weeks. Male was of ethnic origin and middle class . I am sure he’s had unprotected sex with other women in the past . I am Panicking . . What are the Chances of me getting this

  911. Dear Sir/Madam,
    I had an unprotected sex with a girl my neighbour which was not infected from HIV/AIDS and i also ensured that my semen has not fall on her Vagina when i had an semen i done it on the bed and i also confirmed with her and she was all sure that he doesn’t felt any type of fluid on her vagina and immediately after sex we washed are private parts for long time and our sex duration was 4 to 3 minutes not more than that so there are any chances of getting affected through HIV/AIDS… please advice….
    – Yuga

  912. If she is not infected by HIV then No.

  913. banda teenager

    Kya vegina ke bahar sperm nikal ne se aids ho sktavhai…

  914. will I get infected by HIV if I sroke my girlfriend’s clit with my penis.

  915. I had touch my penis to my gf vaginal fluids and do I get a chance of HIV?
    Even I kiss her lips? Do I get hiv

  916. I tested month ewnd of june nnegative,and again tested at month ewnd of june tested negative,bt i hav some symptoms of hiv positeve,i might be hiv?

  917. I have being negative until I started dating my boyfriend but he says he is negative how can that be possible cause I have being negative my hole life

  918. I am joes candra, I promise to share this testimony all over the world once my boyfriend return back to me, and today with all due respect i want to thank DR.OSAUYI for bringing joy and happiness to my relationship and my family. I want to inform you all that there is a spell caster that is real and genuine. I never believed in any of these things until i loosed my boyfriend, I required help until i found a grate spell caster, And he cast a love spell for me, and he assured me that I will get my boyfriend back in two days after the spell has been cast. Three days later, my phone rang, and so shockingly, it was my boyfriend who has not called me for past 6 years now, and made an apology for the heart break, and told me that he is ready to be my back bone till the rest of his life with me. DR.OSAUYI released him up to know how much i loved and wanted him. And opened his eyes to picture how much we have share together. As I`m writing this testimony right now I`m the most happiest girl on earth and me and my boyfriend is living a happy life and our love is now stronger than how it were even before our break up. So that`s why I promised to share my testimony all over the universe.All thanks goes to DR.OSAUYI for the excessive work that he has done for me. Below is the email address in any situation you are undergoing a heart break, and I assure you that as he has done mine for me, he will definitely help you too. OSAUYILOVESPELL@GMAIL.COM that is his email address bye

  919. If your wife has Hiv and she has been on drug for the pass 4years.will you have Hiv if you continue to have sex with her.yes or no.

  920. hi i’am 20 year old male…when i was of 11 year in age a man yeried to rape me but was not successful…he placed penis between my butt…his penis was wet with sperm…but there was no sexual intercourse…any chance of getting hiv…..experinced nothing quickly after this incident…please answer me…thanx in advanced

  921. Am negative n my nipples were sucked by an infectd person,pls can i get infected?

  922. if u have sex with sombody dat hav deases once, will contact d deases

  923. I am MRS ELENA HOMSON from RUSSIA, my facebook username is enena homson.i want to use this medium to testify of how i got cured from HIV AIDS, HIV AIDS is known not to have a cure, i contacted this disease in 2008, i have done all my best to get cured from this disease but all to no avail until a friend of mine told me about a healing spell dr OVIA on the internet who helps people cure any kind of diseases including HIV AIDS, Cancer, Herpes etc, at first i doubted if it was real but decided to give it a try,i have gone to many hospital and herbs there were know positive change on it.until i contacted this spell caster he helped me cast a healing spell and i was healed within 72hours (3days) i am really happy today then i decide to let the whole world know that there is a great man that can cure all kind of disease with asking for payment.if you also have any disease that is related to it, please Contact this great spell caster for any kind of disease or ailment via this email OVIATEMPLESPELLCASTER@GMAIL.COM OR call him via +2349032500038

  924. I am 23 year old 4years back I had sexual affair wit out condoms wit my ex girlfriend for a year then I broke up and I started sexual affair with my new girl friend wit out condoms for 3 years now I broke up wit her and recently I had anal and blowjob for hardly a min with a virgin girl am really worried now and for my future how are my chances for HIV/STD.. Please do the needful

  925. What are the first signs that shows that a person is infected by hiv at a begining whyle you dont know

    I AM VANESSA, i got married to a man [JEROME],who had a wife [JOSEPHINE] already,then i was made the second wife,and this JOSEPHINE has a daughter for my husband,called CHRISTABEL,JOSEPHINE was suffering from leg pain,that later took her life. so Christabel was left to live with me,and my two kids,PATIENCE AND GLORY,Christabel was the eldest of them, so i was misusing CHRISTABEL,SHE is the only one doing all the house work,anytime she dose some thing wrong,i wouldn’t give her food to eat all through the day,and beat her up with anything close to me,but she never worry,or insult me.or report to my husband.because i told her if she did i will kill her,i did this to some extent that,one day,she was on her menstruation period, she was afraid to tell me, she was not having enough cloth,so the only cloth she had she put it into her pant,so that, the cloth would soak the bleeding,and the cloth,i was the one that brought it for her,that the only cloth i ever brought for her,then the following morning i saw her cloth on the ground,with blood stain,i called her,and ask her what is this, she told me every thing, but i beat her up, and force the blood in the cloth into her mouth,i over heard her,as she was crying,cursing me,but never bother to listen to the word she was using,but now my two daughters and my son are yet to give birth,PATIENCE,GLORY AND EXCEL,AT their age[37,34 and 31]but they are married no children,i had gone to many places to know the cause of the problem,and CHRISTABEL WAS LIVING HAPPILY with her husband and four kids, three boys and a girl.i don’t know how my children,came to know about this HIOYA TEMPLE,when they got there, they told them i was the curse of their, problem,so one morning they all came home,and ask me what have i done to disturb their lives,the question sound,funny.i told them i had done nothing to hold their lives back,they cried me,down to this Hioya temple,i saw the man.he ask me what,did i do to some one,over 19 year ago,i forgot everything.i said nothing,HE EXPLAIN WHAT I DID TO ME,and this CHRISTABEL was helping my children with their needs and always come and pay me a visit and she always called me mummy,so this MAN HIOYA told me to go and apologize to her,once she accept the apology,then he will cast a pregnancy spell on my children,we all went to CHRISTABEL’S house and apologize,she forgives me,so they went back to the spell caster, for the pregnancy spell,TODAY PATIENCE CALL ME AND TOLD ME SHE IS PREGNANT,but I haven’t heard anything from the others,maybe they are still angry.with me that’s why they haven’t called me,..THANKS TO DOCTOR HIOYA FOR EVERY THING, IF YOU ARE FACINGS ANY PROBLEM,VISIT THIS GREAT HIOYA VIA [GREATHIOYATEMPLE@GMAIL.COM]]

  927. I’m a woman who’s hiv positive and I’m pregnant on arv’s, da last time we checked me n ma partner he ws negative. So we having unprotected sex and he’s sperming outside is da bby safe or him?

  928. is it true that you may get pregnant but he ddnt ejaculate on u u jst found wet fluids?

  929. I am joes candra, I promise to share this testimony all over the world once my boyfriend return back to me, and today with all due respect i want to thank DR.awewefor bringing joy and happiness to my relationship and my family. I want to inform you all that there is a spell caster that is real and genuine. I never believed in any of these things until i loosed my boyfriend, I required help until i found a grate spell caster, And he cast a love spell for me, and he assured me that I will get my boyfriend back in two days after the spell has been cast. Three days later, my phone rang, and so shockingly, it was my boyfriend who has not called me for past 6 years now, and made an apology for the heart break, and told me that he is ready to be my back bone till the rest of his life with me. DR.awewe released him up to know how much i loved and wanted him. And opened his eyes to picture how much we have share together. As I`m writing this testimony right now I`m the most happiest girl on earth and me and my boyfriend is living a happy life and our love is now stronger than how it were even before our break up. So that`s why I promised to share my testimony all over the universe.All thanks goes to DR.awewe for the excessive work that he has done for me. Below is the email address in any situation you are undergoing a heart break, and I assure you that as he has done mine for me, he will definitely help you too.awewespelltemple

  930. Ive drank mrng afta pill nw my periods doesnt wnt 2 stop

  931. i am a married man one day i have sex with my wifes sister she is also married and her husband is army and not liv with her can i get aids hiv

  932. If you test hiv posetive can you go for retest after three moths

  933. I am gay and I got fucked by a person and got cum in my ass 3 months ago.. He says he is HIV – but still I took test(tridot) and it came negative will this mean I am safe or will I have to do any more testing to make sure I am safe

  934. I had sex with a guy and he cummed in my ass I am not sure about his HIV status so I took tridot after 3 months and it came out negative.. Will this mean I am negative or will I have to take another tests ?

  935. I’m confused why the clinic doesn’t gv us arv’s f our cd4count is still high

  936. I fucked a tranny in the ass ones i never leajed ma serem or cum.. What are the chances of hiv??

  937. I am a man I was doing sex with prostitute girl without condom so l can catch HIV haw it will what proseg

  938. who mite be the father if gal slp wit his boyfriend first
    without using a condom then after 5
    days she have sex with another man
    without using a condom

  939. 40 days ago i received oral
    sex unknown girl she kiss my penis and
    blow job now i suffering headache, skin
    rush on my arms, legs, stomach etc so i
    got hiv or not asked experts

  940. I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend two weeks ago Bhutan after sex didn’t think he ejaculated or poured the sperms into my vagina, a week later I had unprotected sex wth the same boyfriend and I was sure he poured sperms in me…a day later I took a postinor 2 pill.and I have not gotten my periods. Could I be pregnant? Wat I have seen a yellow cream discharge from on my pants.wat could be the problem and what should I do.please advice

  941. Kanana Lalhlimawma

    I’m male 31yrs I have unprotected oral sex with unknown girl on 23rd jun2014 she kiss may penis average 10 minutes so, I blow job in her mouth ejected. After I wash my penis with water. After oral sex 21days passed in 21st July to 6th Aug I have skin Rush itch in my arms, hands, stomach, and legs. I have headache also. But I was not use any medicine. So now Today the symptoms was gone away. Can you help me I’m so worries

  942. Kanana Lalhlimawma

    Answer my questions

  943. Kanana Lalhlimawma

    Where is my answer

  944. am jose.I don’t no how to tell the word the greatest thing that happen in my life.I was so sick that i loose all the money I have in so many hospitals still yet there was no solutions on till I go for blood test for different hospital almost five doctors told me I am H.I.V positive. & after then all hope I have was lost I was waiting the day lord will called me. One nite I woke up in mind-nite start crying so my mind told me to check in Google so I see many testimony about dr okosun I was daunting if the man is real a great man but just because of the testimony of his good news.I said let me try & I email him he reply me back I told him my problems he said that he will reply me back three minis time after he check the oracle. So he reply me after three minis & told me the doctors were saying the truth of my blood test. He said it was spiritual H.I.V. I was having that he can be able to help me. So I respond to all the thins he ask me to do. after then I go for a checkup in three different hospital the doctors were wonder and told me I am now H.I.V. Negative. Now i fill like greatest woman in the very very great full I thank dr okosun for doing great in my life thank ones again I will never forget u. am great full. If u need help is a great man email him. or call +2348137921303

    PILE (E.T.C)

  946. I had a sex with prostitute with 2 condom am i safe?? ?
    Later I touched my bare penis wit withh my hand whe-re in had Touched tat condom earlier after sex
    am i safe?

  947. Kwagala J. - Mayuge

    Is it true that i can get AIDS when i sleep with a man only one time without using a condom?

  948. I had a child 16yrs ago when she was 7 ifound out that iwas hiv worried she loosing so much weight does that mean she was infectect unborn how can i found out without letting her know. Pls help

  949. How will knowif my 16 yr daughter was hiv infectet unborn without letting her suspeciou she is loosing weight worried pls help

  950. Isit 100% surely if I slept with 9 girls without using a condom that I might get illnesses?

  951. I m a married man but once I was drank and unfortunately I had sex with a prostitute without any protection can it cause aids.

  952. I want to see de colour pakage of pakistan Condom that comes from Nigeria

  953. located in India northeast state I allows to post wall

  954. Do you agree with me when advicing teenager by saying they must remain virgins until marriage to protect them against HIV/AIDS?explain the reason for your answer.

  955. if some one has hair on the penis upto bottom below the cap is he in any kind of desease

  956. Kanana Lalhlimawma


    • I am a sufferer of anxiety. After masturbation and washing hand, I open the refrigerator and take out a box of frozen meat. I open it and take it from upper level to lower level. Then I switch to bathing and clean my genital. Later then, I suspect I get some blood from the meat. I worry whether HIV transfer from the meat to the mucous membrane of my genital if I do not actually thoroughly clean my hand and some HIV stay on the hand in bathing.

  957. I had a sex with a call girl but condom broke after 30seconds i knew about it any chances of aids?

  958. My son was hiv+ at 6 weeks and started arv treatment.he is now 4 and cannot speak, the doctors tell me he was given wrong meds as he is however now negetive is this possible

  959. I am a sufferer of anxiety. After masturbation and washing hand, I open the refrigerator and take out a box of frozen meat. I open it and take it from upper level to lower level. Then I switch to bathing and clean my genital. Later then, I suspect I get some blood from the meat. I worry whether HIV transfer from the meat to the mucous membrane of my genital if I do not actually thoroughly clean my hand and some HIV stay on the hand in bathing.

  960. a girl had chicken pox when she was small then when the chicken pox went away they left scars on her whole body then when she turned 17yrs old she came to know also that she has HIV but she is still strong and healthy and her cd4 counts are good and she now wants to have a skin surgery done so due to being an HIV paitient can she have a skin surgery done???? because the chicken pox scars are not goin and they are so many of it.Pliz answer it will really be helpful

  961. I inserted my penis into her for like 10 seconds tops and then stopped myself and put in a condom. After 10 minutes we were done and I then urinated into the condom thinking if there was something in my urethra I would pee it out. After that I took the condom of and proceeded with my day. What are the chances of contracting HIV after something like this?

  962. I have sore lumps on my penis I think its genital galnds does this mean I have hiv?

  963. My name is maria johan from malaysia. My boyfriend left me a month ago and he was leaving with another woman who is 10 years older than him,i feel like my life is completely over. I read over the internet how a spell caster have help several people to get there love back. I have been depress for the past one month and what i need is to get him back and live with him happily. so i decided to give it a try so i contacted the spell caster called Dr.Trust and explain my problems to him and he cast a love spell which i use to get my boyfriend back and now my life is complete and both of us are very happy with the relationship. and i am throughly grateful to this man,his contact email is drisaachelpcenter@gmail. com Thank you very much and i am extremely greatful And there is know evil attach to his will only make your relationship very stronger.

  964. Hello every body Am CLARA HARRY , from USA, Dr,)OGUDO is the only Traditional root and herbs man that can cure your HIV who could ever get my HIV-AIDS cured with his healing spell, i have tried almost everything but i couldn’t find any solution on my disease, despite all these happening to me, i always spend a lot to buy a HIV drugs from hospital and taking some several medications but no relieve, until one day i was just browsing on the internet when i come across a great post of !Michelle! who truly said that she was been diagnose with HIV and was healed that very week through the help of these great powerful healing spell doctor, sometime i really wonder why people called him Dr,OGUDO, i never knew it was all because of the great and perfect work that he has been doing that is causing all this. so i quickly contacted him, and he ask me some few questions and he said a thing i will never forget that anyone who contacted him is ! always getting his or her healing in just 6 hours after doing all he ask you, so i was amazed all the time i heard that from him, so i did all things only to see that at the very day which he said i will be healed, all the strength that has left me before rush back and i becomes very strong and healthy, this disease almost kills my life all because of me, so i will to hospital to give the final test to the disease and the doctor said i am HIV negative, i am very amazed and happy about the healing Dr,OGUDO gave to me from the ancient part of Africa, you can email him now for your own healing too at:DROGUDO thank you sir for healing me from HIV, i am Doris Carter So viewers DR OGUDO, is a God Gifted man and can help you to cure all types of sickness like HIV AIDS, CANCER, PILE, KIDNEY PROBLEM, SYPHILIS, DIABETES and lot’s more. You can contact him through his email on []

    He is also specialized in the following.

    1. He can help you cast a spell to get pregnant.
    2. He can help you cast a Death Spell.
    3. He can help you cast a Promotion spell.
    4. He can help you cast Lottery spell.
    5. Spell of luck.
    6. Spell of Finance.
    7. If you have been scam before, he can help you cast a spell to get your money back.
    8.He can help you solve your low sperm count.
    9 He can help on HIV Spell
    And many more.. contact him on his private
    email and explain what you want him to do for you i assure you he shall
    help,His email is: ([])

  965. I am having sex with A girl since 3 yrs without condum .. however after 1 yr she had done a body checkup and the report was normal … is ther a posibility getting aids.. i m afraid of going for a check up …

  966. i had dry sex days ago but am a virgin now am seen red rushes on my penis

  967. This is a testimony that i will tell every one to hear. i have been married four 6years abandon the 7th year of my marriage, another woman had a spell to take my lover away from me and my husband left me and the kids and we have suffered for 3years until i met a post where this man Dr Osaze have helped someone and i decided to give him a try to help me bring my lover back home and believe me i just send my picture to him and that of my husband and after 4 days as he have told me, i saw a car drove into the house and behold it was my husband and he have come to me and the kids and that is why i am happy to make every one of you in similar problems to met with this man and have your lover back to your self. His email:”spirituallove@hotmail. com”

  968. I have sex to aunty once without condom. she is not hiv infected. is there any chances to me for hiv

  969. Hello sir mam….I ask one question if a unmarried boy 28age nearly he sex with married women.without condoms….weekly twice… And same as he pushed to eagerly some other women for a month twice he sex another married women ….with out condoms…. Is that any possible to affect any disease to that unmarried boy

  970. I’m a male, 28 years old. I had unprotected oral sex with a female (I didi her hiv test and she is negtive) at a massage services. I only had oral sex with her. My pennis has no any type of injury.i also check my hiv status after 45 days of oral sex and i m negtive. I’m so scared, so I looked for information on the internet, some websites advice me Low Risk, or if one has oral sex with an infected partner is less than 1 in 10,000. In my mind, Low Risk is not NO Risk, it make me stressful.I am afraid that if she has HIV, I will be at risk of HIV infection. I’m so worried. Do I need to get HIV test Again???

  971. Good day,


    PHONE NUMBER: +2348185277879

    Hello worry no more you came to the right place seeking for help you shall give birth by this time next year I got your mail and the content was well noted by me, i want to
    assure you that you will get him back within 48 hours that the spell
    has been cast. All you just have to do is to provide me with the
    details below:

    Your full name:
    Your lover name:
    Your lover picture:
    Your picture:
    Your age:
    Your country:
    Your phone number:

    Once i get these details consider your job done and your
    request will be granted to you within 48 hours, These can be possible
    through the powers of my oracle and you shall see how my great powers

    Best Regards,

  972. I’m hiv positive and my cd4 count above 400 I started taking arvs in October 2012, we did unprotected sex with my boyfriend for 5 second nd oral sex for 10 seconds he is hiv negative and also circumcised does this mean I have contracted hiv to him?

  973. Sir gd mng iam 20 years old boy 4days I met with one prostitute with condom only but unfortunately it was blasted so iam getting fear plzzzz gve me a advice what I shold do

    • Syed Muhammed Ali

      Now you need to tell one thing,condom torne inside vagina or out side the vagina.if inside then yes you are at risk,if outside then you are not at risk.

  974. i sleep with my boyfriend fist round we use condom second we dint use protection pls help im going to be pregnet or not caz i was preventing for the fist time

  975. A prostitute musturbate me holding my penis. Will I get infected HIV in case she is HIV infected person?

  976. Hello am GOLDINA from the united state, i read some testimony about Dr LOLA on how he has helped people in bringing back there ex within 48hours i was just thinking if that was real,And decided to call a lady who made a testimony and also dropped her number,So i called her and ask her about Dr LOLA she said Dr LOLA is a trustworthy man and he his ready to bring back my lover for me,i was just so happy and a little bit relief that my lover will be back to me soon,Then i decided in contacting Dr LOLA which i did,And before i could share him my problem he has already told me what i came for,And he said everything will be okay within 48hours that my lover will be back to my arms,So he said he would be casting the spell and that within 48hours my lover would call me,So i hoped so truly before the 48hours i got a call from a man who has left me for the past 6years saying he is sorry and he wants me back,i was happy and i said i also want him back,Then i traveled to Canada to meet him up,And he apologized for what he has done to me now he proposed to marry me and we are both preparing for our wedding soon,All thanks to the great and World best spell caster, Dr LOLA His private mail (

    he is helping to fixed problems on:
    1 (HIV/aids spell)
    2 (you are look for a man Or woman to Marriage spell)
    3 (you need a Child spell)
    4 (Becoming a manager spell)
    5 (Get a job spell)
    6 Success or pass spell
    7 (Love spell)
    Win a difficult case in court spell and many. more.
    Contact he of any of these today at:
    ( His await your urgent response

  977. If a man who is HIV negative met with a woman who is HIV positive once will he be infected.

  978. Abram Samuel Mokwena

    Will i get infected if i hav sex wth somone who is HIV / AIDS using a condom

    • Syed Muhammed Ali

      Codoms are very much effected if their use is in right way.Do not worry either she is infected by HIV. You need to learn more about HIV,please read the following;

      Approximately 50,000 new HIV infections occur in the United States each year. In the U.S., HIV is spread mainly by:
      Having sex with someone who has HIV. In general:
      Anal sex (penis in the anus of a man or woman) is the highest-risk sexual behavior. Receptive anal sex (“bottoming”) is riskier than insertive anal sex (“topping”).
      Vaginal sex (penis in the vagina) is the second highest-risk sexual behavior.
      Having multiple sex partners or having sexually transmitted infections can increase the risk of HIV infection through sex.
      Sharing needles, syringes, rinse water, or other equipment (“works”) used to prepare injection drugs with someone who has HIV.
      Less commonly, HIV may be spread by:
      Being born to an infected mother. HIV can be passed from mother to child during pregnancy, birth, or breastfeeding.
      Being stuck with an HIV-contaminated needle or other sharp object. This is a risk mainly for health care workers.
      Receiving blood transfusions, blood products, or organ/tissue transplants that are contaminated with HIV. This risk is extremely small because of rigorous testing of the US blood supply and donated organs and tissues.
      Eating food that has been pre-chewed by an HIV-infected person. The contamination occurs when infected blood from a caregiver’s mouth mixes with food while chewing, and is very rare.
      Being bitten by a person with HIV. Each of the very small number of documented cases has involved severe trauma with extensive tissue damage and the presence of blood. There is no risk of transmission if the skin is not broken.
      Oral sex—using the mouth to stimulate the penis, vagina, or anus (fellatio, cunnilingus, and rimming). Giving fellatio (mouth to penis oral sex) and having the person ejaculate (cum) in your mouth is riskier than other types of oral sex.
      Contact between broken skin, wounds, or mucous membranes and HIV-infected blood or blood-contaminated body fluids. These reports have also been extremely rare.
      Deep, open-mouth kissing if the person with HIV has sores or bleeding gums and blood is exchanged. HIV is not spread through saliva. Transmission through kissing alone is extremely rare.
      HIV is NOT spread by:
      Air or water
      Insects, including mosquitoes or ticks
      Saliva, tears, or sweat
      Casual contact, like shaking hands, hugging or sharing dishes/drinking glasses
      Drinking fountains
      Toilet seats
      HIV is not spread through the air and it does not live long outside the human body.

      Syed Muhammad Ali

  979. Its posbile ?a hiv postve prgnt wormen bt the own of prgnt iz negtve it posble the own of prgnt to be negatve?

  980. It is said that HIV is spread through blood transfusion only, not other body fluids. Is it possible that if you had an unprotected sex with a person diagnosed with HIV and it happened that fortunately not a drop of blood was shared amongst you two, you are safe?

    • Syed Muhammed Ali

      Dear Ziyanda,
      HIV spread through the following bodily fluids,
      2-Semen (cum)
      3-Pre-seminal fluid (pre-cum)
      4-Rectal fluids
      5-Vaginal fluids
      6-Breast milk
      So only Blood is not the source of tranffering this virus.

  981. iam hiv positive and my partner is hiv negetive we’ve been having unprotected sex for seven years and he is still negetive and iam on arv will that affect him.

  982. Kanwardeep Singh

    m a male, 28 years old. I had unprotected oral sex with a female (I dont know her hiv status) at a massage services. I only had oral sex with her.I also check my hiv status 75 days after the receiving oral sex and i m negtive. I m  so scared, so I looked for information on the internet, some websites advice me Low Risk, or if one has oral sex with an infected partner is less than 1 in 10,000. In my mind, Low Risk is not NO Risk, it make me stressful.I will be at risk of HIV infection. I’m so worried. Do I need to get HIV test again ???

  983. i do have problem sometimes when i do have sex with my body friend de is a little bleeding blood .so what can cause that to be like that

  984. Syed Muhammed Ali

    Dear Mr.Singh,
    You do not need to worry much.
    Oral sex not so risky factor unless vissible blood seen in the mouth.You are reciever and reciever are not on risk.
    I am sure you are not risk of HIV if the above is criteria.


  985. i had sex with my neighbour women who is married but i was a virgin she doesnt have hiv will i get infected.

  986. Im 18 year old my friend 25 year old women she married before 8 year she having 2 children but she like to have sex with me without condom if any problem to me in present or feature

  987. Syed Muhammed Ali

    See Naveen,sex without condom is very risky not even for HIV, for other disease also.So my advise always use condom when ever you perform Any kind of sex.

  988. I had sex with an hiv positive man but that was not lasted 3 minutes,, could I be positive too?

  989. Syed Muhammed Ali

    Dear Jabulile,
    Which kind of sex you did.If you did oral sex only for 3 minutes then chances are minimal.If you did vaginal sex then yes you are at risk,you need to wait 3 months and get tested yourself.
    If you did anal sex then yes you are again at risk.

    My advise is get tested after 3 months of your last risky exposure.If it will come negative then you are free from HIV.

    Hope the answer of your question.

    Best Regards,

    Syed Muhammed Ali

  990. i have sex with a woman yesterday this is my first time and I used condom, and I don’t know her HIV status I’m worried.

  991. Can I become pregnant if my bf just rub his penis on the outside area of my vagina before ejaculating ? precum came out. I got one tablet of Postinor 2 after 4 hours later of that incident and second one after 12 1/2 hours of first tablet. Can I become pregnant sir ? plz help me

    • Syed Muhammed Ali

      If you used condom correctly and condom did not tear then there would be no risk of HIV.You will not pregnant


  992. I have just found out my husband has herpes as I found the medication zelitrex in his cupboard he said it was for a cold sore and that his dr told him it lives dormant in the spinal cord. I understand that even tho there may be no outward symptoms the virus may be passed on thru oral sex and intercourse. Should we use condoms and should I get tested. Worried wife. Have only been married for 7 months and husband blasé and naive about herpes

  993. I’am always having pains inside my penis,I’m urianating freely without pains there is no me what’s the problem

  994. I’m a guy .. I had sex with a man today he ended up bleeding. I used a condom but some blood needed up touching the skin where the penis beings like in the hair area… He ended up being HIV undetectable he said … Does this mean I could have HIV now?

  995. Syed Muhammed Ali

    If you use condome properly and condom was not torn while doing sex then there is nil chance of HIV.
    As far as your question is conserned i am not seeing any chance of HIV.But make sure that every time use condom correctly.


  996. im in love with a girl who’s possitive,so what will happen if u hv unprotected sex?

  997. Syed Muhammed Ali

    If you will do unprotected penetrative sex then you will become HIV Positive.If you will use condom regularly and correctly then there is negligible to zero risk.

  998. I have doing unprotected sex with women suffering from HIV windows period then if HIV transfer or not

  999. I’m doing a unprotected sex with women .she’s suffer from HIV WINDOWS Period so HIV transfer or not

  1000. I had a hj with a girl but I noticed that she had rashes all over her pubic area and thighs . Will I get any std ? I’m worried

  1001. no 11 owahase ovwian.

  1002. How do i know that i’m HIV positive without going for test in the hospital?

  1003. How do i know that i’m HIV postive within four months of contacting?

  1004. So my boyfriend and I had unprotected sex 2 weeks before my periods. But he never went through as I’m still a virgin he didn’t ejaculate and I’m sure not sure of precum. What are the chances of me being pregnant?

  1005. nancy gararey

    help before my parents through me out

  1006. Syed Muhammed Ali

    What you did explain in detail

  1007. Hallo.i am 20 yr of age.I can sex with my gf three time without any protection,doing that my gf was not infected by hiv.but after my marriage with other women who also not hiv positive and i can sex with her without protection.can i got hiv.plzzz tell me.

  1008. Hallo.i am 20 yr of age.I can sex with my gf three time without any protection,doing that my gf was not infected by hiv.but after my marriage i can sex with other women who also not hiv positive and i can sex with her without protection.can i got hiv.plzzz tell me.

  1009. If i have sex with my girlfriend without using a condom,and after that i have sex with another girl so can i/or my gf got hiv ,

  1010. If i have sex with my girlfriend without using a condom,and after that i have sex with another girl without using condom so can i/or my gf got hiv ,

  1011. i luv to further my education but i do not have any means,please help!

  1012. sinovuyo mgobo

    im pregnant and hiv positive ive missed to take my tablet is my baby going to be hiv too?

  1013. Dear Dr. i fuck a ladyboy with out condoms do i get the HIV deseas from it .. HE SUCK MY DICK ASWELL for 15 mint .. can u pls tel what should i do

  1014. im a man aged 30.i fell in love with a girl 5months ago.we tested hiv negative in JAN ths year.we had unprorected vaginal sex early feb.2weeks down the line isuffered most of hiv early symptoms.we go for another hiv test first week of may.i tested hiv positive and shes negative.the tests were repeated and i remain pisitive.the test were done through a finger prick.i havent beeb in a risky exposure before.i dont nderstand how my positive result come about.pliz help fir i never expected this since i was faithfuk to it that there are some people who dont develop antibodies yet having the virus within their system.Im confused.dont know what to do.

  1015. If boy keep sparm in his belly, Will he pregnent?

  1016. I am 30yrs old man I will sex with a sex worker with using of two condom my doubt is to that itwill get HIV virus.

  1017. prince amponsah

    in a bus if a person suain injury on the hand and unknown blood in bus comes into contact with the person be at risk of hiv

  1018. prince amponsah

    If a person who in a bus sustain injury and unknown blood comes into contact with will it put him at risk of hiv

  1019. Hello sir/mam…….i done saving on my penis.and during save a cut got on penis and after 2 hours i had done sex with a girl which is infected or not with aids.i had done sex with condom.than i want to know that,this would we cause of aids or not.

  1020. Hello sir/mam…….i done saving on my penis.and during save a cut got on penis and after 2 hours i had done sex with a girl which is infected or not with aids.i had done sex with condom.than i want to know that,this would we cause of aids or not. Give me solutio sir

  1021. Hello doctor….i done saving on my penis and during than got 2 little cut on penis.and after two hours i got sex with a girl which may be infected with aids.i had done sex 2 time during one hour.cut is gotten bottam of the penis hair i want to know this cause woulf be aids.

    • Syed Muhammed Ali

      Have you done protected sex, i mean with condom,if yes then you are not at risk as condomes are very effective.

      If you have done unprotected sex, if yes then you are at rist of HIV.


  1022. Hi I have done massage last night of fully naked …she done hand job and I come in my own body…I have slept in rubber bed sheet and done all the massgae…while doing massage my foreskin of my penis touches the rubber sheet,in case any affected man semen will be there in rubber sheet of last massage and if my foreskin of my penis touched the dried semen…will this can cause HIV? Plz help me out

  1023. Hi I’m 26years of age I’m HIV Positive I found out in 2008 when my boyfriend got sick and decided to test,now my Question is my private part is itching almost everyday and I have a rash on top of my breast next to my chest and is also itching I can’t sleep because of those rashes sometimes I would apply a roll on with no perfume on my virginer just to stop the irritation I need your help how can I stop this itchingness I’m not in ARV and use condom 100pecent

  1024. I saw my period on the 2 of june and it ended on the 7 june the problem here is that i had sex for the first time in my life with my boyfriend and he dicharged s little in my and am very scard is it posible that i might be or get pregnant

  1025. I came earlier in the morning in the shower. and I washed it thoroughly and dried it with a towel.
    I had unprotected sex 8 hours or so later. Is it possible that I could have gotten this girl pregnant?

  1026. I came earlier in the after noon about 3:30pm i let it dry without washing it but i did urinate a lot then I had unprotected sex 5 hours or so later. Is it possible that I could have gotten this girl pregnant?

  1027. Dear docter can you get hiv when you can make sex with someone with hiv but using a condom but that condom never blast ?

    • Syed Muhammed Ali

      Always use Latex condom and wear correctly.If you do not know how to wear it then go to any health service centre they will guide you.

      Syed Ali

  1028. Need advice ma partner does’nt want to do HIV test and dnt want to use condom wat should i do?pls hlp

  1029. I fucked shemalw without using condom..whether AIDs come r any tips

    • Syed Muhammed Ali

      Yes you are at the risk of contracting HIV because you were involved in penetrative sex without condom.Get tested after 3 months after your last risky exposure.

      Syed Ali

  1030. What will happendif you drink ARV’s(HIV madication).. And then drink beer 4 the 1st time and then after 3days drinking ARV’s

  1031. We are both positive bt condom blust while we are on sex ,we didn’t notice and am on ARVs ,I use them daily

  1032. So I fingered my girlfriend and she started to bleed so she went to the bathroom and cleaned up. 2 hours later I ate her out but only around the clit not on the vagina so could I have aids or HIV? Please help

  1033. I had sex with my boyfriend who has HIV and the condom broke I’m really getting worried what if I also end up sick…what are the risks of me getting infected

    • Syed Muhammed Ali

      Yes you are at the risk of contracting HIV because you were involved in penetrative sex and condom teared.Get tested yourself after 3 months after your last risky exposure.

      Syed Ali

  1034. Hi,am hiv+and married to an hiv-person and now he wants us to have a baby,can we have our baby without infecting him? So concerned please help

  1035. i am doing a open sex without using condom,but after doing this mistake i am so weary about HIV, so plz tel me what medicine sould I take for instand relief.

    Thanking you.

    • Syed Muhammed Ali

      Dear Chinmoy,

      Yes you are at the risk of contracting HIV because you were involved in penetrative sex without condom.Get tested after 3 months after your last risky exposure.

      Syed Ali

  1036. I have protected sex wit a proatitutes. After sex i pulled the condom with my left hand, after sometime(may be 2 mins) unfortunately i insert my left hand in mouth, whether there is a chance to get hiv.

  1037. I have protected sex wit a prostitute. After sex i pulled the condom with my left hand, after sometime(may be 2 mins) unfortunately i insert my left hand in mouth, whether there is a chance to get hiv.

    • Syed Muhammed Ali

      Dear Ranjit,

      U are worrying unnecessarily, Hiv virus once expose to air / light immediately it dies..

      There is no HIV risk


    • Syed Muhammed Ali

      Dear Mr.Umar Jaffer,

      You are worrying unnecessary.HIV will not transmit like this.You have done safe sex with condom no risk.If condom was broken in the vagina then yes you would be at risk..

      Hope i have given the answer of your question.

      Syed Ali

  1038. My husband helped someone bleeding in an accident without protecting himself with gloves and touched that blood with his hands and he immediately washed his hands with water and soap so is it possible that he got HIV if that person is infected

    • Big no, if he had not open cuts on his own hands.

      If there were cuts may b or may not be infected from depends on cut ether it was deep cut / fresh cut or cut was in healing process.if the cut was in healing process then hiv can’t transmit.

      Hope the answer of ur question.


  1039. If a girl masturbates with a handle brush that is about 5-6 in long and she does it every once in a while and when she does it she does it hard…..will that damage her reproduction system and lower her chances of getting pregnant? And there’s blood while doing it will it lower her chances of getting pregnant?

  1040. Unprotected sex is riskier.
    Protected sex is safe but not 100%.if there is break in condom then the chance will increase of hiv

  1041. Hy docter I’m 31 yrs old man.My wife is 8 mnth pregnent and so last night when we were having sex I realised that condom has blast so we are on a big stress does our child get infected or not because my wife she is 100% on a treatment.Help us docter please

    • Syed Muhammed Ali

      Chances are less.But why you were doing intercourse as she is 8 months pregnent.Please wait till she will get released from this pregnancy.

  1042. I was fucked a married girl without protection is this a reason of hiv positive plz help fast its urgent

    • Yes if she is infected hiv.if she is not infected by hiv then u are safe from hiv.
      Please do test after 4-6 weeks and retest again after 3 months of this last exposure.


  1043. Doctor
    I just want ask if there is possibility of getting HIV by washing with a soap the clothes containing the blood of affected person and i was having the wound in my hand

  1044. Syed Muhammed Ali


  1045. I am HIV and am pregantfor seven months have been receiving treatment, plss I want to breastfeed ma baby when he or she is born is it possible

  1046. When I sex with a women with condone, my condone is broken during sex. As I know my condone is broken I take a pee and wash up my penis. Can I get HIV?

    • Syed Muhammed Ali

      Chances are increased if condom broke inside in the vagina.If condom broke outside from Vagina then no risk of HIV.As HIV quickly dies in air / light / oxygen.

  1047. HIV they say is trasmited through that mean you can’t get hiv when two people have not produce blood. I mean without using condom.

  1048. What are the signs of an HIV and AIDS girl?

  1049. What should I do if have know that my girlfriend is positive but she has never told me and I have know by finding her drinking the medicine, should I live her or discuss with her?

  1050. If a women have an unprotected sex with a man and semen is left….and the same women haves unprptected sex with another man than is there possibility of her suffering from AIDS…??

  1051. I have been sexed with two ladies…first lady already got married second lady a virgin … With two I have been unprotected sex… It will affect as aids pls rply me soon

  1052. if I had an unprotected sex with some one that I dont know his status…that actually happened on october 12th and I decided to check my status and I checked it on 22nd of november and I waz negative wot is the probability dat I wil b hiv positive if I should check my hiv status again on january 12th which makes it 3 months of d sexual intercourse….I am so scared n worried

  1053. Im HIV and my boy frnd dont want condom and mu vagina is liking the smell drop and im worind obout that what must do

  1054. I kissed 12boys n physical contact with 2boys I’ll get

  1055. can i get Hiv from a person infected for only 45seconds of sex

  1056. hello,
    I’ve done protected sex with a women who’s probably infected by HIV/AIDS I didn’t know that she was in period unfortunately when it’s over I found menstrual around my penis and on condom,am i infected?plz tell meh.there’s an HIV/aid in menstrual cycle?

  1057. i just had an intercourse with a boy we were both unclothed but the boy did not sure can i be that am not pregnant..

  1058. i just had an intercourse with a boy we were both unclothed but the boy did not sure can i be that am not pregnant..

  1059. Hwllo
    Forgive my poor English. I am very tense I bought a dildo plastic toy from unknown person it was in my bag for 20 hours in my work place after 20 hour I take it out from my bag it was in a plastic cover but cover have no seal to broke it I mean you can take out dildo from cover and keep it again inside I take out dildo from cover and put it on table for 30 minutes in my room after that u use it for anal sex I didn’t wash it and no condom I don’t know if that person use it before or some body else and they are infected with gonorrhea, or hiv thank you for your time pleas

  1060. Hello, I have a question about STD’s. I recently used my mums vibrator and I am scared out of my wits that I could get an STD myself. What are the possibilities???

  1061. One month back I had an unprotected anal sex with a gay which I met here on my internet..I ws drunk I really feel why did I do tht I ejaculated in his ass..he s working guy..he s saying he is safe abut I cnt trust him..after tht encounter I felt little sweelling in my lymph nodes but it disappeared in two after a month I started feeling chills.rigour nd loose motions..I gone through elisa test after ten days of exposure which came negative..m.hell scared.

  1062. I would love to know is it possible for a people leavin wth hiv to have children maybe 1 of them is positive or both are possitive

  1063. kissed a girl when I was in std 5,we have done french kissing , now iam worried that if I am affected with hiv aids virus, how can I be sure iam affected with disease or not

  1064. I am jimmy I had a sex with a lady during september 2014 using condom , while doing sex my condom was teared and without knowing that I played action two times and the lady realized and had taken my penis out and had worn a new one and continued sex with her and my cum came out in the new condom after a minute I mean in the second one from then on i was scared of hiv and i dont know her hiv status please help me i was tensed all these days

  1065. hallo

    ihave unprotected sex with idout myself ifeel like ihave hiv possetive.because ihave joint pain inmy hand,myfingers myknee,myheel.and my toes, so.i tested nagetive,after10weeks this symtoms realeted with hiv pls help i.m so afraid.

  1066. hae..i prefer you going for an xray for the whole body or going to a doctor.and tell them how you feel..then they can direct you from there

  1067. hy imet the guy 2months back,we have unprotected sex , so i.m tested 9weeks back result is i.m having the joint pain and what can ido, imeans i.m hiv or stress can cause joint pain and negative RESULT AFTER 6WEEKS IS THE BEST RESULT .PLS HELP SORRY FOR MY ENGLISH


    if we rub our penis continousely for 2 or 3 years which type of changes will occures ?

  1069. Plz give some advice a teenager has unprotected sexual intercouse 6 days ago.

  1070. I had heat allergy from my got cured when I was around 16.
    I had sex with a prostitute using condom. But unlikely my condom bursted during IC. Perhaps it was 5 minutes without condom.
    Suddenly after a month I found having flu, only running nose. I dosed with telekast L, and recovered within 3 days.. then I found I had diarrhea, which was continuing for 3 days..I took metrogyl and recovered within a day. I also found my heat allergy has started again, which I had 10 yrs ago. Severe Rashes comes on my skin, whenever I get heated up..but recoveres within 10 minutes.. I am having small pimples on my back arm..but not much red, and non itchy..
    After a month of IC , I found temporomandibular disorder. I felt problem while chewing..pain in jaws.. dentist provided me with medicine and got cured in 10 days.
    Recently after 3 months of IC, 1-2 small pimples on whole body,face and arm in average at a time..I also had diarrhea again after 3 months, continued for 3 days and got cured when I took single metrogyl.
    I Had no fever or night sweats, unclers in mouth, no tonsil swelling, no vomiting in these months. Can remain awake late at night too daily.

    Can anyone plz help me I safe from hiv…I am really tensed..

  1071. What are the risks of having protected sex with a condom?

  1072. hello i.m awoman who did unprotected sex with the guy at 23november 2015 so i had tha pain in my joints ,my muscle .pls help.

  1073. I had protected sex with a condom but i am still afraid that i might have

    contracted hiv where can i go to get help and is it possible that i could be infected

  1074. My partner she’s positive so oneday when we were having sex the condom slip into her virgin and I’m very sure that I have sperm inside her virgin. I wanna know I can get infected or not

  1075. Am a girl aged 20 and i was born hiv positive.i had my CD4 count last year and it was 1260 i really dont know what it me please

  1076. martin chipulu

    I had unprotected sex with woman who comfessed to me afta sex that she’s dien of thinking I don’t know wat to do and am afraid to do the tests because am not ready to see myself into this.

  1077. Dear everyone Im hiv positive and i allways have a strees becoase all the time i think i will die.i have one boyfreand and that guy hes negative and he want a child with me so im scard becase i think my child is gowing to have hiv so i dont know what can i do

  1078. Hi everybody my brother have hiv positive and he trink alcohol every wekend and he like a girls i just want to help my brother so i dont know what to do

  1079. Nokulunga,Macro

    Hi is safe ti change time for medication or not

  1080. I had unprotected sex with a girl who had hiv and jast right after sex i washed my penis using cold water can that wash away the virus if they were on the fluid that was on my penis,,,, pliz ansa am scared

  1081. If both partner r not infacted withwith HIV n they do sex then can a HIV will infact them

  1082. hy,I have a qstn.I missed my periods since last year November until today and I’m on ARVs medication.before I met my missing periods,I went on periods for almost four months and I seekd fro help at de hospital n they gave me pills to stop the menstruation so since then I haven’t seen my periods for months n it really stresses me a lot plz help coz m nt pregnant either…help me,

  1083. is it true that a person won’t get HIV/AIDS for having sex once motivate your answe

  1084. Ay was going to have sex with a girl but the condomo bost and imedetli ay tek out mi pines and washit with sop but ay don’t no if mi pines touch her vagina ..put the girl went for a test las week in a lab a it Como out to be positive and den today ay took the girl for a next test and I did double test and comes out to be negative im worried ..ay am at risk.

  1085. kaylene michaels

    Am a hiv parent and my baby is 3months now nd she was tested negative from birth until now but what worries me is that she comes some red pimples on her legs back and cheeks, Now here is a big pimple on her right arm its not hard but soft and hve comes such yellow stuff out of it what can it be?

  1086. i am 32 yr male from India i had an inter course with a sex worker about a month now took double precaution during the same time i was licking her nipples.during this time i tasted some fluid which was not blood for shore but since than i m worried about it. does it affect and can be HIV in future

  1087. Hai I’m 20 yrs old i would lyk to knw that is there any medication that can remove HIV/AIDS on human being

  1088. Hello Dr my name is sanjay I am 17 my aunt 30
    My aunt got married 10years ago till now she did not get any baby .so my aunt forcing to have sex with hr and telling to give a baby so plzzzz tell doctor shall I use condom or not
    If I use condom my I’ll not pregnant even I am also interested in hr so plz ur opinion
    NXT I want fuck so

  1089. I first oral kiss then suck her nippels (there is no breast milk outside) ….the she suck my pennis (she also suck sperm )…..any job reaction ….we both are negative job….any risk of hiv ?…….

  1090. Hi sir,

    My name is pradeep, I’m married and daily doing without condom sex with my wife and my girlfriend.

    My girlfriend name is Pooja but she is unmarried.

    I’m daily doing sex with my girlfriend and my wife without condom.

    However my wife and my girlfriend never cheated me.

    We all 3 people test HIV/aids and its negative.

    However can I get aids by doing this activities in future ?

  1091. Hi sir,

    My name is pradeep, I’m married and daily doing without condom sex with my wife and my girlfriend.

    My girlfriend name is Pooja she is unmarried.

    I’m daily doing sex with my girlfriend and my wife wife without condom.

    However they both never ever cheated on me.

    We all 3 people tested our HIV/aids and its negative

    Now can I get aids by doing this activities in future


  1092. Pls I had an unprotected sex whit a girl I met just. Ones then after some. Days of the sex and I began to notice some scratch sound my private part pls what do you think is wrong

  1093. I got tested for HIV and i got Negative,but i’m suffering from STD,what should i do?

  1094. Hi what causes pains in my panis after having sex when I urinate and the pains last for a long term .I’m 23 years old and I slept with a vigin girl

  1095. Hi what causes pains in my panis after having sex when I urinate and the pains last for a long term .I’m 23 years old im from kwzulu Natala and I slept with a vigin girl

  1096. What can I do to prevent my panis from experiencing pains when I am urinating after having sex.I’m a 23 year old boy and I slept with a vigin girl

  1097. Hello Everyone,
    To whom it may concern, I’m indeed very happy for my life; My name is Faih Dourod Arigs, I never thought that I will live on earth before the year runs out. I have been suffering from a deadly disease (HIV) for the past 5 years now, I have spent a lot of money going from one places to another, from churches to churches, hospitals have been my every day residence. Constant checks up have been my hobby not until last Month, I was searching through the internet, I saw a testimony on how DR. JUGUNU BADMUS helped someone in curing her HIV disease, quickly I copied his email which is ( I spoke to him, he asked me to do some certain things which I did, he told me that he is going to provide the herbal to me, which he did, then he asked me to go for medical checkup after some days after using the herbal cure, Trust me, I’m free from the deadly disease, he only asked me to post the testimony to the whole world, faithfully i’m doing it now, please brothers and sisters, Health is Wealth.

    DR. JUGUNU BADMUS is great, I owe him my life and I will be forever indebted to him. if you are having a similar problem, just email him on ( He can also cure diseases like Cancer, Diabetics, Herpes. Etc. You can reach me on email: Thanks for reading.

  1098. One week ago I have protected sex with prostitute but I have genital wart on scrotum does it can transmit hiv I’m very worried

  1099. After making sex with hiv girl …how much time need to come for sexed person..

  1100. Please help I just slept with a guy 30 minutes ago and the condom was inside my vagina he ejaculate, if he is hiv what are the chances of getting it or what must I do now to prevent this

  1101. We were in a long distance relationship with my partner somehow I had sexual intercourse with a guy whose status I don’t know upto today I was still on prep then my boyfriend came back we had a test we were both negative, can he acquire HIV?

  1102. I am 22 yeas old and i am hiv positive, then i started to realise that i am starting to develope breast on chest,what must i do to have my normal chest again?

  1103. Hello,doctor I am 22 years old boy and i been living with hiv for 22 years old,then in 2015 march i started to develope breast on my chest,i been trying to tell my doctor about this but he keep on saying that i will be fine,those breast they are been cost by arv’s what must i do to have my normal chest again?

  1104. I don’t use condom wile having sex is there possiblty of getting HIV or AIDS problem
    I nearly fucked the girl more than 50 time is but without any precaution

  1105. 1 Can someone have hiv symptoms without HIV
    2 I have high fever for some weeks but don’t no if i have hiv

  1106. i had unprotected sex with a woman for about two months she has no sores or vaginal std that i am aware about but now i am getting this feeling like i have a fever but tem is normal and i have no swollen glands but a little soar thraot also my sinus has been bothering me for the past two weeks can you tell me if i have contracted hiv from her she is positive

  1107. i make sex after 15 seconds condem broken at the middle of my penis..then automatically my penis out from vagina…s i am afraid from HIV,,

  1108. Hlo sir/ madam …i hv prblm in my breast …actually one side of my breast is bigger then other side and i feel some pain in firstvsidevwhen i touch it …sir/madam whatvi hv to do

  1109. dear doctor,
    if I put a condom in my penis then not sex anyone but I get masterbates, then any problem that??????

  1110. I was born HIV positive ,and I have a boyfriend but I haven’t told him about my status and I had sex with him unprotected for 3 times ..and I’m scared that I must have affected him …so please help me what must I do …

  1111. What advice you can give a teenager who afraid that i might contracted with hiv

  1112. Its true someone told me that if you are hiv positive and you are arvs you will loose your virgina and it becomes wet during sex

  1113. I have a sex aunty just 2 min without protaction i dont know she effect hiv or not . Pls say me what can i do

  1114. I have this friend who seplt with five guys without protection the guys have been tested in the pass and they dont have hiv but she has never been tested so she told me the other day that she cause this big bump on the inside of her vagina and wants to knw wat cause it she doesn’t let them come inside of her so she want to knw. Wat cause the bump to be on one side of her vagina on the in side does that mean she has hiv

  1115. Hi. Lets say for instance If someone is hiv posative and comes to visit with a frend of yours, and that person with hiv has a sore on the leg, my dog licks the sore a few time during the visit . A few days laiter someone in your family falls of there bicycle in the yard while I am a work and he /she gets injured ( ie ) an elbow graze , grazed on the knee ( ect ) then the dog licks tha area a few times . Can that person then get aids or hiv through that . This is a concern of mine for my children’s sake .

  1116. Tfdhgggcg

  1117. can a girl be pregnant if the guy already pre cumed. But there waasnt no pre cum in the condom but the condom rips but he didnt cum unil he jacked off?

  1118. I had sex with my boyfriend twice 1st after my period and 2nd few days before my period and in both cases he spermed out and now my period has not come its late by 1wk could I be pregnant coz I feel movements in my stomach

  1119. If got sexed before one day of periods and after that next day periods happened. She can be pregnent?

  1120. I had unprotected sex with married women 5 times in couple of days , I’m not married and I’m just 24 years old male, I’m surely say that she was only with her husband and I’m recently joined, now I’m afraid about causes of HIV or not , I’m afraid IMG about my future

  1121. I have sex without condom how many days take’s before you can test for Hiv

  1122. If we comshot more times
    aids will come ha

  1123. I tested positive three years ago and iv been struggling to accept it . one moment I’m k with it then I start taking my meds then they change the process of how u get your pills at the clinic in a way that makes ones life difficult to get meds then I stop but now I’m tired I need help I need a way to deal with this because I don’t wanna die or have to explain my self to every one

  1124. Andrew Franco

    Hi I was at my family members house and I saw my uncle that has aids as we were leaving I was carrying my niece then my uncle the one that has AIDS kissed her on the cheeck i quickly wiped it off with my hand I then went home to my girlfriend and I started fingering her without me washing my hands I then remembered then I stopped and washed my hands does that mean I affected my girlfriend and she has aids now ? Please respond back fast I’m worried

  1125. Patrick mahlangabeza

    Im hiv posetive then two month back my right testecle has swallon then i go to hospital then they run some test nd found out i hv tb istend of helping me they told me i have to go to my clinic where i take my arv is where i wl get treatment of tb they say i cant take two treatment at diffent places

  1126. What problem has a women if she having pain in neck and swelling in whole body and not going to freshroom? Help plss

  1127. Dear Doctor, I have a question. I’m uncircumsed and I’ve always wanted to be circumcised, so a week ago I went online did my research and it showed how you can be automatic circumcised. Basically being circumcised without have the foreskin removed. All you have to do is put elastic tap around the foreskin and push the skin back and it would look like your circumcised. A few days as I started to take the elastic tap off I started seeing little black spots on my foreskin & now I’m really scared. I’ve been trying to get it off but it doesn’t seem like it can come off, please help, and do you have any idea as to how I can remove this? Please get back to me

  1128. Okay so I’m 16 years old, female, me and my boyfriend have been having unprotected sex for about 5 months now. Nothing’s ever been wrong. But I was having pain urinating and such so I went to the doctor ( I also had some blisters). I was diagnosed with yeast infection and UTI. but these blisters seem to be getting worst and they look exactly like genital herpes. Is this possible after having sex for 5 months that now I am showing symptoms ? Or could it possibly be a coincidence and look like an std.

  1129. Okay so I’m 16 years old, female, me and my boyfriend have been having unprotected sex for about 5 months now. Nothing’s ever been wrong. But I was having pain urinating and such so I went to the doctor ( I also had some blisters). I was diagnosed with yeast infection and UTI. but these blisters seem to be getting worst and they look exactly like genital herpes. Is this possible after having sex for 5 months that now I am showing symptoms ? Or could it possibly be a coincidence and look like an std.

  1130. Guide to youth about PEP if u did unprotected sex ( with out condom ) with hiv positive person call to hiv hospital before 72hours they will give pep tablets its use to hiv negative future to u…. call immediately to doctors don’t feel Ambrose….

  1131. Hello dr. Don’t mind my poor English I had protected vaginal sex with girl unknowns status.While This I see thing has gone well but when I took shower I was concerned that my condom was broke so I decided to see the condom that I bound then i found that it was a small leak.How risk Am I ?? i looking forward to hearing from you back, Thanks

  1132. Susan Ann Frail

    Hi iam 48 got tested about 8 months ago to see if i was going thru the change i have had a coyple of irregular periods i had unprotected sex over a week ago is there a possibility i coyld be pregnant

  1133. Susan Ann Frail

    Hi iam 48 got tested about 8 months ago to see if i was going thru the change i have had a coyple of irregular periods i had unprotected sex over a week ago is there a possibility i coyld be pregnant

  1134. Susan Ann Frail

    Hi iam 48 got tested about 8 months ago to see if i was going thru the change i have had a coyple of irregular periods i had unprotected sex over a week ago is there a possibility i coyld be pregnant

  1135. Can I get pregnant while am still a virgin and I haven’t had sex but the guy pours sperms on my Virgina and a little bit inside though I haven’t had sex

  1136. Hello doctor from past 6 years i been had sex with 9 guys n i knw oll r clean so do i hv any chance of getting hiv o stds

  1137. hello

    am hiv negative and my man I hiv positive so we would like to have a baby,so I dont know wat to do because my cd4 counts is undetectable so I need an advice please

  1138. I had sex with someone and the condom blast, 3 days later i went for test it was negative, could der b chance DAT wen i check again i cn b positive as i really dnt trust de guy?

    When should i take the test to confirm I’m clean. Plz help

  1139. This is probably an HIV/AIDS site. Am jst confused Dats why I need answers. I used a condom while having sex with my girlfriend unfortunately it bursted and I ejaculated inside her vagina. I quickly used my fingers to remove it.. Is she going to get pregnant cuz am scared. Thank you

  1140. hi,d first time I got disvirgin,I bleed a little ,just becus penetration wasn’t allowed due to d pain,so I had sex d second time but penetration was allowed,but i saw blood,and it was very painful,so d next day i saw a little bit of blood it lasted for like 2 minutes,and am avin some pains in my virginal just asif I have a cut in it,and again am experiencing a little bit of stomach ACH……just wanna no my problem,becus am scared

  1141. My partner has HIV she take meds for it sometimes miss doses can I gt HIV since we hve unprotected sex she say she is undectable

  1142. I had sex with my boy friend 3 yrs back me I have oral sex with him a year later. Now I got
    Married to another guy. Is it possible to have HIV?(both are HIV negative )

  1143. Wht must I do cauz m nt felling well I tested nd the result says m negative nd i have signs n symptoms of de deases

  1144. I have stopped the three mnths injection in september till now l havent seen my period and since then l having unprotected sex so l want to know can l be pregnant

  1145. I kissed and sucked a girls breast for a long period of time but I didn’t have sex with her . After some weeks I started having loss of appetite, worm like movements in the body, loss of weight, loss of beards and hairs, numbness in the finger, veins in the body, stomach rumbling, my feces and fart no long smell. I have done for test and staph aureus was diagnosed. I also went for HIV test but it was negative. Am really scared, could it be that I have contracted HIV??

  1146. hello doctor,
    I fingered a sex worker and cleaned my hands with toilet paper, after some minutes, I accidentally hit the finger on the wall and bruised it and there was blood. I had cleaned the fingers with toilet paper and stop to further go on with the act. minutes later, I washed and treated my hand with dettol, please what’s the risk?

  1147. Its been 5 months since i had vaginal sexual intercourse with a stripper in soutj africa which resulted in me feeing a pop on the condom an immediately pulling out however i am now scared i might contracted the virus and my girlfriend is pregnant. I haven’t any symptoms except sme TMD related symptoms in my jaw area last year in october 2 months after the sexual experience. About a month and a half after that i had my burst condom experience my girlfriend had a skin fungal infection which the doctor said was heat related because of the weather and the meds prescribed worked and there hasn’t been any problem since. I fear the test right now and guilt kills me hence i stick to the net checking on statistics and all in this one time experience especially in south africa

  1148. Hello Doctor
    I had sexual together sexual worker with condom.But condom is broken when i am trying to put my penis into her veginer.I heard a voice notice from condom i knew condom was broken .So My penis is not her inside veginer just at outside happen .I knew that condition at
    outside absolutely .And then i take off condom from my penis.In that condition i am worried about diease like HIV and other problem.Please reply to me and advice on this condition.I can be safe or unsafe at that condition .

    Thank you sir

  1149. I had first time sex with prostitute and suddenly condom was tared within 20 sec i change the another one and my sperm was not injected to her vegina and i wash my penis with soap and i take hiv test one week later the test was negative and 26 days later i take another one test HIV 1&2 AND HSBag HCV test it also negative but i still worried please advice me and make me free

  1150. I’v given 15 cumshots without sex. Will i got hiv?

  1151. If the pemple grow inside the penis AIDS caused with out fucking

  1152. will a person get syphillis from someone that has been treated for syphillis if they french kiss

  1153. Biido da sammy

    I disvirgin my girl not quite long and she bleed for several days before this stop. And again i have sex with her she also bleed again. Is This Normal?

  1154. Biido da sammy

    What drug can my wife use because she uses to bleed after we have sex

  1155. Hi,
    I had a sex yesterday , and after sex I removed the condom with my hands and without washing my hands I touched my pennis and then I washed it, I see a small cut in my pennis , please let me know r there any chances that I can get effected by HIV ?

  1156. I had intercourse with someone I just met. Apologies for getting a big graphic. For the first couple of thrusts I made sure he had his condom on by touching the base of his shaft. Then we changed position, I forgot to check again, he’d removed the condom and he put his cock in for one or two seconds, which was when I realised what was happening and got it out. I left then. I’ll have an HIV test after the window period. Meantime, I’m quite worried and wonder how risky it was.

  1157. Please help me,how possible it is ,a mother who is positive has a baby at 6 weeks it was negative and 6 months also negative but at 9 months its positive serological

  1158. Gave a handjob and 1-2 mins after cum dried he touched my vagina although is fingers didn’t insert could I be pregnant

  1159. I do sex with my three wives daily .is there done any infection of HIV between us?
    Note:initially we don’t have HIV

  1160. I recently performed mutual masturbation with another person and he ejaculated on my hand. He then proceeded to touch himself and then finished masturbating me with the same hand. Am I at risk for an STD or HIV from this? I think he may have given me the same towel he used to wipe off with for me to wipe off with too? Help!!! I also had a scabbed over cut on my hand that he ejaculated on. Does that put me at risk?

  1161. I have masturbut with hiv negative boy and he ejaculated on my penis and also on my hand i have cut on this lead to hiv or not ???
    We both are hiv negative.
    Please help me.

  1162. last knight i used my dildo after finishing i started to poop every 5 min non stop for 3 hours towards the end started pooping lots of blood and then when i decided to take a shower i ending up falling down 5 times felt very week rapid breathing and then rested for 1 hour and got up and fell again

  1163. I am intercourse with a prostitude without condom so I am very panic plss this time what can i do to know HIV or not

  1164. If the girl is somehow infected and the sex wasn’t rough and the guy dosent eject his semen inside her than is there a less chance of infection

  1165. HI
    I want to know something
    If I test and suck my wife’s pussy and vagina, does it harm to me? Or does it cause for a mouth cancer or else, infect my wife loves to suck my penis a lot me too, but now I want to know I wrote above??? Plz answer medically???

  1166. Hi,

    I had sex with a prostitute. After, I forgot to remove the condom used. After an hour I remembered and removed it but I still used the same underwear. The next morning I accidentally put my fingers in my throat because I feel like throwing up. I was drunk that night. Am I at risk of getting HIV. Thanks

  1167. In Period’s time aunty fucked by colloge boy and AIDS comes or not

  1168. Hello Sir,

    I am having sex with my girl friend who is virgin. Where I had sex before that with 1 prostitute and with 1 girlfriend. After having sex I checked with doctor for HIV test. HIV is positive after 3 months. now can I have sex with another girl friend with condom. Is there any problem will occur and she is still virgin present girl freind.

  1169. I had sex with prostitute. After long session still I not found ejaculated so I removed my penis. Then next session when I removed my penis I saw my condom got busted. But I didn’t got ejuclated. When I removed my penis.and I didn’t found any wetness or sperm on my penis then after 30minutes I consulted a diagnosis and gave blood test for HIV .kindly suggest me if I get hiv or not.and it’s my first time sex

  1170. Hi.i was watching porn with someone and the guy constantly rubbed his private part and we both were touching his mobile at the same time i was un intentionally putting my fingers in my mouth full of cuts and bruises can i get HIV or std pls help am worri3d

  1171. I had unprotected sex two on 30th around 5pm… And i was supposed to receive my menses on 1st….. And i took p2 tablets on 2nd around 2:45 pm… And have not received my periods .. Can i get pregnant???

  1172. I had unprotected sex two on 30th around 5pm… And i was supposed to receive my menses on 1st….. And i took p2 tablets on 2nd around 2:45 pm… And have not received my periods .. Can i get pregnant??? Help me out doctor

  1173. I stopped taking ARVS for two weeks and when I went for a test the results were negative is it possible

  1174. Can a person with HIV drinking arc’s in fact onither person???

  1175. I fuck two girls but these two girls are virgin i fuck once a time in week so i get aids or not

  1176. Can i get hiv if i kiss lips to lips wet kissing some saliva get involved.

    She had some gum issues but only while brushing .Some times blood come some times do not .

    can i get hiv from sucking nipples.

  1177. Can i get hiv if i kiss lips to lips wet kissing some saliva get involved.

    She had some gum issues but only while brushing .Some times blood come some times do not .

    can i get hiv from sucking nipples.

  1178. I am vinay lf girls become necked in online mobile site and I also become necked it vl cause hiv

  1179. a guy fucked me and cumed inside my ass, he is an HIV patient I dint knew that but as soon as he cumed on me I washed my ass, so will I also be infected by HIV..?

  1180. I had unprotected sex with my girlfriend last year around August and after that I sick and I loose alost of weight and go hospital for test and I tested negetive,I av run test twice and is all negetive but my problem is the way am loosing weight and my nail change.pls what is the problems

  1181. If a masturbuter fucks a married women who already been fucked does this causes aids.

  1182. I had masterbated a qomens vagina qith my gingers.And iate aomething qith the same hands and i have any chance of getting infected with AIDS

  1183. Can a o position get hiv from sexing without a condom if the person didn’t ejaculate

  1184. HIV is disease

  1185. A Men could get infected with what dieases when her cock sucked by hiv postive girl

  1186. Nkele mohlakwane

    Hi i. HIVposetive since 2014 I’m on atrozoil tablets so now im having this pain under my breast so i I would like to know is it because of them or do I need to tell the nurse at the clinic to change them for me.

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